"No! No need! Madam finally went back to Feng's mansion, this trivial matter, I won't disturb her! What's more..."

As Ao Junxie said, he turned around, walked up and down, and thoughtfully said:

"Madam and the Seventh Prince of Nanzhao, Nangong Jinsheng, had a marriage contract a long time ago, and they have some mutual affection. Their status is very special. If Madam travels with the army, I'm afraid they will be embarrassed when they meet, and it may be difficult to make a move.

However, the war between countries does not have the slightest bit of benevolence from a woman. In my opinion, it is better for my wife not to get involved this time! "

Sleepless nodded, [

"But... Nanzhao is located in the extreme south, and Miao Jiang, which is full of evil poisonous Gu arts, is a neighboring country. In case... Under normal circumstances, those who can fight against those insidious Miao Jiang poison masters, I'm afraid It’s only Madam! Isn’t it too risky for the suzerain to travel like this?”

Ao Junxie smiled lightly, disapprovingly said:

"The mere Nanzhao Kingdom is less than half as strong as Fengyun. It will take only a few days to take them down. Fengyun Kingdom will have a quick battle! Wumian, you are ready to go too. After dawn, the army will set off immediately!"

Although Wu Mian had a lot of worries in her heart, after thinking about it silently, it seemed that what Ao Jun said heresy did have some truth.

If the war between Fengyun Kingdom and Nanzhao was really mixed with the personal grievances between the prince's wife Feng Qingkuang and Nangong Jinsheng, the period of the unification of the Three Kingdoms in Fengyun Continent would be postponed for how long.

So at the moment, according to Ao Junxie's order, he packed up the army overnight, and even all the disciples of Xie Land prepared their own weapons and armor.

Since conquering Beiming, the strength of the entire Fengyun Kingdom has greatly increased. Many disciples and masters from the Central Plains and the North have joined the Fengyun God of War Ao Junxie.

The sects and clans that originally belonged to the Northern Ming Dynasty naturally dare not have any reason to be fools.

All the spiritual power practitioners in the world, no one doubts that Fengyun Three Kingdoms will be in the hands of Ao Junxie sooner or later.

All night, people and horses kept moving around in King Fengyun City.Although Nanzhao is small, its strength should not be underestimated.

In this battle, Ao Junxie knew that he had to go all out to win in one fell swoop, without giving the other party a chance to breathe, so that Miao Jiang and Guangming Temple could become the final destination!

In addition to sending a very small number of reliable imperial guards to garrison Wangcheng, Ao Junxie mobilized all the elite forces in Fengyun.Prepared the most sufficient food and the most sophisticated weapons.

Early in the morning of the second day, the army of Fengyun Kingdom set off in a mighty manner.

This is the only time that Ao Junxie didn't bring Qingkuang by his side...

Now, he is already the master of the vast territory in the Central Plains and the north, and he must prove that he can dominate Fengyun Continent by himself!

In his eyes, Nangong Jinsheng was still nothing but the image of a weak and sentimental Confucian scholar.

Everything was going on so quickly that Ao Junxie didn't send any subordinates, and took the initiative to go to the Feng's mansion in the capital.

Qing Kuang didn't know anything about Fengyun's army marching south.

On this day, Qing Kuang was alone in the backyard of Feng's Mansion, meditating while adjusting his breath, gently fiddled with the faint green light on the stringed ink guqin, and fell into deep meditation. . [

After experiencing the thrilling battle with Beiming and Miaojiang poison masters, although he has already grasped the strength of the incomparably overbearing magic string in his hand.

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