Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 534 Long Haoran Chapter [154]

Time passed in a hurry, and soon half a month passed.

The palace was full of joy, and the maids and eunuchs were all in a busy state. Recently, there have been a series of happy events in the palace. Three or four months ago, Concubine Lan suddenly "resurrected" and returned to the palace. Then the identity of the eldest prince was announced to the world, and now she is the emperor. Marry the princess of the neighboring country as the queen.

After Princess Teng Xiao entered the palace, the palace began to set up a banquet soon. Today is the day when the empress is officially canonized;

Because it was a happy event, the emperor even allowed the ministers to bring their wives and daughters into the palace.

The entire imperial palace was having a carnival, and even Concubine Lan, who seldom came in and out, came out. As an old concubine, at this time a new empress was registered, and all the concubines came out to greet and pay homage.

"Mother and concubine, that woman is so beautiful!" Lying in He Lanyi's arms, Yu Ze grew curious eyes, looking at all kinds of people at the large banquet, especially the queen sitting beside his father. She is much prettier than other imperial concubines!

He Lanyi finally raised her head and looked in the direction of Long Haoran and the new queen after hearing the words.

The queen is indeed beautiful!

Patting her son's head, she silently ate the pastry on the plate. She often eats this kind of pastry because she likes it; but why is there a sour taste in the pastry today? Is it because the imperial chef is too busy today and the seasonings were messed up?

"However, she is not as beautiful as my concubine mother!" Yu Ze stretched out his fat and short hands to pat his concubine's arm, as if to comfort her.

"Zeze, eat your food obediently." He Lanyi lowered her head and gave her son a warning look. They were surrounded by other concubines. It was inevitable that Zeze would accidentally offend the queen by talking so nonsense.

"Oh..." Long Yuze lowered his head obediently, and ate in silence; he felt that the concubine mother was not in a very good mood.

Looking up, she saw Long Haoran feeding the queen himself. Suddenly, He Lanyi felt her eye sockets heat up. This action of his was once the most familiar to her; it was like the tenderness he once gave her. Now It must have been given to that beautiful woman!

The ministers knew how to grasp the current situation. When Zeze's identity was announced to the world, so many people were eager to curry favor with her, but her indifferent personality did not like such meaningless flattery. But thinking about it now, it seems That needs to respond to those flattery.

Now, the officials finally saw the woman who controls the power of the entire harem appear, one by one rushed forward to curry favor, and tonight Long Haoran is obviously in a good mood, the always cold emperor, at this moment his face is also slightly hot A faint smile.

While dealing with the ministers around him who came forward to toast, he did not forget to pick up food for the women around him, and he also offered the most masculine smile. The interaction between the two of them formed a picture of a loving couple, which is so beautiful that it is heartbreaking!

"Sisters, look, the queen is so beautiful!" A concubine's voice praising the new queen reached He Lanyi's ears.

"Yes, it's not like some people who just entered the palace not long ago and thought that they were the most favored ones. Maybe they secretly hoped that the emperor would leave the throne to her!" Another said. There was an obvious mocking voice.

He Lanyi quietly listened to the taunting words between the women. To put it bluntly, they were still jealous because of the same man; she looked indifferently, at the mocked Concubine Xiao.

I saw that she was so angry that she had a fairly beautiful face, her face widened, and she immediately wanted to jump out and tear the faces of those two concubines. If the other concubine sitting next to her hadn't held her back, "Sister Xiao Don't be fooled by these two vixens, today is a good day for the emperor and empress, we can't make the emperor angry at this time, and be tricked by the vixen!"

Finally, Concubine Xiao came back to her senses, she gritted her teeth, and finally held back!

He Lanyi suddenly found it quite funny, it turned out that she had completely withdrawn from the "Concubine Concubine Contest", and those jealous limelights had stopped rushing towards her, and she could finally live her peaceful life with peace of mind. I have to thank Long Haoran for his promiscuity and his ability to like the new and dislike the old!

After a long time, a noisy banquet gradually came to an end, and the imperial concubines began to greet the emperor and empress, and then retreated.The first time He Lanyi knelt down to Long Haoran's woman, it was in front of so many people, in front of him...

No matter how favored she was once, she had to admit that she was just a humble concubine now!

From the beginning to the end, Long Haoran didn't even look directly at her, and walked past her with his arms around the queen.

She felt that he forgot to tell her: excuse me...

"Your Majesty, the emperor and the empress are gone, get up quickly!" The maid serving her came forward to help her up, and at this moment, she realized that it was really uncomfortable to kneel down.

Yu Ze was taken back to his own bedroom by the guards who specially protected him, but He Lanyi found it difficult to take every step, and every step he took could tear the wound in his heart.

It turned out that before she knew it, there was already a wound in her heart that couldn't heal!

The night was not very deep, but the Amethyst Palace seemed extremely silent; because many people's attention was directed to the Queen.

Fortunately, He Lanyi never admired Lin Daiyu from Dream of Red Mansions. She admitted that seeing Long Haoran being so gentle to other women tonight made her feel sad, but she is not a woman who wants to indulge in sadness; therefore, she returned to the Amethyst Palace Finally, she was a little tired and went to bed.

However, as soon as she lay down, she felt as if someone was staring at her...

When she is used to sleeping, there is a faint light in the room; she thinks, is she too suspicious?I have a bad feeling in my heart!

He stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, something went wrong with his nerves!Lying slowly on the bed...


Suddenly, the eyes that had just closed felt a dazzling light, much stronger than the faint light of the night pearl; the body bounced back and then screamed loudly...

There will always be night watch guards, and when they hear this scream, someone rushes in...

Before that, He Lanyi luckily dodged the knife, and quickly sprinkled the itching powder that had been kept beside the bed on the man in black. At that moment, she also ran out...

The most joyful thing is that she wants to participate in the big feast today. Long Haoran gave her the antidote, and she has "returned" to normal. Otherwise, at this moment, she might...

"My lady..."





He Lanyi had already fled, but the guards who went forward were quickly eliminated by the assassins, and the Amethyst Palace began to be filled with a strong smell of blood!

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