The animal baby is one and a half years old: the husband of the beast man is so fierce

Chapter 647: Plane Lord: Rebuild Harmonious Male-Male Relationship [3]

"En." Xue Meiwa replied very lightly, but her eyes were firm. Coupled with her extremely cute and honest expression, she quickly killed some male hearts.

"You will definitely become smarter, so you must always listen to me obediently in the future." Qiu Xiaobao was very happy. Although his female is not as smart as him, she is the most suitable for him in the world.

"Okay!" Xue Meiwa was still smiling, extremely calm.

The surrounding has been so quiet!

The unmarried couple's strong logic and equally strong language ability made it impossible for others to intervene. [

It was raining heavily outside, and everyone went into the Spring Plain.Yuan Feiyu meant to go to the Yihu tribe to see how Zhong Qianqian was doing.But Di Jiye thought that with the strength of the eighth-ranked Demon War King of Hu Xiao, and the fact that he loved Zhong Qianqian so much, and Zhong Qianqian was pregnant with a child, it must be extremely safe.

However, in order not to worry Yuan Feiyu, he planned to let the two fifth-rank magic warriors of the Baigu family bring a sound transmission bird to Zhong Qianqian, so that the two women could communicate by chance.

It's just that the sound transmission birds are very rare species, even Di Jiye only has one pair.Moreover, Transsionbird's one-time communication consumes a lot of spiritual power and vitality, and it can't be used for daily communication. It can only communicate when there is a real emergency.

This thing is usually used exclusively by the royal family or the army. Di Jiye was able to use it for these two women, and he really spoiled Yuan Feiyu to the extreme.

They still decided to continue to hire the White Wolf Clan mercenary group, and together they went to Dijiye's territory...Ichikaka City.

One one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

From the Dark Forest to Ichikaka City, you have to go through the entire southern province of the Demon Realm. Ichikaka City is the southernmost Demon City of the Demon Race, and further south is a mixed tribe of low-level orcs. Of course, there is one of the most famous in the south. Prison - Nine Felonies!

The four major prisons in the devil world, one is for pure-blood demon nobles, the second is for ordinary orcs, the third is for mixed-blood demons, and the fourth is for serious criminals regardless of race. The nine felony prisons are basically all orc criminals. In other words, the criminal prison with a very famous name is actually a very low-level prison.Most of them are petty theft, murder and fights in the street or something like that.Of course, for the devil world, killing a lot of people in a street competition is perfectly normal, and there is no trace of cruelty at all.

Although the birth rate in the Devil Realm is low, the lifespan of the creatures here cannot be sustained, so the total population is still astonishing.Out of the twelve devil cities in the devil capital, the smallest one has a population of several million.

Of course, it is impossible for Ichikaka City to compare with the Twelve Demon City, just like a small town here cannot compare with a metropolis like Shanghai.Ichikaka has a population of nearly 30 mixed-blood demons, plus a population of nearly 20 from various small orc tribes in the surrounding Qibaili Swamp Park. There are less than 50 magic warriors out of a population of [-]. It can be seen that the education situation in remote areas is not the same as the density of five magic warriors being smashed with one brick in the magic capital.

It is the rainy season at this time, the sky seems to be howling, it is gloomy all day long, and the heavy rain is so heavy that people can't open their eyes. Fortunately, there is a spring plain, and everyone has a place to hide from the rain, otherwise this You may suffer a lot on the road.

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