Alien Doctor

Chapter 201 Leaving Bow City

Chapter 201 Leaving Bow City

In everyone's mind, even if Bai Weiqi respected Xiao Han as a junior, why would he not show up at this time to bid farewell to Xiao Han?In oh how can I say that Xiao Han is just a junior, even if he is amazingly talented, isn't it that he has not yet reached the point of the peerless powerhouse in the future?Now we can attract the most powerful deputy leader of the Physicians Union to come and see him off. Then if Xiao Han reappears next time, how powerful will the people who greet him be?At least in the Bow City Branch of the Doctors Union, there is no one who can give you their identities. This world does have a lot of potential, but strength is also an indispensable part. Even if your potential is high, your strength has not yet arrived. Before a certain point, it is of no great use. 【】

It's like Bu Feiyan. Although this woman is also a key training object of the Doctors' Union, and even her talents are not inferior to Hu Ling's, she still came to this Bow City to hone her skills after she just reached the level of the king. The first one is almost the same, and there is not much preferential treatment to speak of. If the former Bai Weiqi really accepted Xiao Han as his apprentice, presumably even a genius like Xiao Han who may not come out once every 10 years would not be treated better than others. Where is the smoke better.After all, the Astral Continent will always be a paradise for the strong. Although the king-level masters on the Southeast Continent are considered to be a very powerful group of humans on the continent, they are of little use to forces like the Doctors Alliance.

The reason why Bai Weiqi came here to bid farewell to Xiao Han in person this time was because of his limited potential, but what was more important was the feeling in his heart, as if this kid would definitely become the same as himself, or even stronger than himself in the future. Although this feeling is a bit illusory, it is an important reference for major events for a strong man like Bai Weiqi who has been in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years. As long as Xiao Han does not fall on the way, Bai Weiqi even dares to I believe that in the future, he will definitely become a generation of powerhouses in this southeast continent, even a legend. Who wouldn't want to make friends with such a master?Afterwards, the entire physician union may even benefit from him.

"Senior Bai is wonderful. Xiao Han is just a junior in the world. At most, he has a little more talent. It's a great honor to be able to send a senior in the world like Senior Bai to see him off." Xiao Han smiled slightly, saying goodbye Looking at Bai Weiqi and arching his hands again, since Bai Weiqi has already shown an olive branch at this time, there is no reason for Xiao Han not to accept it. Even if he becomes a peerless powerhouse in the future, at least he is not just a small world now. Junior?Xiao Han has a good grasp of this point. He doesn't have the aloofness of a genius in his whole body. He is very approachable. When talking to anyone, he looks like a big boy next door. He is also the easiest to win the favor of others.

"Since Xiao Shaoxia has something urgent to do, the old man won't keep it. Anyway, we will still have a chance to meet in the future, right? I look forward to Xiao Shaoxia becoming a real strong man in the future. By that time, I, an old guy, may still have to Where can you help?" With a slight smile, Bai Weiqi's personality is similar to Xiao Han's. Although he has become one of the peak powerhouses in the entire southeastern continent, he is still not airy. When it comes to talking, this is also for people. In other words, this old guy is like this in front of Xiao Han, but it doesn't mean that he treats everyone like this, at least he is also a top expert in the southeast continent, right?If there is no sense of mystery and arrogance, how can there be Bai Weiqi's reputation on this continent?

It's just that this old guy handles it very well. He has already mastered what kind of tone he uses to whom. Otherwise, he wouldn't have shown affinity after showing such powerful power during the pharmacist competition. .

"Okay! Then, seniors, Xiao Han and everyone will take their leave first. After dealing with the affairs of the Lanyang Empire and my Xiao family, we will gather together and have a good drink." Xiao Han bowed his hands to everyone at this time There is no hypocrisy, and he directly entered the portal first. The most important thing now is to go to Tianshui City to deal with family affairs quickly. If there is something wrong with the Lanyang Empire after a long time, I believe Xiao Han will definitely blame himself. died.

Waving at the teleportation formation, a group of people in between have disappeared in the Bow City: "Hey! I don't know when we will meet each other this time. To be honest, Xiao Han's talent has reached the limit. The sky is so bad, even if the old man is forced to stay, he may not be able to keep him! If it is true that one generation is stronger than the next, we old guys have been eliminated by the times!" Wei Wei smiled wryly, seeing Xiao Han at this time Bai Weiqi's performance was really sad.

"Senior, you are the absolute powerhouse in this continent. Who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you? Even if Xiao Han's talent is so powerful, he may not be able to surpass you in the end. Senior, you are too modest." Beating the drums, in the end, Wang Ci still spoke his own way. Indeed, with him, Xiao Han would lose his strength. It is an easy task, after all, this Bai Weiqi has already represented the pinnacle of this southeast continent, such an achievement is considered as a genius like Xiao Han, if he wants to surpass, he must have this certain opportunity, otherwise there is still no way to surpass.

"Hehe, this kid's development in the future will definitely not only be in the southeast continent. After I have arrived, he will soar into the sky. It will even be a scene in the outer domain." Ku Lian said with a wry smile, and then Bai Weiqi disappeared in the After leaving this square, Xiao Han and his group had already left. It would be inappropriate for him, a top powerhouse in the southeast continent, to stay here. If Wang Ci hadn't said that sentence, I believe that he would have disappeared immediately. A master must have the bearing of a master. Although a peerless powerhouse like Bai Weiqi has no pretensions to people with lower strength, the two parties are not living at the same level, and they have no common language. when?

"Will his main stage be in the southeast continent?" Obviously, after hearing this sentence, Sima Qingfeng and Wang Ci were taken aback. If someone else said this sentence, I believe they would laugh it off. Just kidding, Even if he is a genius, can he go out of the Southeast Continent and develop in that mysterious place?But this sentence was said by Bai Weiqi, so they couldn't help but believe it. What is this Bai Weiqi's identity?There is no need to fool them.

"Forget it! Why do you think about this? Isn't this kid just a Hou-level powerhouse now? He hasn't reached that point yet. Let's wait and see." The old fellow Sima Qingfeng was straightforward, and after laughing, he stepped forward. This has already forgotten what Bai Weiqi said just now. Even if Xiao Han really does what Bai Weiqi said in the future, for the Sima family and the Wang family, that kind of place is really too unrealistic, and it is not theirs at all. can like.

It is really much more convenient to have this space portal. Xiao Han and the others just felt a flash of white light, and the whole person had already come to a dark courtyard. Xiao Han was obviously taken aback, but then he understood again.

This itself is the secret portal of the Doctors Union, so it can't be placed in the center of the officialdom like in Bow City, right?It is normal to come to this small courtyard. Before the little Han people walked out of the small courtyard, several figures had already appeared in the courtyard. There was an echo in the ear: "These are Xiao Han, Shaoxia Xiao and your friends, right? I am the elder of the Physician Alliance in Tianshui City, and I am here to welcome you by the order of the Great Elder." Obviously, in Xiao Han Before arriving in Tianshui City, they had already received the news, so a group of people and an elder rushed over.

Xiao Han is the final winner of this year's pharmacist competition. I believe that everyone would want to make friends with such a strong man. Of course, the great elder of the Physician Alliance in Tianshui City will not miss this opportunity. Appeared, ready to welcome.

Xiao Han frowned, but he didn't say anything in the end. Since this kid is ready to make friends with the Doctors Alliance, the necessary relationship must be properly handled, and he can't just ignore everything as before, right?In that case, I believe that Xiao Han will face a difficult task.

"The elder is really bothering me too much. I, Xiao Han, am only a junior. How dare I bother the elder to come and greet you! You really surprised the kid." He bowed his hands to the elder, Xiao Han behaved extremely That's right, and he figured out that this elder is just an ordinary king-level powerhouse, and his cultivation base is almost the same as Lu Yun's role, so this kid neither showed a trace of arrogance, nor did he seem to be flattering at all. Although Xiao Han does not dare to guarantee that he will destroy the opponent in an instant as a king-level master, there is no problem in fighting him.

"This is not a place to talk. My Great Elder has been waiting at the mansion for a long time. I would like to invite a few people to drive to the mansion of the Great Elder. I will guide you here." Obviously, the elder in front of him is from the Tianshui City Branch of the Physician Alliance. In short, he was just a low-status member. If the Great Elder wanted to meet a character like Xiao Han, he certainly didn't dare to neglect. Even at this time, he didn't even ask whether these few people were willing or not, and directly led the way.

"Don't forget that we still have business to do!" Xiao Yi frowned, and said to Xiao Han in a low voice. He is the only second brother who can refute Xiao Han in this way. Obviously, this kind of communication is not what he wants I like it, that's why I showed such a face.

"Don't worry, second brother! As the saying goes, many friends have multiple paths, and I am free to measure. It is possible that I may have some unexpected gains from meeting the great elder this time!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and whispered to his second brother Said, in this kid's heart, this investigation can be said to be extremely difficult, if there is the help of the elder of Tianshuicheng Physician Alliance who has such power for a while, then things will be much easier, at least the current Xiao Han is Think so.

"I hate to owe favors to others." He still whispered a little unhappy, obviously, Xiao Han and Xiao Yi's character is so withdrawn, which also led to him not having many friends.

Knowing what the two of them were thinking, Xiao Han smiled slightly, and whispered again: "Isn't this a critical period? To be honest, I don't want to owe others favors, but sometimes what should be done is still to be done. You and I will be very guilty if you don’t waste time.” Just after saying this, Xiao Han’s face became serious, and the boy’s expression at this time was not at all like a teenager who could dispatched.

Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, but then he smiled slowly. Now he finally knew that his younger brother had indeed grown up, even faster than himself.

The small courtyard is not far from the mansion of the Great Elder. After a few conversations, everyone has already arrived at the mansion of the Great Elder. Although the mansion is very big, it is not as luxurious as Xiao Han imagined, maybe Is it because the Great Elder is naturally thrifty?

Xiao Han and the others just waited for half a stick of incense in the living room, only to see a young man in his forties rushing in with money.

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