Looking at Qingkuang's slender fingers, the beautiful notes continuously flowed out, Qiuwu couldn't help being fascinated for a moment, and was intoxicated by it.

"Qiuwu, how much do you know about the qin music? Are you interested in playing the last one too?"

Qing Kuang asked suddenly.

When Qiu Wu heard this, his face showed embarrassment, and he hurriedly said:

"Miss, it's difficult for you to catch Qiuwu. Qiuwu only practiced martial arts and spiritual power diligently according to the rules and customs of the family since he was a child. He played the guqin. He really only knows a little bit about it, so he dare not compare it with Miss. Moreover."[

Qiu Wu glanced at the faint green light on the monstrous guqin, and said with lingering fear:

"Miss, is it true that an ordinary woman like Qiu Wu has the guts to try this unrivaled artifact in your hand? If I touch it, I might be smashed to pieces!"

Qing Kuang smiled lightly and said:

"It's okay, since you have a rough grasp of the surface, you can give it a try. How about it, then just learn this song that I play every day. Tomorrow, you can find an ordinary guqin, and I will teach you here."

"This...Miss, are you serious, are you not joking? In front of the enemy, you still have the heart to teach me how to play the piano?"

Qiu Wu frowned and asked in confusion.

Qing Kuang nodded at her seriously.But did not explain in detail.

So, from the second day, Qiuwu began to learn the piano from Qingkuang, but Qingkuang didn't teach anything else, only one piece.

In the Feng family, Qiu Wu can be regarded as an extremely intelligent woman. Within a few days, she has already played this song in a good way. From the sound of the outsiders, it is no different from Qing Kuang It's the same.

"Ma'am, according to your instructions, the Imperial Forest Army has already collected enough healing medicinal materials and stored them in the alchemy room!"

Behind him, the leader of his soldiers came to report back.

Qing Kuang nodded, got up and put away the stringed ink guqin, turned around, and together with Qiu Wu, walked towards the alchemy room in Fengyun Wangcheng.

Now, she wanted to take advantage of the time when the army left to refine thousands of antidotes.

Fortunately, since repelling the Holy King on the top of the Black Rock Peak and subduing the evil land, she has obtained the artifact-level refining tripod. This seemingly huge task has become much easier.

Another five days passed.

On the 12th day, Qing Kuang and Qiu Wu on the city tower finally saw a flying cavalry in the dusty sky, holding the banner of Ao Jun Xie, heading straight for the gate of Feng Yun Wang City.

From the sound of hooves, it seemed a little flustered.

The sound of Qingkuang's piano stopped abruptly, and a stern look slowly appeared on his face.

"Husband... madam... it's not good! The Nanzhao Kingdom was oppressed by the powerful army. After ten days of fierce fighting, the Nanzhao King finally decided to accept the suggestion of the Miao people and unite with them... [

The opponent laid a trap and attacked us unexpectedly. Fengyun's army was attacked by the Miao people's strong poison technique, and the team suffered heavy casualties... Now... they have withdrawn from the Nanzhao capital and are camping hundreds of miles away.However, the people of Nanzhao Kingdom and Miaojiang are watching closely, and they may chase and intercept them at any time...

The prince sent his subordinates to ask his wife to rush to the barracks immediately!Yes... yes!The lord specifically instructed that Madam must bring as many medicinal materials as possible, all the medicinal materials that can be collected within the royal city and the capital, all of them should be brought..."

Qing Kuang listened silently, with a calm and stern expression on his face.It was as if in her heart, all of this had already been vaguely expected.

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