Alien Doctor

Chapter 203 Another Soul Breaking Abyss

Chapter 203 Another Soul Breaking Abyss

"Who are the other three major forces?" Frowning, Xiao Han said after taking a deep breath. [] This sentence has actually been hidden in Xiao Han's heart for a long time, because the other party was talking about another thing, so Xiao Han didn't say it before, and now he finally couldn't bear it anymore, after all, for Xiao Han and Xiao Yi now For them, the most important thing is to get all the clues that can be obtained. The two brothers don't have much time to waste. If they waste one more day, it will be tantamount to creating one more day of danger for the Xiao family and the Lanyang Empire. The current Lanyang Empire has big brother, grandfather and several uncles to support it, but it will not be a problem in the long run!Both of them understood this very well.

Knowing that the two brothers are very anxious, Mo Qing no longer hides it. Anyway, they have to talk about breakfast, don't they?Tell the two earlier that this task will be completed earlier, and said directly: "Yuntianzong, Biyumen and Soul Splitting Abyss, compared with Yuntianzong and Bishuimen, you have all heard of it, and it is also considered a top power in the southeast continent. One, as for the soul-shattering abyss, it is much more mysterious. After estimation, I believe that even if it is a little worse than Yuntianzong and us, it will not be too far behind." When it comes to these three sects, even Mo Qing's His face also became serious, he knew very well the strength of these three sects, it can be said that none of them could be provoked by the two brothers Xiao Han, at least not now.

"Soul Cracking Abyss?" Suddenly, the eyes of Xiao Han and Xiao Yi changed drastically, and their shock can be said to be even more intensified. Even before Mo Qing said it, they had already guessed this. However, I still didn't expect that the ultimate culprit this time was them, the soul-shattering abyss that had been lurking in the Lanyang Empire for a long time. It had just fought against Xiao Han before, and now there is a top-level force that has made a comeback on a large scale.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Mo Qing was taken aback for a moment, he had never expected Xiao Han and Xiao Yi to react like this, as if he had already confirmed who did it, but then became indifferent, after all, as long as After they know it, they have almost nothing to do with themselves. The Abyss of Cracking Soul, this kind of extreme power in the southeast continent, even the Doctors Alliance will not offend them because of the genius of an intellectual friend. After all, this kind of powerful Even if it is the Physician Alliance, they dare not say that they can completely defeat them in the war. There are not many people who know about the Abyss of Soul Breaking on this road. In the second mysterious place, that faction has almost no sons! It has only appeared on the southeast continent, and it is just a name. It can be said that after removing them, the soul-shattering abyss is the most mysterious force on this continent.

In any case, the Physician Alliance has no intention of opposing them. This is not something that can be accomplished by simply eliminating a small force!Thinking of her own boast just now, Mo Qingxin was still a little uncomfortable at this moment: "Fortunately, Xiao Han and Xiao Yi categorically rejected it before, or I really don't know how it will end now." It was a fluke to think that at this moment, Mo Qing really felt that things were getting worse, and almost got involved in it.

"Are you sure?" After a long time, Mo Qing still asked this sentence. He really couldn't imagine how a small Lanyang Empire would have grievances against such a super powerful power in his eyes, and wanted to go further. With the death of the Xiao family and the Lanyang Empire, could it be that someone in this empire violated their majesty?Or is there a big secret in the empire that was known by the Abyss of Soul Breaking?As a senior doctor of the Doctors Union, Mo Qing is very clear about the rules of the Abyss of Soul Breaking, and everything is based on interests. If there is no interest in the Lanyang Empire that deserves their attention, I believe that even if they have hatred, they will not decisively send out experts. Those who came to encircle and suppress, this is; the principle of the soul-breaking abyss.

"No, this matter must be reported to the deputy leader. Otherwise, if something serious happened, wouldn't the deputy leader blame me?" I thought to myself, Mo Qing is worthy of being a member of the Doctors Union, what is the matter? The first thing that comes to mind is the alliance. In his eyes, there is nothing more important than the interests of the alliance, so even if Xiao Han and the others put the name of making trouble behind the scenes, this matter must be disclosed to the deputy leader, but he did not think of it Yes, Bai Weiqi already knew about this matter at this time, and even made some arrangements. This report can only be more firm to Bai Weiqi's previous deployment, and it doesn't have much practical significance.

"Very sure! As long as the words "Soul Cracking Abyss" appear, it must be done by them. Both our empire and the Xiao family have an unjust and mortal enmity. Back then, my father even gave them a lot of trauma. I believe This time there must be nothing wrong, they must be behind the scenes, and as for the Iron King, I believe it is also the eyeliner they have planted in the Lanyang Empire for many years, the eyeliner who is more loyal to the Abyss of Soul Splitting." Xiao Yi said slowly, Just hearing these four words, at this time he can say that he has confirmed the power to attack. In the southeast continent, there are only two powers that have had contact with the Lanyang Empire. One of them is the Doctors Alliance. They didn't do anything out of the ordinary, as if they just set up a few branches in it, and they didn't know how to do anything else. It can be said that they have achieved the point where they regard the battle of the entire empire and all the forces of the empire. Only develop yourself.

As for the Abyss of Soul Cracking, it has not stopped since it was born decades ago, and has been sparing no effort to attack the Xiao family and the royal family of the Lanyang Empire. It seems that they will never stop until they achieve their goals. Fortunately, the Xiao family and the royal family Over the past few years, there have been a lot of talents, so they didn't let them do it. Now it is obvious that this soul-shattering abyss can no longer hold its breath.Wanting to make another effort to bring down the Lanyang Empire and strive to win the control of this empire, his ambition became blatant.

"If it's really them, then this matter will be difficult to handle. According to our estimation, the strength of the Soul Breaking Abyss will at least not be inferior to the alliance with our doctors. There are even dozens of heavenly king-level powerhouses sitting in it. It’s not that I look down on your empire, if you want to play games with them, your empire will have almost no power to resist.” Gradually, his face became serious, and what Mo Qing said at this time did not seem to be serious at all. Just kidding, indeed, in his understanding, the Abyss of Soul Cracking is almost unstoppable for the various forces of the Lanyang Empire, and even now he begins to suspect that the Lanyang Empire and the Xiao family resisted in this way. For him, this is really incredible.

"It's a more honorable thing for a man from the Xiao family to die on the battlefield. Although we are not on the same level as Soul Shattering Abyss, and even if they send out some main force, our entire army will be wiped out, but it is a matter of defending our homeland and resisting aggression. It is still obligatory, Senior Mo, you don’t have to worry about us, ever since we know that our opponent is the Abyss of Soul Breaking, my Xiao family’s children are all ready to die in battle.” Xiao Han looked proud, and the previous neighbor The boy's temperament is completely different. Obviously, after knowing that the opponent this time is still the Abyss of Soul Breaking, Xiao Han is ready to come, either to destroy the opponent who invaded his homeland, or to wrap his body in horse leather and die again .

Unexpectedly, Xiao Han said these words at this time, and there was a look of admiration on Mo Qing's face. He was not born in the imperial court family, and he didn't know what these people were thinking. But at this time, this kind of words actually came from a young man like Xiao Han who is still a genius, but it is enough to make a master like Mo Qing feel admirable.

"Senior Mo! Thank you for telling us so much news. I'm asking you for one last thing, and I hope you can agree." Suddenly, at this moment, a trace of solemnity appeared on Xiao Yi's face. At that time, he had already stood up, and bowed solemnly to Mo Qing, his expression did not mean to be joking at all, it looked like he really had something very important to ask for.

Mo Qing's face straightened, although he already knew what the other party asked of him and the seriousness of the matter, but after some thinking, he decided to agree to him and said, "Do you want to know what the other party is asking for today? Where is the stronghold of Soul Abyss of Water City Crack? Well, since you want to know, it’s okay to tell you.” He agreed immediately, but everyone present knew clearly that Mo Qingxin had thought about it for a while. After all, the matter is of great importance at this time, and it may even become the fuse of the hostility between the Doctors Alliance and the Soul Breaking Abyss.

If it weren't for Bai Weiqi's orders before, if Xiao Han and his party had any requests, they would try their best to meet them. I believe that the Great Elder Mo Qing would really dare not agree to this matter categorically.

Nodding solemnly, at this time, a big stone in Xiao Yi's heart was finally let go, as long as he knew the gathering point of the Abyss of Soul Splitting in Tianshui City, things would be easy to handle after that, even though he and his younger brother both agreed This matter was done by the Soul Breaking Abyss, but there is no evidence at all now. What if the one in ten thousand chance does not mean that they did it?Wouldn't that mean adding a powerful opponent out of thin air? This is not the Xiao family's way of doing things. They always know that even if they don't make it by the Abyss of Souls, they will definitely do it in the future. Putting in a stick, but this can't make them catch it?

Afterwards, Mo Qing didn't say anything, and directly sent the voice transmission to Xiao Han and Xiao Yi. Even if Mo Qing agreed to this matter, he still needs to be more careful. What kind of conversation is the most direct and safe way? Then there is only sound transmission.

After listening to the location, Xiao Han and Xiao Yi never made any more requests. After all, the previous request was enough to embarrass them. Isn't this brazenly asking for help from the Physicians Union?After all, Xiao Han is not a member of the Physician Alliance, and it will be difficult to believe it now.

Stayed in the mansion of Great Elder Mo Qing for a meal, and a group of six people left the other man's mansion. According to Xiao Han and Xiao Yi's idea, they would find a place in Tianshui City to settle down, and then they were thinking about this As for the investigation, fortunately, not long after walking on this street, they came across a large hotel.

This is a four-story high-rise building, which just makes people feel grand and majestic. The center of the main entrance is decorated with three big characters "Shenxian Building" in gold, and one knows that this is a large and luxurious hotel.

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