And the sinister and evil Miao Jiang clan, it seems, is also relying on the Temple of Light to support them.

Only that Nangong Jinsheng with a handsome face, at this moment, has already quietly held a palm on the long sword at his waist.

This was not out of recklessness, but he knew in his heart that if he wanted to have any scruples about the Guangming Temple and the people of Miao Jiang, he had to make a sudden move in the first place and take down an important person from the other party!

He fixed his gaze on the high platform, that Elder Fen Xin who was so complacent.

Nangong Jinsheng quickly glanced to both sides, and the Nanzhao princes around him all nodded secretly. [

It turned out that the brothers had already discussed it, and it is not impossible to take down Fen Xin with the strength of several people.

Just when Nangong Jinsheng was about to issue orders to stand out from the cold hands, there was a burst of clear and crisp piano sounds in the solemn and dull square...

The string sound is like water, cold and arrogant, but it has just cut through the air, and it has already firmly grasped the hearts of everyone present.

The bald holy king stood up from his seat with a thud, and followed the sound of the tone solemnly.

For this world's number one human expert, only that strange woman Feng Qingkuang, who is proficient in the music of the piano and ancient martial arts, can cause such a big commotion in him!

This is the only character who can shake the ice-cold heart of the Lord of the Temple after the battle at the top of the Black Rock.


A purple-white ray of light, like a shooting star, suddenly passed over everyone's heads. Before everyone could react, the powerful aura and the sound of the wind roared past, making everyone tremble with fear.


As if born out of nowhere, the dazzling purple-white light of spiritual power was suddenly intercepted by a powerful invisible force, and the two equally powerful forces collided suddenly, causing a thunderous explosion in the air.

In the square, everyone's hearts were deeply moved by the scene where they didn't see that the opponent had already fought a fierce battle, and they were panicked for a moment.

After the spiritual power dissipated, slowly, under the shocking gaze of the crowd, a petite girl stepped out of the crowd, her face calm and calm, but her breathing was a little short.

The holy king of the temple, after all, is far from extraordinary in strength. While countless people are still looking for the source of the piano sound, he has already swung a domineering spiritual attack with one palm.

Even if Qing Kuang is already a master at this time, he has already used [-]% of his strength in this move.

Since the Battle of Black Stone Peak, the Holy King hid in the headquarters of the temple and never appeared again. Instead, he devoted himself to searching for the news of the secret map. He aimed at Nanzhao Kingdom.

And during this move just now, the Holy King was also very shocked. Compared with him, this yellow-haired girl who was so young by how many years was able to face him head-on. It really shocked him at such a rapid progress.

"Qingkuang! You... why are you here! Didn't I already send someone to inform you..."

Nangong Jinsheng took a step forward, speaking eagerly, while glancing at Elder Fen Xin and the Holy King on the high platform.

Qing Kuang cast a grateful glance at Nangong Jinsheng, and said calmly: [

"It's none of your business, I want to come!"

Before Qing Kuang could finish his sentence, Elder Fen Xin's eerie and evil laughter resounded from above the high platform:

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