urban evil

Chapter 007 Violent Flying Buckle


The horrific screams came from the infirmary, and the janitor who helped watch the door had long since disappeared, for fear that he would be hurt by Chi Yu.

In the infirmary, Luo Lei gritted his teeth and frowned, with a generous expression on his face. To be honest, he felt that he was a bit unlucky to enjoy the service of the beautiful woman in front of him. Li Qihan felt that there was not enough alcohol on the alcohol cotton ball. I just took a new bottle out of it, dipped a cotton ball in alcohol and wiped Roy's wound.

Abrasions are not considered serious injuries, but they hurt terribly, especially when rubbed directly with alcohol, it is a torment. He really wants to say that he can use purple syrup, at least he won't suffer.

However, seeing Li Qihan's serious look, Luo Lei really couldn't open his mouth. He couldn't dampen the beauty's enthusiasm, so he had to grit his teeth and persist.

"Alcohol disinfection, there seems to be something missing!" Li Qihan was thoughtful, not even noticing that Luo Lei was poking his mouth at the purple potion.

"By the way, I remembered!" Li Qihan clapped her little hands, looking extremely cute.

Luo Lei was stunned, looking at Li Qihan's pretty red face and charming lips, he had the idea of ​​forcefully kissing the beautiful woman, but he immediately rejected this idea in his heart, and everyone seemed to have no idea. To such a degree, even though I helped him a little while ago, in real terms, it just saved him from being hit by a basketball once, and it's not a matter of life or death!

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something dirty on my face?" Li Qihan asked.

"No, your beauty surprised me, ha ha!" Luo Lei said honestly, he didn't think it was necessary to act like a hypocrite.

"It's disgusting, and you can't hold back your words!" Li Qihan said coquettishly, her pretty face flushed even more, and she could see that she remembered Luo Lei's words of "promise with her body" before.

In fact, Li Qihan herself finds it strange that she has never looked at Luo Lei as a classmate for three years. Added together, there are not as many as this moment.

It may be that in the previous Chinese class, he calmly answered the old and stubborn ancient poems. Li Qihan has a lot of research on this, but not many people know about it. She never shows herself in front of her classmates and teachers. In her opinion, this hobby is just a personal interest, and there is no need to express it excessively in front of others.

It was precisely because Luo Lei was an ignorant guy in her impression, but he was able to match such a difficult poem. Naturally, people get more attention than those who get full marks every time.

"Well, there is actually something I want to apologize to you!" Luo Lei said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I have been secretly watching you play badminton, but then again, it can't be my fault, everyone appreciates it." Isn't beauty the right, you are so beautiful, and you are even more attractive when you play, I really can't resist..."

Li Qihan raised her small mouth, thinking that this person is real, how could he even apologize at all, isn't this putting all the responsibility on me?

"Okay, I'm going to give you the second medicine!" Li Qihan turned to get the medicine.

At this time, the voice in Luo Lei's head sounded again: "Boy, why do you have to suffer so much in order to pick up girls? Isn't it just a little scratch, running three big Zhoutian's "Great Demon Tribulation" , I guarantee you will be cured without leaving any scars! The ancient tomb sect method taught to you by your sister named Bing’er is also good, and you can almost be cured if you run your true energy for three to five weeks, why bother to suffer!”

"You are stupid!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "A big beautiful woman watched, and the wounds on my body healed in a blink of an eye, so she couldn't be scared to scream, we are such a kind person. , how can you do something like an abrupt beauty, haha!"

"Boy, there are times when you suffer!"

"What's wrong with you, purple potion will definitely be used next, so that it won't kill you like alcohol!" Luo Lei said indifferently, but the next second, he was dumbfounded.

What kind of purple potion is Li Qihan holding in his hand? It's a big bottle of iodine!

My mother, the lethality of that thing is comparable to that of alcohol, he immediately turned bitter, and said: "Now I finally understand what it means to not listen to the old man, and I will suffer in front of my eyes, old man, I will listen to you in the future! "

"Then we'll talk about it later, now you can continue to be a little shoushou, wow haha!"


The screams sounded again.


On the playground, Ma Bo suffered such a big loss, it stands to reason that he should flee back to the classroom with his tail between his legs in a desperate manner, so as not to continue to embarrass himself here.But he didn't do that, he could clearly hear what Luo Lei said before leaving.

"Brother Ma, let's go back!" Chen Gang lowered his head and said, "Those people are still pointing at us!"

"Why go back, I have to save my face!" Ma Bo said angrily, "That kid Luo Lei made me lose face in front of Li Qihan, if I don't get it back, how can I see people in the future! Besides! It's that kid who said, if I leave, won't I be called a coward who dare not fight?"

Fan Tong nodded and said with a smile: "Cousin, I think that kid will not dare to come back after he came out of the infirmary. If he doesn't come, he will be the coward!"

"Who said I dare not come!"

A lazy voice sounded behind them, and several people turned their heads together. Luo Lei had returned to his foolish manner, and was walking over in a leisurely manner, with Li Qihan following beside him.

"Student Luo, I stick to my opinion!" Li Qihan said in a low voice, "Ma Bo, like Fan Tong, likes to bully others the most, you'd better not provoke them, otherwise you will suffer, and the college entrance examination will be in three months , if you are expelled for causing trouble at this time, no school is willing to accept you, and this year's college entrance examination will be ruined!"

Luo Lei smiled indifferently, and said, "Miss Li, why don't we make a bet, if I win Ma Bo, can you promise me a request?"

Li Qihan's pretty face that had finally returned to normal immediately blushed again, and whispered: "Then when you make random requests, will people agree to you?"

"Uh! This is indeed a big problem!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "Okay then, I will put forward the request first! If I can win, how about asking Miss Li to help me with math tutoring, Teacher Tian has already agreed Help me with English tutoring, my Chinese is not bad, and the comprehensive literature is basically something that is memorized by rote, which is not a problem. The most lacking thing now is mathematics. If you can help me, I will have no worries! "

If this word came from someone else, Li Qihan might believe it, but it happened to come from Luo Lei, who has never scored more than [-] points in mathematics since he entered high school. There are three months left in the college entrance examination, how to make up?

Besides, could he win Marble?Ma Bo not only sits firmly in the top five of his grade in terms of grades, but he is also an all-rounder in sports. Luo Lei can run 1000 meters so tired that his tongue is longer than that of a summer dog. To challenge Ma Bo on the playground is not Are you asking for trouble?

"Do you have no confidence in me?" Luo Lei looked at Li Qihan's delicate face like a flower, and then asked, "Or do you not have confidence in yourself?"

Li Qihan pursed her lips, thinking that you dare to look down on me, she nodded immediately and said, "Okay, I promise you, if you can win! Of course, it must not affect my study!"

"Deal!" Luo Lei almost jumped up happily.

Seeing the goddess in his heart chatting and laughing with Luo Lei, Ma Bo's heart was bleeding, he clenched his fists and wished he could rush up and beat him violently, expressing the anger in his stomach.

"Cousin, calm down, beat him completely in the heads-up, and let him be defeated!" Fan Tong said in Ma Bo's ear.

Ma Bo took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and said to Luo Lei with a smile: "What are we competing with? Tell me, so you can save me from bullying you!"

"That's crazy!" Luo Lei said in a contemptuous tone: "I heard that the monitor of Class [-] Ma University is a core member of the school basketball team, and you used basketball to plot against me just now, since you have such a predestined relationship with basketball, let's compare it to basketball! "

Li Qihan was walking towards the place where the girls in Class [-] were standing, but when she heard Luo Lei's words, her body trembled involuntarily, and after a short pause, she continued to walk forward.

Ma Bo smiled confidently. He was indeed the soul of the school team. He once led the school team to sweep the teams of several other high schools in Jia County, and won the championship trophy for three consecutive years for No. [-] High School.

As for Luo Lei, almost no one has ever seen him play basketball. The fat man stepped up and said, "Lei Zi, aren't you beating an egg against a rock? Why don't you change it?"

"Go play!" Luo Lei didn't appreciate it at all. He gave Fatty a blank look and said, "Are you so sure that I will lose?"

"..." Fatty retreated resentfully. He suddenly remembered that Luo Lei had said the same thing in the first class today when he faced the stubborn old man. In the end, he won against Fang Yimiao.

Fatty couldn't help but glanced back at Luo Lei who was calm. Could it be that he would do something that surprised everyone?

The reason why Luo Lei proposed to play basketball is to let Ma Bo lose face in front of his classmates. You are not good at basketball, so I will beat you in your strongest event!

Thinking of what Fan Tong did under Ma Bo's behest two months ago, Luo Lei was furious. He couldn't use extreme methods in front of his classmates. The legendary heads-up was undoubtedly a good choice.

"Competing basketball, I am indeed bullying you. To be fair, you can ignore all rules, as long as you can score a ball from me, you will win!" Ma Bo said pretending to be generous: "And I must completely follow the rules The rule is, you win three shots from your defense, whoever finishes first wins, how? You attack first!"

Marbo was very confident in his defense, not to mention someone like Luo Lei who never played basketball on weekdays, even other members of the school team would find it difficult to break through his defense.

"no problem!"

"Okay, let's get started!"

"Pretend to be struck by lightning!" Luo Lei took the basketball thrown by Chen Gang, and spun it sharply with a finger as a support, and the basketball spun quickly.

When the ball was about to stop, Roy began to dribble, and he was going to humiliate the mighty Marble with standard moves.

Ma Bo smelled danger from Luo Lei's standard dribbling posture, and he quickly put on a defensive posture, blocking all possible offensive routes of Luo Lei.

Luo Lei ignored Ma Bo's defense at all, and directly raised it high, making a shooting posture towards the basket.

"Stupid b!" Ma Bo cursed secretly. At this moment, Luo Lei had just stepped on the three-point line. It's no wonder he was able to make a shot so early.

However, what happened next was beyond Ma Bo's expectation. His body had already reached the highest point, but Luo Lei, who took off one step earlier, was still rising, showing no tendency to fall.

Ma Bo's body began to fall, but Luo Lei was still rising, and kept rising, flying towards the backboard obliquely, and the original shooting movement also changed—that was obviously a dunk posture!

ps: Thanks to Axue children's shoes, four consecutive 2s appeared on Xiaolei's data, uh...

Can Ma Bo sit back and watch Luo Lei's flying buckle succeed, and what will happen next, please continue to pay attention to the judges, don't forget to vote and bookmark, ha ha!

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