Very cute and very popular: after petting fox

75. The night when the gun went off【5】

The night gradually became dark, and there was a strong evening breeze outside the window.Use the reader to read tens of millions of novels, completely without ads!

Inside the Panlong Hall, the hanging bead curtain swayed with the wind, making a slight and crisp sound.

The hazy candlelight adds a unique style to the charming color of the room. The lavender bed curtain hangs down naturally, but the night wind is like a naughty child, blowing the bed curtain, and the spring scenery in the bed can be faintly seen.

The four-corner bed is carved with dragons and phoenixes, and on the top is a thin pink and purple silk gauze tent. The cool breeze rips up waves of waves.

Inside the bed tent, there was a beautiful woman with affectionate eyes, disheveled thin clothes, and slightly exposed bare arms. Such beauty confused the emperor's heart and soul. [

" baby..." His voice, with the temptation of the night, made her even more fascinated.

He stretched out one hand to hold her face, and his sexy lips gently slid across her sensitive ear, attracting tremors in her body.

One hand ambiguously tore open her cute little bellyband, I don't know if it was she who moved it or he moved it on his own initiative, at this moment his clothes have also been taken off.

Two people face each other in the most primitive state.

His eyes that passed through the dark night could clearly see her blushing cheeks and that beautiful body that could make him suffocate. The heat beneath her body was changing in an uncontrollable trend.

The sexy thin lips continued to kiss her down gradually from her neck, and came to the place on her chest that fascinated him. Looking at the bright red, he couldn't help but open his mouth and gently swallowed it...

"Yan, ah... so, what a strange feeling..." She was also as pure as water in her previous life. Even though she lived in an era of sensuality, she had never experienced the joy of love between a man and a woman.

With the changes in her body, her hands scratched out red marks uncontrollably on his back. As he teased him vigorously, a strange heat rose up in her lower abdomen little by little, which made her flustered. feel.

He smiled evilly, stretched out his hand and rubbed the other side of his lips that he couldn't care about, and continued to let her jump into the long river of love amidst her confusion.

Yes, he is seducing her step by step. Tonight will be their chance to develop further. How could he miss this great opportunity!

He began to lick her domineeringly, stroking every skin on her body without letting go of her.

Gradually came to the most ambiguous place, slid over her delicate legs, nostalgic for the delicate and smooth touch, while she was panting and at a loss, he comforted her by her ear while stretching out his hand gently. Gently opened her tightly closed legs...

"Ah! It hurts..." Suddenly she exclaimed.

Scared by her painful words, he immediately withdrew his hand, with a look of distress on his face, and his hand could only slowly wander in her quiet place.

His eyes glowed even more tenderly, he kissed her lips lightly, and said, "Baby, I'm sorry, I was too rude!"

She is his first and will be the only one.

Because of her, he began to learn to love, to be touched, to cherish...

This time, he caressed her slowly, kissing her delicate breasts gradually down.

Came to her flat belly without a trace of fat, kissed lightly and ambiguously. [

This made her young body hot under his teasing efforts, like a budding flower, charming and charming!

Murong Piaoxue's hair was covered with black hair, spreading out on the big bed, and as she gasped, the two lumps on her chest trembled slightly.

ps: I have something to do these two days, the update has been slowed down, sorry~~Resume the update bird~Thank you for your support~

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