Now, Nangong Lie led a group of his sons, walking towards the holy king on the high platform, as if they were having an audience. [
At twenty steps away, stop.

Nangong Lie's gaze fell on a group of strangely dressed people in brightly colored uniforms in front of the Holy King.

The leader, the black and thin Elder Fenxin, whose face was covered with tattoos, was also looking at him with extremely contemptuous eyes.

"Nangong Lie, all seven of your sons are here, and there is a little girl! Why didn't Feng Qingkuang see anyone? Where did you hide her?" [

Fen Xin cut straight to the point and asked directly.

Nangong Lie glanced at Fen Xin indifferently, and said proudly:

"Miss Feng is currently the envoy of Fengyun Kingdom, and also a distinguished guest of our Nanzhao Kingdom. Elder Fen Xin presses this old man, it seems too impolite!"

Fen Xin frowned, and turned his eyes to the bald man Sheng Wang, meaning that he wanted the Holy King to support him.

The Holy King glanced at Nangong Lie expressionlessly, pointed and burned his heart, and said indifferently:

"Your ally asked you something, why didn't you answer him?"

The question of the Holy King was not even mentioned by Nangong Lie's title, as if he regarded himself as nothing, and his arrogance was evident.

Nangong Lie was secretly startled, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he could clearly feel the powerful spiritual power of the other party.

That is far different from any of the top and most experienced practitioners I have ever seen in my life...

For a while, Nangong Lie remained silent.

Fen Xin obviously grew impatient, and shouted at Nangong Lie:

"Nangong Lie, let's tell you straight away! As you can see, there are a total of [-] strong men from the Temple of Light behind you. Each of them has the lowest cultivation level of the Spirit King, which is enough to surpass those around you. Any Nanzhao prince.

Coupled with my Miao Jiang's poison technique, you should be very clear about how powerful it is!

Hand over Feng Qingkuang, we can keep the blood of your Nangong family, and guarantee that your royal family will be unscathed, otherwise..."

Before Fen Xin could finish his sentence, a young man's hearty laughter sounded from below, and it sounded that there was no trace of fear at all.

"Hearing Elder Fenxin's tone, you are not only trying to make Feng Qingkuang, but you have already counted the entire Nanzhao Kingdom in your pocket!"

Fen Xin took a closer look, the person who spoke was none other than the Seventh Prince of Nanzhao, Nangong Jinsheng.

"Little bastard! You have repeatedly ridiculed this deity, are you impatient?

If it wasn't for the face of the King of Nanzhao, he would have been rude to you a long time ago!You'd better not mess with me today! "[

The dark and thin Elder Miao Jiang looked fiercely at Nangong Jinsheng and growled viciously.

"Hmph! That's right! The Nanzhao Kingdom was originally in my Guangming Temple's purse, so what if I took over your small country as well?

Nanzhao is cowardly, occupying the great rivers and mountains in the south with beautiful mountains and rivers for nothing. My Miaojiang tribe has a large number of talents, but we can only nest in the barren mountains and wild mountains. God is really unfair!

The strong are respected, and the fittest will survive. You bastards should have given up their place a long time ago! "

Facing Elder Fenxin's naked threats, Nangong Lie and the members of the Nanzhao royal family were all furious, and all the soldiers of the Nanzhao National Army on the square of the entire Nuo Da Kingdom were also silent.

At this moment, there is the Guangming Temple, the most top-level master among the group of human beings, present. Although they are full of anger, they all dare not speak out.

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