urban evil

Chapter 008

Everyone held their breath, and Li Qihan opened his mouth even more, looking at what was happening in front of him in disbelief.

Ma Bo jumped up behind him, and now he has landed, but Luo Lei was still flying towards the backboard obliquely, and was about to pass over his head. Ma Bo jumped up subconsciously again, and hit Luo Lei hard with his right hand. on the shoulders.

"Ah!" Li Qihan screamed, she knew very well that a person in the air had nowhere to bear force, and after being affected by external force, something very dangerous would happen next.

However, what happened next surprised everyone.


Ma Bo let out a scream, then fell from the air, and sat heavily on the concrete floor. Judging from the sound when his butt touched the ground, it must have been very painful.

Ma Bo gritted his teeth and looked up helplessly at Luo Lei who flew over his head. His body was like a powerful helicopter, which was irresistible.

Look at Luo Lei in "flying", holding the ball with both hands, and smashing it towards the basket.


When the basketball hit the net, he rested his hands on the basket, swayed his body a few times, and then easily jumped down to stand beside Ma Bo who was squatting on the ground.

"Wow, Lei Zi is so awesome!" Fatty ignored his own fat, and shouted happily while jumping: "It's too awesome, Lei Zi, you are my vomit, I adore you to death, I decided I will follow behind your ass from now on..."

Luo Lei wiped off his cold sweat. If it wasn't for the beautiful woman Li, he would definitely run over to give the fat man a kick if he didn't want to spoil the shock of the slam dunk just now. Ki, play with your ass!"

However, he still glared at the fat man. The fat man felt a sharp gaze on him, and quickly closed his stinking mouth.

"Young Master Ma, it seems that I have won!" Luo Lei raised the corners of his mouth slightly, forming a perfect arc, and said in a contemptuous tone: "I said just now that pretending to be coercive is to be struck by lightning. Here dunk the ball into the basket, and there is no foul, it seems that you have fouled!"

Ma Bo blushed. It was indeed his foul. After jumping up for the second time, he hit Luo Lei heavily on the shoulder with his arm.

"Then, let me show you another free throw?" Without waiting for Ma Bo to speak, Luo Lei bent down to pick up the basketball that was bouncing slightly on the ground, stood in the free throw circle, and said with a sneer, "I'll let you I am convinced to lose!"

Taking a deep breath, Luo Lei bent his legs slightly, held the ball with his right hand and assisted with his left hand. While his legs exerted strength, his upper arm drove his forearm, and his forearm drove his wrist. The basketball came out of his hand.

Ma Bo, who was sitting on the ground, began to pray in his heart: he must not enter, absolutely not!

In fact, even if this goal was not scored, Luo Lei had already won, and Ma Bo just didn't want to be humiliated again.

The basketball after the release draws a beautiful parabola, but anyone who has watched the game can feel it. It is impossible for a ball with such a beautiful parabola not to go into the basket.

"Whoosh..." Hollow into the net.

Marbo's only hope was ruthlessly shattered. He shook his head, although he was reluctant to say it, but he had already accepted the fact of failure in his heart.

"Handsome, handsome, really handsome!" Fatty yelled again regardless of his image, and since he didn't say anything that made Luo Lei feel ashamed this time, he let it go.

"Brother Ma, are you alright?" Chen Gang yelled, and ran over with Liu Zixu and Fan Tong, helping him up from the ground.

"Luo Lei, aren't you going too far?" Chen Gang pointed at Luo Lei's nose and said, "How dare you treat Brother Ma like this, I think you don't want to be in the first class!"

"You son of a bitch, Chen Gang, please pay attention to your wording!" Luo Lei stared at Chen Gang and said, "He proposed the heads-up, and he also made the rules. If you lose, you lose. Do you think Mr. Ma can't afford to lose? , so many classmates are watching, but I came here completely according to the rules? Boy, have you not seen Mr. Ma as if he is willing to gamble and lose? What is your purpose for doing this? You want to stand up for your master, or I want everyone to think Mr. Ma is a person who can't afford to lose—I said Mr. Ma, Chen Gang is doing it for your own good no matter what, don't look at him with murderous eyes, I feel ashamed for you!"

Ma Bo's murderous eyes were not looking at Chen Gang, but were clearly directed at Luo Lei.

"You fucking dare to call me a bitch, let me teach you a lesson..." Chen Gang was about to pounce on him, but was stopped by Ma Bo.

"Boy, I remember you!" Ma Bo gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Do you remember me now? Could it be that you have forgotten what you did to Lao Tzu two months ago? It doesn't matter, brother will help you recall it slowly.

"Wait!" Luo Lei snorted coldly, folded his hands in front of his chest, and snorted, "If you lose, why don't you just leave like this? Shouldn't Mr. Ma give everyone an explanation, even though you and I didn't play before the duel?" Bet, but you and I both understand why there is such a thing as heads-up, what to do for the loser, don't let me teach you!"

Ma Bo turned his head and glared at Luo Lei viciously. The two of them were singled out for Li Qihan, a beautiful woman. The corners of his mouth moved, but he didn't say anything. He was unwilling to give up like this.

"Go away, the guy who didn't come out, you are not worthy to fight me one-on-one!" Luo Lei said in a deep voice. He knew that Ma Bo would not say that he would give up pursuing Li Qihan. If so, then humiliate him again. Let him remember this lesson.

The voice in my head sounded again: "Boy, didn't you say that in order to pass the three months before the college entrance examination safely, you would not provoke these people?"

"Is there anything I can do, people are bullying to the point of view, can I keep going?"

"I don't think you can't bear it, but you did it because you were afraid of losing face in front of the big beauty!"

"Hey, you're still a good friend if you see it through, don't say it through it, why are you exposing my old background!"

"Go away, who is your good friend, I am not ashamed to be with you!"

"Fuck you, you think I want to be with you, you're not serious!"

"You...you are naughty, I have no balls, if I want to play, I will play with you!"


The two scolded each other for a long time, but in the end, no one took advantage of it.

Luo Lei saw Li Qihan who was still standing on the playground from the corner of his eye, and walked over with a smile, not caring about the surprised eyes of a group of girls.

Li Qihan didn't know what he was going to do again, he thought to himself that he would never want to confess to me in front of so many people, that would be really embarrassing, he just won against Ma Bo!

In fact, Li Qihan did not know how many times she had rejected Ma Bo's confession, and she had never felt shy.

Thinking of this, her pretty face was like a peach blossom in full bloom, extremely bright red.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Luo Lei is really not as dirty as Miss Li imagined.After standing still with a smile, he said: "Miss Li, I won, you can fulfill our previous agreement! Hehe, it's getting late, I'll go first, you continue to play!"

After speaking, Luo Lei turned and left.

All the girls started whispering, guessing what kind of agreement there was between the two of them.

Li Qihan stomped her feet angrily, thinking Luo Lei, you bastard, why didn't you speak clearly, the students misunderstood!When she wanted to explain clearly to her classmates, the bell for the end of get out of class rang unfortunately, and everyone dispersed, leaving her alone on the spot.

In just one morning, Luo Lei became a celebrity in No. [-] High School in Jiaxian County. Stubborn wits, molesting a beautiful teacher, kicking Fan Tong, and insulting the principal's son on the court became topics that students talked about. .

The most legendary is the relationship between Luo Lei and the school girl Li Qihan. There are several versions circulating in the school, and of course they are all fabricated by those boring people.

Li Qihan's heart could no longer calm down, she felt that everyone was looking at her with strange eyes, but that pesky Luo Lei, on the other hand, looked calm and relaxed, as if it had no influence on him at all. nothing.

Finally after school, Li Qihan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to escape from the classroom when Liu Zixu from Class [-] walked in from the outside, walked up to Luo Lei who was packing up his textbooks, and said, "Brother Ma asked you to go to the open space south of the school. If you have the guts, go there quickly, otherwise you won't be able to escape with three beatings a day!"

The south side of Yigao is an undeveloped open space, where students often fight.

Liu Zixu's voice was not loud, but Li Qihan still heard every word clearly. As the study committee member of Class [-], she felt that it was necessary for her to intervene in this matter.

"Liu Zixu, go and tell Ma Bo, don't think that since you are the principal's son, no one can control him!" Li Qihan said sharply.

Luo Lei didn't expect that beautiful woman Li would stand up for him, so he looked at Liu Zixu cheerfully, pretending that this matter had nothing to do with me.

"The person I'm looking for is him!" Liu Zixu pointed to Luo Lei and said, "Besides, it's the end of get out of class now, so it has nothing to do with the Li School Committee!"

"You..." Li Qihan was speechless.

Liu Zixu turned his head to look at Luo Lei, and said, "Follow me if you have the guts, a big man needs a girl to cover him, you don't want to be ashamed!"

The fat man stood up and slapped Liu Zixu's hand, and said: "Md, you dare to talk to me like that, Brother Lei, what are you? Isn't it just a dog next to Ma Bo? Believe it or not, I told you to go out sideways!"

Liu Zixu was furious, he clenched his fists and wanted to fight.

"Go and tell Ma Bo to wait for me at ease!" Luo Lei stood up in front of the fat man and said, "I'll be there in a while!"

Liu Zixu glared at Fatty and left resentfully.

One must know that Liu Zixu is a taekwondo master, and he already had a third-degree black belt half a year ago. Fatty is no match for him at all. Once he makes a move, he will definitely suffer.

"All tm a bunch of bullshit!" The fat man spat at Liu Zixu's back.

Li Qihan walked over angrily, slapped the table, and asked, "Luo Lei, are you really going to fight them?"

"Yes!" Luo Lei nodded, looking harmless to humans and animals.

"You...how can you..."

"Thank you for the beauty's concern, I will come back unscathed!" Luo Lei rushed ahead and said, "I finally got the opportunity to study with the beauty, I will not give up, hehe!"

After speaking, he pulled up the fat man and ran outside.

Li Qi stomped her feet angrily, and said coquettishly: "Who cares about you, you bastard, I don't, you stop for me, don't fight!"

A group of students were dumbfounded. They had never seen anyone who dared to tease Li Qihan openly, let alone a beautiful woman who was angry!

ps: In the next chapter, Luo Lei will fight against a taekwondo black belt master, and the bastards from Bangziguo dare to come out arrogantly, let's see how I deal with it!It is necessary to explain about the update. In the early stage, there are 2 updates per day, about 6500 words, and 2 updates starting from February 1, with about 3 words per day. Awesome, right?So what are you waiting for, VIP tickets are here!

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