Alien Doctor

Chapter 202 Elder Mo Qing

Chapter 202 Elder Mo Qing

The young man's sword eyebrows came into view, and Xiao Han felt the taste of a strong man from his aura when he came up this time. It is also true that he can become the main person in charge of the Medical Union's important town in the southeastern mainland. Presumably this year's man must also have What's so special about him, even if someone said how powerful the great elder was back then, I believe Xiao Han would have believed it, but with just one glance, it was obvious that this guy was different from this year's man. 【】

"Young Xia Xiao has been waiting for a long time. I have some official business to deal with just now, so I am a little late. Please don't mind me!" Xiao Han, who has limited potential, must know how to restrain himself even if the great elder in front of him is arrogant. After all, Xiao Han's talent is really terrible. Isn't it the great elder's blessing to be able to make friends with such a genius?

"The Great Elder is being polite. In your eyes, Xiao Han is just a junior. Doesn't it mean that you are offending Xiao Han when you speak like this?" With a slight smile, everyone has stood up at this time. Since they treat you more politely , you can't ignore it at this time, can you?There was a smile on each face, and they all understood this truth. When traveling in the rivers and lakes, it is better to have one more friend and one more enemy in the headquarters. This is an eternal truth, and no one can refute it.

"Xiao Shaoxia is too modest! Who doesn't know that there are three peerless geniuses who are rare even in tens of thousands of years? And Xiao Shaoxia, you won the victory. Just because of this alone, it is no longer the same as before. We can compare it, Xiao Shaoxia's future achievements must be limitless!" The compliment on the left and the compliment on the other made Xiao Han stunned, and the elder in front of him was at the peak level of the king. Master, although he is still one step away from Tiantian Wang, it is only one step away. Those present must be comparable to the opponent, and only the Blood Sword King and Lu Yun have teamed up. As for Xiao Han and Xiao Yi, they must join forces. Not necessarily his opponent.

"Have you asked the great elder's name yet?" Although he already knew the cultivation level of the great elder in front of him, Xiao Han still said with a peaceful face at this time. The current Xiao Han feels very plain, neither Being impressed by a master like the Great Elder, but he did not show the arrogance of that peerless genius. To them, it is like making friends between ordinary people and ordinary people. There is not a little difference in status between the two parties. See the result?

"The old man is called Mo Qing! Most people call me Mo Wang. If Xiao Shaoxia doesn't think that I, an old guy, is relying on the old to sell the old, just call me Senior Mo!" The young man was not polite, and said directly, although this Xiao Han is a peerless genius But Senior Mo, Mo Qing believes that he can still bear it, at least he has been born longer than him, and his current cultivation level is also higher than him, this kind of statement also brings him closer. The distance between Xiao Han.

"Senior Mo!" Xiao Han smiled slightly. He didn't feel that calling Senior Mo was an insult to himself. Anyway, he is indeed a senior in Jianghu. After that, I still have a lot of things to ask him?If you don't call me senior, Xiao Han is really hard to speak, now it's all right, Mo Qing said it first, and then I believe this so-called "Senior Mo" will not be able to ask for advice. I will resign, isn't this senior called me?

"You guys stay in my mansion for the time being. If you need manpower to do something, I will definitely support you with all your strength. It can be regarded as my old man's kindness as a landlord." With a slight smile, the man at that time suddenly raised such a question The matter made Xiao Han stunned and at a loss for a while, and he really didn't expect that the great elder would make such a decision to let a group of strangers live in his mansion. It's as simple as hospitality.

"No, no, no. We can find the place to live by ourselves. How dare we bother seniors! The first thing I came this time was to visit seniors, and secondly, I want to ask seniors about some things, so please let seniors know. "As soon as he heard the other party say to stay, Xiao Han directly said three "no" in a row. It is inevitable to inquire about the matter, but if you want to stay here, then you can take care of the Xiao family and the Lanyang Empire. It is not the result that Xiao Han wants to get involved with the Doctors Alliance. He and the Doctors Alliance are mostly acquainted. As for the others, since Bai Weiqi did not accept himself as an apprentice, then Xiao Han will not bother the Doctors Alliance. As a genius, there is still some arrogance.

Xiao Yi also glanced at Xiao Han at this time, his eyes showed admiration, indeed, it is all right to visit the local snake at this time, or even ask for some news, but if you stay in his mansion, even if It was Xiao Han who agreed as soon as his head got hot, and he himself would not agree. Although the two parties have some friendship, they have not yet reached this point. At least the current doctor alliance wants to help, and Xiao Han and himself will not accept it. If they really accept it , then the Doctors Alliance has really become the existence of the Holy Land of the Lanyang Empire. Even if Bai Weiqi does not want to do this, I believe those under the Doctors Alliance will do the same, and the interests involved are unclear. up.

It’s as if he knew that Xiao Han would not agree. In fact, this sentence is just what Elder Mo Qing said casually. Even if the cake in his own hand is in danger, anyone with a little ability will guard it by himself. If guarding together, wouldn't the cake be divided into several portions?The people who help you don't get any benefits for a long time?This is impossible, at least Mo Qing has never seen such a person.

"Since you are extremely determined to do this, then the old man will not force it, but as agreed, if you encounter any difficulties, you must notify the old man, and the old man who can help will definitely help." Even Mo Qing would not dare to neglect the task assigned by the deputy lord. If Xiao Han really agreed to Mo Qing at this time, he would not be able to afford him. Even a person who needs the protection of his own homeland is destined to never become a strong one in his life.

"Don't worry, senior, if there is any difficulty, Xiao Han will definitely inform the senior as soon as possible, and please forgive me if there is any lack of etiquette at that time!" Xiao Han smiled and said ambiguously After saying this, he already had a plan in his heart. Even if the country was really ruined, he would definitely not seek help from the Doctors Alliance. He didn't want to attract a group of tigers after driving away a wolf.

Besides, this kid is also very confident in his heart. Although this battle is very difficult, he must succeed in the end. Compared with his second brother and the entire Xiao family and the royal family, they also think so. You can't ask outsiders for help, or even if you win in the end, this country will only become a puppet, not to mention that the power to ask for help is still a behemoth?

Picking up the teacup in his hand, Mo Qing's expression gradually became serious. It was not appropriate to talk about business when we first met. It has been a while now, and he seemed to have said it beforehand, and said slowly: "I don't know. What kind of information does Xiao Shaoxia want to inquire about? The old man must know more than words.” The meaning has already been said clearly, I am simply doing you a favor, as for whether you can find anything in the end, that is up to you It's my own business, these are the things that Bai Weiqi personally ordered, even the Great Elder Mo Qing dare not neglect.

One Xiao Yi, Xiao Han actually didn't know much about this matter, so he suggested that it would be better for the second brother to ask.

"Cough cough cough!" Clearing his throat, Xiao Yi took a sip of tea before he said slowly: "I wonder what kind of powers there are in Tianshui City? They can mobilize more than 20 king-level powerhouses at once without harming them." The power of the foundation! Some time ago we caught a king-level powerhouse after the war, and learned about Tianshui City from him. As for other things, before I asked, the king-level powerhouse He committed suicide, and the clue was broken." As soon as he talked about the Lanyang Empire and the Xiao family, Xiao Yi's face immediately became serious, all of which were related to the rise and fall of his family and the empire, and he could not have the slightest bit of it at all. careless.

"Mobilizing more than 20 king-level powerhouses at once without damaging the foundation, even in Tianshui City, few superpowers can do it. A superpower actually interferes in the politics of the empire. Sure enough, this matter Things are tricky! If my guess is right, in Tianshui City, there are only four forces that can do this and have ambitions!" Frowning, Mo Qingxin also thought of something. The answer is, as for the background of these forces, it is impossible for this peak-level king to ignore it.

"Those three forces?" Xiao Han and Xiao Yi said in unison, since Mo Qing knew, this matter would be much easier to handle, after all, there would be a little clue, so that Xiao Han and the others would not be able to cross the river by feeling the stones.

Cheng thought for a long time, and finally, Mo Qing slowly said: "There are so many forces in the entire Tianshui City. In the situation I told you, there is only one local force that is the most suspected. If it is really them who did it, then the matter is still unknown." It's easier to handle, they are the blood wolf gang in the west of the city, of course, if they didn't do it, then your sister, the Lanyang Empire, would be in trouble, if the other three forces are determined to oppose you, it will be really bad gone."

"Blood Wolf Gang?" When they heard the name again, Xiao Han and Xiao Yi's eyes lit up, but after hearing Mo Qing's words again, their expressions gradually became difficult. If it was really not the Blood Wolf Gang , then other forces cannot be resisted by their Lanyang Empire.

"Actually, you don't have to pay too much attention to it. Even if the iron king you said really took refuge in several other forces, they would not spend a huge price to destroy your small Lanyang Empire. After all, in those forces In my eyes, the Lanyang Empire is still not worth mentioning." The danger came from this guy's mouth, and he told them not to worry, and Xiao Han really didn't know what Mo Qing wanted to say for a while?

"Who are the other three major forces?" Frowning, Xiao Han said after taking a deep breath.

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