The world's number one female killer: waste confuses the world

Chapter 467: The Legendary Mysterious Woman

At sunset, in the north of the city gate, a flying cavalry came from afar.This time, the sound of the horse's hooves was particularly crisp, and it could even be said to be a little flustered.

Ao Junxie's gaze was fixed on the person coming, and from the shortness of breath of the orderly on horseback, he had a premonition that something was unusual.

The result of waiting so hard has finally come.

In front of the city gate, before the horse had stopped, the soldier had turned over and jumped off, fell to his knees in front of Ao Junxie, and said loudly:

"Report to the lord, the blue-eyed woman in the Temple of Light has finally found her whereabouts! At noon today, all the soldiers at the border gate saw her appear at the border between Fengyun and Nanzhao with their own eyes.

It's just that the opponent's strength is too strong, none of our dozen or so soul kings can stop her.Instead, she was severely injured by her spiritual power! "

After Ao Junxie heard this, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked:

"Then where is she now?"

"After injuring the generals of the Fengyun Kingdom, more people were besieged. Seeing that the situation is not good, the woman has already broken through the border gate and rushed into the territory of Nanzhao Kingdom!"

"Nanzhao Kingdom? What is the specific direction?"

"The capital of Nanzhao!"

"The capital city of Nanzhao?" Ao Junxie repeated in a murmur.

"Exactly! We knew that the woman in the Guangming Temple was very important, so we immediately assembled elite soldiers to chase after her, but unexpectedly, a group of imperial forest troops from your Nanzhao Kingdom stopped me a hundred miles away from the capital of Nanzhao.

The opponent's weapons and equipment are excellent, and their strength is extraordinary. We were afraid of the relationship between this matter and the relationship between Nanzhao and Nanzhao, so we didn't dare to act rashly, so we had to return!It seemed that they were the ones who rescued the blue-eyed woman! "

"The Imperial Forest Army? There must be members of the Nanzhao royal family leading the battle! Do you know who is the leader of that team of elite soldiers?"

"It's... Nanzhao Seventh Prince, Nangong Jinsheng!"

A look of surprise flashed across Ao Junxie's eyes.

"It's him?"

In Ao Junxie's impression, the Seventh Prince of Nanzhao, Nangong Jinsheng, has always been a gentle, sentimental and weak scholar, but he never expected that after a long time no see, the other party can also act as a military commander, and repel his own aggression.

This made Ao Junxie want to find out more.

"No! The members of the Temple of Light must not be allowed to collude with those from the Nanzhao Kingdom!"

Ao Junxie said to himself, and then said to the messenger:

"Quickly enter the city, send an order to assemble the army, and set off for the south in the early morning tomorrow to find important people from the Nanzhao Kingdom!"


The sentry cavalry galloped into the royal city.

Soon, hundreds of thousands of Fengyun troops gathered in the city gathered overnight, and the entire Fengyun King City was brightly lit all night, preparing weapons, equipment, and food for attacking Nanzhao Kingdom.

Seeing the soldiers walking around in the city, Wu Mian came to Ao Junxie with some anxiety, and asked cautiously:

"The suzerain really wants to attack Nanzhao Kingdom in such a hurry?"

Ao Junxie nodded, proudly said:

"Exactly! Since this day is unavoidable sooner or later, it is better to decide the winner sooner! We are nominally going to Nanzhao Seventh Prince to ask for the woman from the Temple of Light. Stronger!"

" you want to inform Madam that she is currently at the Feng family's residence in the capital..."

Before Wumian could say a word, Ao Junxie had already waved his hand to stop him.It seemed that the other party had already expected to have some concerns.

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