On the other hand, Qiu Wu opened his mouth wide in shock.

"Miss! You are really clever! Fortunately, we have been prepared. If not, we will really make hundreds of thousands of soldiers this time, and become the fish in front of the eyes of Nanzhao Kingdom and Miaojiang!"

The courier was a little confused when he heard it, and when he looked up again, the maddened figure was already walking in the direction of the alchemy room in the king's city.

Soon, Qing Kuang took all the prepared antidotes.

Without a moment's delay, Qing Kuang ordered the potion to be packed and took all the imperial forest troops in the city with him. Under the leadership of the messenger, he himself boarded the carriage heading south. [

At the gate of the city, Qiu Wu stepped forward anxiously, stopped the front of the team, and asked Qing Kuang:

"Miss! If we leave like this, what about the Wind and Cloud King City in Nuoda? If an enemy comes to attack at this moment, wouldn't it be..."

Before saying a word, Qing Kuang smiled lightly and said:

"Who said we are all gone? Qiuwu, you can stay!"


Qiu Wu widened his eyes in surprise, and repeated a sentence in disbelief.

"What... what can I do here?"

"Defend the city!"

Qiu Wu's face was flushed with shock, and beads of sweat covered his forehead.With a look of embarrassment on his face, he hurriedly said:

"Miss...don't make fun of Qiuwu! I'm a weak woman, how could I be able to defend the royal city of Fengyun Kingdom! Is it possible...to call daddy and grandpa to come?"

Qing Kuang smiled indifferently, took a very ordinary guqin and handed it to Qiu Wu, saying:

"You don't need any help from the Feng family, just use the song I taught you!"

Qiu Wu was stunned for a while, but finally came to his senses after a while.His chest couldn't help thumping wildly.

"This...Miss...isn't this too risky?"

"Don't worry! You just need to play hard on the tower.

Over the past few days, I have practiced hard every day, and the sound of the piano in my hand has gradually become flat and seamless, no different from ordinary people. If you play calmly, as long as you don’t see the real face, the world will naturally think it’s me, and everything will be as usual well!

The army of Fengyun Kingdom will return to the royal city soon, you only need to watch for a few days! "

Qing Kuang looked at Qiu Wu, said calmly, and at the same time gave her an encouraging look.

After thinking about it for a while, Qiu Wu finally made up his mind.For the future and destiny of the country, the adventure had no choice but to bite the bullet and give it a try.Immediately stretched out his hands, and slowly took the Guqin from Qing Kuang's hand.Gently nodded towards Qingkuang. [

"Miss, are you really sure that Fengyun's army will be able to escape in just a few days and return to the royal city safely?"

Qiu Wu asked innocently.

Qing Kuang was silent for a long time, then nodded gently.Jump into the carriage.

The smoke and dust rose, and the Imperial Forest Army escorting the antidote, the last force of Fengyun Kingdom, led by Qing Kuang, secretly marched towards Nanzhao Kingdom.

After traveling day and night, after six or seven days, Qing Kuang and her entourage finally arrived a hundred miles away from the capital of Nanzhao Kingdom.

Far from the desolation and roughness of the northern desert, the southern world is surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers, shady trees and blooming flowers, but what is hidden is a creepy and highly poisonous thing...

The army of Nanzhao Kingdom had already surrounded the Fengyun army who was deeply affected by the poison of Miaojiang for three or four days.The Fengyun army resisted tenaciously, which saved them from the catastrophe, but the food and grass were already on the verge of being cut off.

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