The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 646: Plane Lord: Rebuild Harmonious Male-Male Relationship [2]

Qiu Xiaobao and Xue Meiwa went out in the second group, he really didn't want to see the Demon God for a second.Bah, this guy is still his ancestor, how unlucky is he to have such an ancestor, and even want to marry his own mother together, what kind of generational mess is this.I don't know if it will be possible to change my mother's surname from now on, and it will be too late to refuse that I am the heir of the emperor's family!

A group of people escaped from the demon god under pressure.

Yuan Feiyu smiled at the demon god apologetically: "Thank you for your care, I will definitely try my best to cook a lot of delicious food, if you have any special dishes you want to eat, you can also send a message, I will do my best in order."

The demon god smiled slightly, there is always a decent one here.

Before he had time to say anything, Di Jiye flicked his tail and wrapped it around Yuan Feiyu's waist, without saying hello, he jumped into the aperture and left. [

Finally leaving... this goddamn place!This shameless ancestor!Never come back again!

The demon god's graceful thin lips were slightly bent. Sure enough, geniuses are lonely and not understood by mortals.The only person in this world who can understand himself a little bit is a pig!

The life of the demon god is really lonely like blood!

One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

When Yuan Feiyu got better and went out together, he found that Hu Xiao and Zhong Qianqian were gone.

Yuan Feiyu asked Qiu Xiaobao, "Where's your godmother?"

"Hu Xiao took her to sleep." Qiu Xiaobao's question was really powerful.

Yuan Feiyu choked.

Qiu Xiaobao asked slowly: "I heard that the godmother will give birth to a little sister, right? Do you think she will give birth to a little woman or a little female winged tiger?"

What a good question.Yuan Feiyu didn't know how to answer.

Qiu Xiaobao continued: "I heard that the female pterodactyl has teeth and can bite things right after birth. Many female pterosaurs will be bitten by their cubs because of poor care during childbirth? There are fewer godmothers. One teat and one nipple aren’t beautiful, what if there is one less beautiful female in this world?”

Yuan Feiyu opened his mouth wide and was already in a mess in the wind.

Xue Meiwa obediently said: "It doesn't matter, there are medicines that can help in production, and even broken hands and feet can grow new ones, let alone grandma, they can definitely grow new ones."

Such a gentle and considerate daughter-in-law, but don't you think your answer is too strong?

After hearing this, Qiu Xiaobao immediately changed the subject, and asked enthusiastically, "Really? Is there really such a potion? What's the name? Is it true that males can grow new ones without little dicks?! Really? , isn’t mom and their spells useless? Then why is that demon god still so scared.”

Xue Meiwa thought for a while: "Maybe, he was afraid that the effect would be too good, and he would grow two dicks?!"

Qiu Xiaobao clapped his hands: "It must be so, Xue Mei, you are so smart."

"Hey, I also feel that after living with my husband-in-law for a long time, my brain seems to have become a little bit smarter." Xue Meiwa's flattering people are comfortable with 360 degrees and no dead ends.

"Really? Do you really think so?" Qiu Xiaobao is very happy. Which male would be unhappy when his beloved female praises him. No matter how black-bellied this baby is, he is still a pup born less than a year old! [

---Updated today.

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