urban evil

Chapter 010

Before Liu Ziming and Luo Lei opened the gap, Ma Bo tugged at Li Zixu's arm and said, "What's the matter? How could you lose to such a waste?"

Liu Zixu was also a little disgusted with Ma Bo's words of "double the pay" just now, but he didn't show it, but shook his head and said, "I don't know, this Luo Lei is hiding it very deeply, so fight me a little bit with him." I can't use all my strength!"

"What do you mean?" Marble asked darkly.

"It means that I am not his opponent!" Liu Zixu said, "I hope my cousin can defeat him!"

"It's better to knock him down, otherwise you two are worthless!" Ma Bo didn't show affection at all, he never knew how to respect others, if Liu Zixu won the fight, he could say anything, but if he lost, he would change his face immediately.

Liu Zixu bit his head and lowered his head, his clenched fists wished he could go up and give Ma Bo a hit.

Looking at Luo Lei and Liu Ziming, the two had already started fighting, and Luo Lei used the same strategy as before - defending and counterattacking.

"Boy, why don't you use a unique move!" Wei Laobuzun's voice sounded in his mind: "What is there to keep with such a small character, just use the nine-yin white bone claw taught by your beautiful sister, one claw Grab the opponent's ankle and see how arrogant he is!"

"In that case, it's not him being arrogant, but me!" Luo Lei said angrily, "I have no grievances or enmities with him, so why do you want to kill him? Besides, he would break his bones as soon as he made a move. Can I afford it? I will definitely be invited back to the police station for tea by the police uncle. We are such a kind person, so don’t cause trouble for the police uncles, ha ha!"

Liu Ziming of the fourth tier was one rank higher than Liu Zixu of the third tier, and his attack was fiercer and faster, kicking towards Luo Lei one after another.

Seeing that his vomit seemed to have defeated Liu Zixu, the fat man became more courageous and shouted: "Come on, Brother Lei, come on, Brother Lei!"

Luo Lei glanced at the fat man who was jumping up and down from the corner of his eye, and thought to himself, you boy, don't bother me, if you are a beautiful girl, you can bear it, that fat body is shaking up and down, it is too unattractive!

Liu Ziming kicked, Luo Lei blocked it with both hands, and couldn't help taking a few steps back. Liu Ziming seized the opportunity to run up two steps, jumped high, and used a more difficult whirlwind kick.

The speed was very fast. As soon as Luo Lei stabilized his figure, Liu Ziming's leg had already been kicked in front of his eyes.

It seems that there is really no way to do it without a trick, Luo Lei suddenly stretched out his right hand, and in a short time, his hand completed the process of changing from a healthy wheat complexion to white, and he quickly grabbed the calf kicked by Liu Ziming , flung his body hard, and threw his body out!


Liu Ziming's fall was much worse than Li Zixu's. Who told him to use his ultimate move from the very beginning? Those who were hit by his whirlwind kick would have to lie in bed for at least half a month!

In general, Luo Lei accepted it leniently. With his current Nine Yin White Bone Claws, even if he couldn't break Liu Ziming's leg bones, he could crack a few cracks in his bones.

"Handsome, so handsome!" The fat man smiled all over his face, and he was the kind who hated to be beaten.

Liu Ziming grinned, and when his body fell to the ground, his back hit a bump on the ground. The pain was terrific. He tried to stand up but failed. He knew very well that even if he stood up, he would not be able to meet the requirements of continuing to fight. .

Liu Ziming also lost!

"Cousin!" Liu Zixu hurried over to help Liu Ziming.

Fan Tong was completely dumbfounded. The last glimmer of hope disappeared without a trace. The Liu family brothers were not Luo Lei's opponent. When did that kid become so powerful?

"You trash, you two trash! You can't even beat an idiot like Luo Lei, what are you doing!" Marble yelled hysterically.

Liu Ziming turned back and stared at him, with a cold light in his eyes, and said coldly: "Mr. Ma, our brothers lost the fight, but you can't speak so harshly! It seems that you were good to us in the past. Come on, I don't care about you, don't come to us again if you have something to do in the future, just leave it!"

Liu Ziming and Liu Zixu looked at each other, they nodded together, and walked towards the main road, they will not care about this mess anymore.

Ma Bo suddenly realized a very serious problem. He scolded the two most able to beat people away, and Luo Lei was walking over with a smirk on his face. What did he want to do?

"Brother Liu, don't leave, I'll give you more money, more money... You can't do it alone, you can go together!" Ma Bo shouted regardless of his identity, how he hoped that the Liu family brothers would turn around and continue to help him .

"Keep your money for yourself!" Liu Ziming said without turning his head: "We are both trash, we have no ability to earn Mr. Ma's money, bye!"

As Luo Lei walked over, he pinched his knuckles and said with a sneer, "Ma Bo, I don't think I have anything to do to you, and you, Fan Tong, why do you insist on following me?" Can’t make it through? You, you want to trip me in the classroom, you, you hit me with a basketball, and maliciously slandered me in front of so many classmates! And during the spring outing two months ago, you asked him to lead someone to beat me up A meal, I didn't take this to heart, but you two couldn't swallow this breath, and even paid someone to teach me, you are rich, right?"

Ma Bo and Fan Tong were so frightened that their legs trembled a long time ago. They have always threatened other classmates, and they have never been threatened. To be honest, it is really fucking unpleasant to be threatened by others!

"Chen Gang, fuck me, kill this kid, and I'll give you money!" Ma Bo kicked Chen Gang who was also trembling.

Chen Gang is a veritable douchebag, a hard-core proponent of the virtue of bullying others. Every time he and Ma Bo teach someone who doesn't like it, he always waits for the other party to be beaten by Liu Zixu and has no strength to fight back. To show his might and sincerity to his master, this kid is very shrewd, he is never the first to charge upwards.

But now, it seems that Bu Chong can't be fooled.

"You...don't come here, it's hard for me to hit!" Chen Gang tremblingly put on a posture of a fist.

"Hey!" Luo Lei yelled exaggeratedly, pointed at Chen Gang and said, "Brother, we are in the same league. Who did you learn Wang Baquan from, maybe you and I are still brothers!"

"Haha, you're a smart kid, why don't you hurry up and get out of here... Boom... Whoops, why are you sneaking up... Boom... Boom... Boom..."

Chen Gang fell to the ground unwillingly. He was punched three times in total. The first punch was hit on the front of the face, causing nosebleeds to fly; Three punches hit the chin, his head buzzed suddenly, and then he fell on his back to the ground!

"Grandma, even someone who uses Wang Baquan dares to stand in front of me!" Luo Lei shook his fist, and said in a disdainful tone: "How can Wang Baquan be the opponent of Farmer's Three Punches, remember brother's unique move! "

Fan Tong ran away, but was still a step too slow, and was kicked by Luo Lei and fell to the ground. Before he had time to moan, he was trampled on the shoulder by Luo Lei's raised right foot.

"Ah!" Fan Tong screamed.

Ma Bo was also about to run away, but Luo Lei said coldly, "Try running away, I guarantee you will be worse off than the two of them!"

Ma Bo abruptly stopped the legs he had just stepped forward, and looked at the expressionless Luo Lei with a look of fear on his face. He thought that he knew this was the case, so he should call more people. Fist is hard to beat the "rules" of four hands!

"Ma Bo, you must be regretting that you didn't call more people to deal with me, right?" Luo Lei asked.

Ma Bo was in a cold sweat, and his thoughts were exposed, which was a very uncomfortable thing.

Luo Lei stomped on Fan Tong's back fiercely, and Fan Tong immediately screamed like a slaughtered pig. He couldn't get up for a while, then walked up to the trembling Ma Bo, stretched out his left hand and pulled Grabbing his collar, he punched Ma Bo's stomach with his right hand!

Ma Bo arched his body in pain like a big shrimp. Luo Lei pulled him up and said harshly: "I warn you, don't trouble me again! My request is not high, I just want to be honest. I have to finish the three months before the college entrance examination. Of course, this does not mean that I will endure all the time without breaking out, don’t challenge my bottom line, or you will die miserably! Do you understand?"

Ma Bo was so frightened that he didn't listen to what Luo Lei said.

"Do you understand?" Luo Lei's voice raised an octave.

"Understood, I understand..." Ma Bo nodded quickly, this kid not only knew how to bully others, but also knew how to bow his head when he should.

Luo Lei stared at him with murderous eyes for a few seconds, then let go of his hand, and was about to call Fatty to leave, when he saw two soft and beautiful figures walking towards him from a distance.

Those two people are clearly Teacher Tian and Li Qihan!It must be Li Qihan's idea. She probably never thought that the people who were beaten were Ma Bo and the others!

Luo Lei rolled his eyeballs, turned around and went back again, Ma Bo was taken aback, he let him go with such difficulty, could it be that he regretted it?

"Fatty, someone is here, help me put on a play together!" Luo Lei greeted Fatty, and then smiled at Ma Bo.

Ma Bo didn't understand what he meant, so he subconsciously smiled, and what happened next surprised him. Luo Lei fell to the ground in an exaggerated posture, and shouted, "Don't hit me!" , Ma Bo, I will fight with you!"

The fat man didn't understand what was going on at first, but after looking back, he immediately understood that it was a flop!Shaking his fat body, he ran and shouted, "Ma Bo, don't go too far, it's wrong to fight, don't hit Luo Lei!"

Ma Bo was even more confused, which song was he singing? He never looked back, so naturally he didn't know that Tian Xi and Li Qihan were walking quickly.

Fan Tong was lying on the ground just now, and he didn't understand what was going on. When he tried his best to stand up, he saw Luo Lei lying in front of Ma Bo. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and laughed and said: " Cousin, what did you do? Great, you md Luo Lei, let me see how I teach you, cousin, you have worked hard, take a rest and let me do it!"

What a fart, Ma Bo is completely confused by Monk Zhang Er now!

Just as Fan Tong raised his foot, the fat man rushed over. He stretched out his hand and pushed, but before he could touch the fat man's body, the fat man immediately fell to the ground.


Fan Tong was slightly taken aback, looked at his hands, then at the fat man lying on the ground, and wondered when did his strength become so great?

Regardless of Fatty's ugly appearance, he also has the potential to be an actor. This flop is even more realistic than Luo Lei's.



Two beeps sounded at the same time, and Ma Bo and Fan Tong turned their heads at the same time. At this moment, they knew that Luo Lei and Fatty were flopping, but from the fire-breathing eyes of the two beauties, they got the answer—— —They don’t think those two goods are fake!

ps: The arrival of the two beauties will be even more exciting next time!For those who haven’t collected yet, please click to collect this book. Flowers are free, so please vote for them all. Xiaolei’s new book needs popularity! ! !

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