urban evil

Chapter 009 Fighting against the black belt master

If people don't offend me, I will not offend others. If people offend me, I will pay back ten times. This is Luo Lei's thinking at this time. The new and old hatreds are combined, and today must be resolved.

Walking down the teaching building, Luo Lei said to Pang Kuan, "Fatty, go eat!"

The fat man was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean? Do you want to go to the meeting alone? Or do you think it's a burden to take me with you?"

"Then what do you mean?" Luo Lei asked back. He didn't expect the fat man to have such a big reaction. Regardless of his thick body and big face, this guy is scary, but he is as timid as a mouse.

"Of course I'm going with you!" The fat man waved his fist and said, "Here, I'm just your friend, and I will never sit back and watch you get beaten by Ma Bo and the others!"

Luo Lei's heart was moved for no reason. In Yigao, he only had Fatty as his friend.

"Okay, let's go together!" Luo Lei hugged the fat man's shoulders, and continued to walk out, saying, "Promise me one condition, and you'll just be there to cheer me on in a while!"

The fat man's expression changed, and he said, "What do you mean..."

With a mysterious face on his face, Luo Lei said with a smile, "You'll know in a while, I don't care about those rotten eggs of Ma Bo and Fan Tong at all!"

Li Qihan rushed out of the stairwell in a variety of ways and looked around. She couldn't help but feel anxious because there was no sign of Luo Lei. Normally, any student fights should be reported to the teaching director, but the teaching director Fan Jian was Fan Jian. Tong's father, his nephew and son fought with others, he must be on his side, so he can't go to him!

However, if you don't look for him, who should you look for?

It would be even more unrealistic to go directly to the principal. Ma Bo is his son, so it's no wonder he can enforce the law impartially!

The character of the principal Ma Haitao and the dean Fan Jian is obvious to all the students. The so-called top beam is not upright and the bottom beam is crooked. You can see from their two sons what kind of father they are.

"By the way, find Teacher Tian!" Li Qihan suddenly thought of the beautiful teacher Tian Xi. This teacher who just came back from the United States is an upright person. Unlike other teachers in the school who only know how to flatter the principal, he also treats his precious son " There is a lot of love."

There were several people standing on the open space south of the school, the leaders were Ma Bo and Fan Tong, besides Chen Gang and Liu Zixu, there was also a young man in his twenties.

"Hehe, I said why Luo Feiren came so quickly, so he brought a helper!" Fan Tong looked at the two of them with contemptuous eyes and said, "The bottom one and the second in Class [-] are here. It's really a big deal!" Give me face!"

Luo Lei didn't speak, but with a sneer on his face, the fat man said, "Don't be ashamed, I'll show you face, take a piss and take a look at yourself, you deserve it too! You good-for-nothing follower, your master hasn't spoken yet, I can’t wait to jump out and bite people! Oh, I almost forgot, this is a fine tradition in your family, and the son inherits the father’s business!"

Everyone in No. [-] High School knows that Fan Jian, the dean, is a follower next to the principal Ma Haitao.

"You md, fat man, you're looking for death!" Fan Tong rolled up his sleeves and was about to hit the fat man, but Luo Lei's sharp gaze swept him away, and he abruptly stopped his next move.

Fan Tong's heart jumped wildly in disbelief, thinking what's going on with me, isn't it just the boy surnamed Luo's eyes, as for me being so afraid, we have a master here!

"Young Master Ma, it seems that your heart is really small!" Luo Lei made a walnut-sized shape with his hands, and said to the fat man, "I guess it's only this big?"

"Brother Lei, you think so highly of him, I think he's just like a pine nut at most!" the fat man said even more.

"That's right, as long as it's bigger than a pine nut, he won't take this kind of revenge!" Luo Lei went on to say, "It's probably as big as the eye of the smallest needle!"

Ma Bo's face was ashen, how could he not know that he was being unkind in his actions, but he was not the kind of person with big tolerance, after being humiliated on the basketball court, he asked Liu Zixu to call the young man beside him, He is Liu Zixu's cousin, named Liu Ziming, the coach of the County Taekwondo Hall, with a fourth-degree black belt.

In Liu Zixu's view, he didn't need his cousin to come forward, he could beat Luo Lei to the ground by himself. Ma Bo did this just to increase his leverage. He felt that he had called a helper here, in case Luo Lei What about calling helpers over there?

"Mr. Ma, is this the kid?" Liu Ziming asked.

Ma Bo nodded and said, "That's the kid, you two help me teach him a lesson, I won't treat you badly!"

Liu Zixu and Liu Ziming nodded, and it could be seen that it was not the first time they helped Ma Bo fight.

"Brother Lei, there are five people in the family, you don't want me to stand aside and watch the show?" the fat man asked, although his legs were already trembling, but as long as Luo Lei nodded, he would not hesitate Rush up with him, even if you are beaten, you have to grit your teeth.

"Of course stand on the sidelines and watch the play, you have to keep your eyes open to see clearly every move and style of brother!" Luo Lei shook his head and said, "When I get back to class in the afternoon, I will tell my classmates about my all-powerful fighting skills. During the process, if you also participate, people will think that the credit is yours!"

While talking, he winked at Fatty, Fatty understood and stood aside.

Liu Zixu tugged at the corner of Liu Ziming's clothes, and said, "Cousin, let me meet this arrogant kid first, he is just a worthless piece of trash, there is no need for you to take action!"

Liu Ziming nodded, and Fan Tong on the side was ready to kick Luo Lei violently after he was knocked down.

Liu Zixu walked towards Luo Lei and said, "Luo Lei, if you're sensible, just kneel on the ground and beg for mercy. Maybe Brother Ma will spare you this time!"

Luo Lei raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Young master kneels down to his parents, what is he, Ma Bo, if he is willing to kneel down for me, maybe I will spare him this time!"

"Looking for death!" Liu Ziming raised his leg as a forward kick.

A third-degree black belt is already the highest honor for Liu Ziming's age. His kick came straight to Luo Lei's chest with the sound of wind.

The fat man gasped. From his point of view, Liu Ziming's movements were extremely fast. As soon as he kicked, he kicked his leg out. If he hit the kick, Luo Lei would have to fly backwards!

Ma Bo looked confident, as if he had seen Luo Lei's tragedy when he was kicked away.

Looking at Luo Lei again, he moved his body slightly to the side in an unhurried manner, and kicked him with a sharp kick just like that. Fan Tong frowned. He thought it was Luo Lei's subconscious evasive action, luck It's just a matter of avoiding it, and he will feel better next time.

Liu Zixu immediately changed his move, instead of retracting the kicked leg, he directly turned into a side kick. It is very difficult for ordinary people to do such a difficult change of move.

Liu Ziming on the side nodded with a smile. Cousin Xindao is improving very fast. It won't take long for him to reach the requirement of a fourth-degree black belt. He is enough. Ma Bo invited me to come over.

The lethality of the side kick was still huge, and the target was Luo Lei's ribs. If he was hit by the kick, several ribs would have to be broken.

Fatty's heart rose to his throat. Like Fan Tong, he also thought that Luo Lei was lucky enough to avoid it that time. He has real skills. He had seen Liu Zixu put a 1.8-meter-five-meter-high The strong man fell to the ground.

Luo Lei still took his time and turned around gorgeously, but Liu Zixu's side kick failed.

In other people's eyes, although Luo Lei dodged, he looked a bit embarrassed both times, and he was almost kicked. Only Liu Zixu didn't think so. He began to suspect that Luo Lei was also a trainer. Well, it doesn't mean that he had such good luck twice. If he is embarrassed, he has been walking around in the courtyard like this all the time, and he doesn't look a little embarrassed.

There was another forward kick, and Luo Lei managed to dodge again. He stretched out three fingers and shook them, which means that I have already given you three moves, and I will not give up again!

Liu Zixu gritted his teeth, and used a move he didn't usually use - the downward chop, which is also known as the whip kick in the legend. He shifted his weight from his right foot to his left foot, and then lifted his right leg high. , almost forming a straight line with the body, and then slashed down suddenly, towards Luo Lei's collarbone!

The downward chop is an out-and-out killer move, so under normal circumstances Liu Zixu would not use it. At the same time, this move is very difficult, and very few people can really master its essentials.

Liu Ziming narrowed his eyes, the cousin of the dark way showed this move to the fullest, and I might not even be able to do such a standard move.

The strike parts of the downward chop are mostly the opponent's head, face, and left and right collarbone. Liu Zixu chose Luo Lei's right collarbone instead of the head and face, which is considered merciful.

Luo Lei frowned slightly, and instead of retreating, he took a step forward!

The fat man almost yelled, isn't he sending his head to someone's feet?

They were all wrong, because of Luo Lei's forward movement, Liu Zixu's calf was placed on his shoulders, he hugged Liu Zixu's waist with both hands, and then sent his right shoulder upwards, Liu Zixu's 140-jin body fell backwards Fly away, flying six or seven meters away!


Liu Zixu fell heavily on the ground, and because his back and buttocks hit the ground first, he did not cause too much damage.

"Cousin!" Liu Ziming hurried up to help him up, and let out a sigh of relief after making sure that he was not injured.

At this time, Luo Lei was very much like the legendary King Fudo Ming, and he said something that only Liu Zixu could understand: "If someone respects me a foot, I will pay you back!"

Liu Zixu nodded slightly towards him, thanking him for his mercy just now.

Fan Tong and Ma Bo opened their mouths wide open. They couldn't believe what happened a few seconds ago. How could this be possible? Liu Zixu was firmly in the top three of the thugs list, how could he somehow lose to an unknown in the hands of the boy.

Fatty's toad's mouth opened even wider, and it was estimated that it could directly stuff two big steamed buns into it.

"Cousin, he is very strong!" Liu Zixu said to Liu Ziming indifferently.

It was the first time Liu Ziming heard his cousin say that a person is very strong. He took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, brother will help you find your place!"

Ma Bo yelled: "Liu Ziming, give him a hard lesson, double the reward, 600 yuan!"

There was a hint of disgust in Liu Ziming's eyes, but he didn't show it too much. He stepped forward a few steps and cupped his hands at Luo Lei, saying, "Please!"

Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders. If he knew this was the case, he should have let the two cousins ​​eat together. They should have eaten early. Now it’s time for dinner. Brother has been a good student in the morning, so hungry!

ps: Wheel battle, wheel battle!Thank you for the 111 VIP votes from Axue Children's Shoes, please give me a kiss first, okay!

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