Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

74. The night when the gun went off【4】

His voice rang ambiguously in her ears, and suddenly, he reached out and took her little hand towards his lower body, "Look here... how can I sleep?"

His eyes, with indescribable sorrow!

Murong Piaoxue felt the warmth in her hand, and hurriedly tried to pull her hand back, but was held evilly by him...

Forcing her to touch his hard and hot...

Her face suddenly turned red, and her heart seemed to be about to jump out, beating violently. book>

"You..." She stared at him angrily, but he smiled seductively, lowered his head, his lips were obsessively lingering on her chest, and his big palm gradually stretched out, attacking the position between her legs and go.

Murong Piaoxue's body trembled uncontrollably, wanting to put her legs together, but at this moment, she saw him open his legs, and his fingers went straight towards her legs.

"Long Chenyan..." She was nervous about what was going to happen next, her hands had already left his hair, and she was tightly gripping the bed sheet.

The hot and humid lips touched the firmness of her chest, which made her confuse, and one hand from the center of the leg to the other, vigorously kneading her tenderness.

While she was panting delicately, his fingers moved quietly to the center of her legs, heading straight for the deep place of that woman.

Stretch out your fingers, caress her thin panties, wrap them around, caress with moderate strength, until your fingers can feel a little wet, then willingly sneak in...

As soon as the fingers clasped, opened, and pulled, her panties were pulled down from her thighs without reservation, and at this time, it was too late for her to resist.

Wrapping her slender legs around his waist, he sat between her legs, leaned over and kissed her delicate body, kissing passionately, all the way down...

From the center of her legs, a wave of damp heat seeped out, stained with the palm of his teasing her, seeing this, he finally chuckled with satisfaction.

It turned out to be such a happy thing to see the woman I love be emotional for me!

The thin lips slowly approached her ear, pecked gently, and then said softly, "Baby, you're wet..."

"Mmm..." Murong Piaoxue's ten fingers were tightly wrapped around the bed sheet, just because of the man's evil teasing, " hurts..."

She was still a little dry, feeling uncomfortable with his sudden penetration, and frowned slightly.

He kissed her comfortingly, his motionless fingers waited until he saw her slowly unfolding her eyebrows, and when his fingers were warmed by the love liquid, he dared to move slowly.

"Baby, does it still hurt?" He withdrew his hand, and then entered it deeply, feeling the wet and tight touch, and as he slowly came back and moved, the movements gradually became less difficult.

Murong Piaoxue gradually loosened her five fingers holding the bed sheet, slowly opened her eyes, looked at him, nodded shyly, and watched his thin lips approach hers.

She closed her eyes gradually, feeling him slowly, responding to his passionate deep kiss.The softness of the chest seemed delicate under his toy.

Dazzlingly coquettish!

Amidst his teasing and teasing, a warm and tingling sensation gradually rose from her lower abdomen, and it continued to flow through her whole body. [

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