Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

Chapter 535 Long Haoran Chapter [155]

Gradually, it attracted the attention of many people, but it was too late to save He Lanyi!

This assassin was smart, and he worked hard towards his goal; leaping forward, the sharp edge of the sword precisely stabbed He Lanyi who was not far away...


Just when He Lanyi closed her eyes and was about to die, what came to her ears was an even harsher sound of metal colliding, and there was no pain in her body, so she opened her eyes suddenly!

The sword in the hand of the man in black was knocked crooked by a dart. Seeing this, the man in black continued to point his sword at He Lanyi, intending to put her to death. However, at this moment, several other The figure also came out!

At this moment, the maids, eunuchs... and the undead people of Amethyst Palace surrounded them with their lamps, and the man in black was also surrounded by several figures. ()

What surprised He Lanyi the most was that among those figures, they were all women, and there was a somewhat familiar figure: Mo Xinning.

Isn't this girl one of Long Haoran's subordinates?Is it a coincidence, or did Long Haoran specially order someone to protect her?Twelve Linglong, haunted by ghosts, is only sent by the emperor, isn't she?Is Mo Xinning also an employee of Twelve Exquisites?

This assassin's martial arts are absolutely at the top level, and it took a long time before he was captured by Yu Linglong, but...

"Left envoy, if someone is dead, kill yourself by biting your tongue!" A Yu Linglong turned around and said to Mo Xinning.

"Your Majesty, the servants came late to save you, and you were shocked, the servants deserve to die!" Mo Xinning nodded towards that Yu Linglong, then turned and knelt in front of He Lanyi, and the other Yu Linglongs also knelt down.

He Lanyi felt that she was really useless because... well, she admitted that she was really scared and a little limp!

She felt that she would be the most useless time-traveling character in history, embarrassing! !

"Ma'am, what's wrong with you?!" Mo Xinning exclaimed loudly, stepped forward to catch He Lanyi's limp body, and said worriedly: "Ma'am, where are you hurt? Come on, send the imperial doctor ..."

"No need, I'm fine!" He Lanyi said, then raised her eyes to look at Mo Xinning, and asked: "I remember a few years ago, Yu Linglong's left envoy was Yu Qing, why is it you now? "

"The emperor's arrangement." Mo Xinning just replied respectfully, without explaining anything; Zuo Shi is the leader of Yu Linglong, and she was indeed Yu Qing in the past, but...

"Thank you for saving me." No matter whether she was ordered by Long Haoran to protect her or not, she only knew that it was Mo Xinning, not Long Haoran, who saved her life!

Mo Xinning's indifferent cheeks were stained with pink, and she said uncomfortably: "It is Xinning's mission to protect the empress." After finishing speaking, he gently lifted He Lanyi up and looked towards the inner hall, only to find that there was something wrong with her. The blood of the young guard...

"You can't live here tonight!" The guards' blood was all over the door of the inner hall... He Lanyi suddenly felt that she was not dead, but so many people had to die for her indirectly. Go to the Palace of the First Prince."

"Yes, my servant will help you there!"

Xuanyuan Palace.

"Ma'am, why don't you go and see if His Highness is asleep?" Mo Xinning said, she felt that He Lanyi had just been frightened at this time, and seeing His Highness might calm her down a bit.

He Lanyi was startled, and then looked at the guards who were mainly protecting the Xuan Yuan, "Master Ye..."

"Your Majesty, please don't worry, His Highness is fine." An Ye understood, and quickly replied, seeing He Lanyi's face softened, she continued, "This subordinate will send someone to protect His Highness all the time." Someone is attacking Concubine Lan tonight, and the instigator behind this may be someone in the palace or someone who knows the internal affairs of the palace very well.

Only in this way can we know that tonight the emperor and other people will shift their attention to Concubine Lan to the empress, but that person made a mistake, the emperor will never neglect to protect the mother and child!

He Lanyi was lying on the bed, but she couldn't fall asleep. Even though Yu Linglong was watching over her, she still couldn't fall asleep.It's not just because I have lingering fears, but because my heart is too complicated...

She is obviously just a weak woman, why can God always arrange so many oolong things for her?What confuses her the most is: who is going to kill her?Is this assassin tonight the same person as the man in black on her way back to the palace last time?

"The emperor sent you here?"

"Mrs. Hui, in fact, ever since you returned to the palace, the emperor ordered his servants to protect you in secret, but tonight... it was the negligence of the servants, who made you fall into a deep crisis. Now you are still frightened, the servants deserve to die!" Mo Xinning Having said that, I once again felt my fault and knelt on the ground.

He Lanyi frowned, and said: "Don't be like this, if you hadn't come in time, I'm afraid I'm already... Get up quickly, I don't blame you!"

"Thank you, ma'am!" Mo Xinning stood up, but sighed in her heart: Madam is still a kind empress, and she also knows that her mother will not blame her, but the majesty's test is easy, the emperor's test...

Although she was not injured, but now that the assassin is dead, nothing can be found out?If one assassin dies, thousands of assassins will appear until she, He Lanyi, dies...

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she felt!

As she thought about it, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally...

Hearing He Lanyi's long breathing, Mo Xinning knew that she had fallen asleep, so she motioned to Yu Linglong beside her, and after they nodded, she turned and walked out.

The night is very deep, it should be the time of the fourth watch.

After Mo Xinning walked out, she walked towards a corner; in the late summer night, the luminous light was like flowers, flowing softly on the ground, stretching the man's slender figure very long, very long...

He knelt down towards the man whose back was turned to him, and waited for his speech.

"She's asleep?"

The man's voice was cold, his words were concise, and his whole body exuded an aura of indifference. What kind of character would such a man have?

"En." Mo Xinning did not dare to speak too much, she answered a single word, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Master, please rest assured, the empress is just a little frightened."

"I was just a little frightened, huh?" The man turned around when he heard the words, and looked down at Yuzhu who was kneeling on the ground, his voice was a little colder than before, with a bit of murderous intent, "If she gets hurt, you Can you still stand here properly?"

Hearing the words, Mo Xinning couldn't help trembling, then kowtowed and said, "This subordinate should be damned, for frightening your mother!"

"You cut off your own arm as punishment!" After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Thank you, master! But I have something to ask." Mo Xinning's voice did not plead, but said very rationally: "Please allow some time, master, the real culprit behind the assassin has not yet appeared, I am afraid That person will still be harmful to the empress, in order to protect the empress, please allow the servant to save both arms temporarily!"

The master always distinguishes between rewards and punishments. This time it was indeed her carelessness that made the empress risk her life. She had nothing to say to punish her by breaking her arm, but now is not the time.

"Quite!" After saying that, his figure disappeared into the night.

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