urban evil

Chapter 023

Walking downstairs, looking up inadvertently, Luo Lei happened to see Shen Anna turn off the light.

"It seems that what happened yesterday will not happen again tonight!" He laughed dryly, reached out to touch the keys in his pockets, and found that there was no penny in his pockets, and then he remembered why he didn't take advantage of the fire just now. There are eight people, no matter how bad they are, they can find hundreds of dollars!

Sorry, why didn't I think of it at the time!Anyway, what those gangsters have in their pockets is ill-gotten gains, they just think of them as robbing the rich and giving to the poor.Still inexperienced, Luo Lei gave himself a slap on the head, it looks like he will have to brazenly eat fat tomorrow, that guy is almost out of money, he has to think about it, there are still a few days before the next time he receives living expenses time.

He went upstairs, opened the door, entered the room, and took out the high school politics textbook he carried with him. This is what he was going to read tonight. He took a shower first, and then had two hours of Qi training time.

Before starting to practice qi, he told himself to be more careful. The little accident that happened during the practice yesterday still has lingering fears in his mind. The air flow left in his mind is still circulating slowly, without any enhancement. , did not weaken, which is very strange.

The first big week ran smoothly, and the second big week also went smoothly... until the fifth big week, there were no accidents.

Luo Lei, who was in a state of emptiness, let out a long breath, and couldn't help being distracted when the sixth week was running.

A small stream of true energy came out, and this time it was even more sinister. Before he could react, it went straight into his head and merged with the original one. He could clearly feel it staying in his head. His true energy has increased a lot.

Damn you, be careful, but something went wrong at a critical moment. Yesterday, no matter what, there was still a chance to "catch up", but today I don't even have this chance. If it happens again, brother Can the meridians in the head be kept?

I didn’t hear Sister Bing and the old guy say that something like this would happen when practicing qi. They just told them not to guide the real qi into the head, but he didn’t guide it on purpose these two times, so what’s the matter? ?

After finishing the sixth Sunday rotation, Luo Lei stood up and shook his head, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

"But I still feel that I have no idea, and the old guy doesn't know how long he has to sleep before he wakes up!" Luo Lei muttered to himself, and his eyes fell on the textbook he brought.

When the hands of the clock pointed to one o'clock in the morning, he sat at the small desk in the bedroom and began to read by the light of the desk lamp.

Most of the top floor is an open roof, so the window of Luo Lei's bedroom is facing the window of Shen Anna's bedroom. The two windows are more than ten meters away. He once had the idea of ​​peeping, and it was the curtain that made him stop this bad idea.

Shen Anna got up to go to the toilet, a ray of light came through the curtain from the opposite side, she opened the curtain a little, and what she saw was Luo Lei who was studying hard on the opposite side.

It's so late, Xiao Lei hasn't slept yet!Apart from feeling strange, Shen Anna also faintly felt that his appearance this time was very different from before. At least he had never had the habit of reading late at night before, and fell asleep on the bed as soon as he came back from evening self-study, not even bothering to wear socks. wash.

"Xiao Lei has really changed!" Shen Anna had a gratified smile on her face, and she said to herself: "Dad was the one who couldn't let go of him the most before he died. One day he'll be a good boy again, and it looks like Daddy was right!"

Three hours later, Luo Lei finished reading the politics textbook of last semester. He didn't bother to sum up which ones were the key points and which ones were common ones, so he just memorized them all in his mind. It doesn't matter so much when it is used.

Stretch your waist and recall what you just memorized. According to this speed, you can read one book of Wen Zong Zheng Shi Di every night, and you can read all of them in 24 days, and then six Chinese textbooks, that is, [-] days. Coupled with English tutoring during the day and math tutoring at night, it means that you can definitely get all of these done before the basic exam.

Immediately lie down with his clothes on, and it will be time to get up in two hours. He has to hurry up and rest to ensure the best mental state tomorrow.


At the County People's Hospital, eight moaning guys were lying in a ward. Seven had broken arms, one had a broken calf, and suffered severe trauma to the kneecap. All of these people had injuries of varying degrees of severity.

It took several attending physicians a long time to connect these people's broken bones, splint them and wrap them with bandages, and the screams like slaughtering pigs never stopped.

Outside the ward, a tall, black-faced man with a livid face turned his head and asked, "What's going on? Eight people are against one. Why are all of them injured? And they're all fractured. It didn't take three to five months to get hurt." It’s so bad, how will we do business in the future?”

A young man somewhat similar to the black-faced man replied in a low voice: "Brother, when I sent Xiao K and the others over just now, they said that the other party is a tough guy and can fight well!"

"It hurts eight of my generals as soon as you shoot, this thing is endless!" The dark-faced man said in a deep voice: "Little wolf, you should immediately send someone to find out who that high school student named Luo Lei is, isn't Ma Bo?" Are you saying that he is just an ordinary student, why is he so good at it!"

"Understood, brother, I will arrange it now!" The young man who was called Little Wolf nodded.

The black-faced man is the leader of the Black Wolf Gang, known as Brother Hei, and the little wolf is his younger brother, the so-called brother who fights the tiger, and the two conquered the world side by side.

After the little wolf left, Brother Hei turned to another little brother and said, "Go to Ma Bo early tomorrow morning and make him pay for it! nnd, the medical expenses of the eight brothers cost tens of thousands, and the target mission information he provided is not detailed enough. He should pay the money! But remember, you must not let Little Wolf know that this is because he and Ma Bo are good friends, and if we do this, he will feel embarrassed!"

"Understood, Brother Hei!"


Early the next morning, Ma Bo stood at the school gate full of energy, holding a bouquet of bright red roses in his hands, with a victorious smile on his face. The flowers were going to be given to Li Qihan. Make an apology for what happened the day before yesterday and ask for her forgiveness.

He thought that Luo Lei had been beaten and disabled by Brother Hei's people, and no one would dare to fight against him from now on, and he could continue to be the only one who pursued Li Qihan, so he spent all his money to beg her understanding.

"Wow, you're so handsome, who is Mr. Ma waiting for?" The nympho woman A's eyes were full of little stars.

"Who else can we wait for, big beauty Li Qihan!" Said the nympho Girl B.

"It would be great if it was given to me, I will agree to be his girlfriend without thinking about it!" The nympho girl A nympho said incomparably.

"Come on, even if people don't send you flowers, you will post them upside down. Please don't dream, please look in the mirror first, who would like you with acne on your face!"

"It's not enough to fantasize!"


After a while, Li Qihan walked towards the gate.

Ma Bo greeted him with a very sunny smile on his face, holding the flowers in his hands and sending them forward, and said with a smile: "Qihan, I was wrong about what happened the day before yesterday, I beg your forgiveness, please accept this bouquet spend it!"

Li Qihan glanced at Ma Bo and the rose in his hand, and said in a cold tone: "You don't need to apologize to me for what happened the day before yesterday, I told you, please call me by my full name, and I also said, I don't want to see you again! Please get out of the way and don't get in the way!"

If it were another person, he would definitely feel ashamed, but this is not the first time Ma Bo has run into trouble in front of Li Qihan. He has long been used to it, and he didn't care at all. He still smiled and said: "Okay, okay, Li Qihan Student Qihan, it’s okay to call you like this! I sincerely apologize to you and hope to get your forgiveness. I was too impulsive that day. I shouldn’t make things difficult for Student Luo Lei. I was wrong! The ancients said that people are not sages and sages, so Li Qihan can't send me to the [-]th level of hell just because I made a mistake once, right?"

Li Qihan's heart softened a little, but even so, she would never accept the bouquet of flowers, because it would mean that she accepted Ma Bo's pursuit, and roses represented The meaning is well known.

Ma Bo saw that there was something for him, so he immediately passed the flowers to the front and said, "Student Li Qihan, I sincerely admit my mistakes to you, don't you forgive a person who wants to change his past? , accept it!"

Li Qihan was in a difficult situation, and she definitely couldn't accept it. If she didn't accept it, she felt a little unreasonable. Just when she didn't know what to do, a lazy voice sounded.

"Hey, what a big bouquet of roses!" Luo Lei walked over with a foolish expression, and said at the same time, "Tsk tsk, at least there must be a hundred or ten roses, that's a few hundred dollars. , Mr. Ma is really rich!"

Ma Bo was taken aback, thinking that he was hallucinating. In his opinion, Luo Lei should be lying on the hospital bed and moaning. How could he appear here unscathed?

Could it be that Brother Hei's people failed to stop him on the road last night?Impossible, if that's the case, Brother Hei should have called right away!

Li Qihan turned to look at Luo Lei, hoping very much that he could help her out.

Luo Lei gave her a look of reassurance, then walked over with a smile, and said to Ma Bo, "Young Master Ma, you must find me very strange, don't you... Don't try to deny it, Brother Hei asked me to represent you." He greets you!"

Ma Bo was taken aback, and then quibbled, "What black brother and white brother, I don't know what you're talking about?"

"I don't know, that's good, then I won't disturb Mr. Ma's elegant mood!" He turned around and smiled and said to the beautiful woman: "Qihan, it's almost time to ring, why don't you go to the classroom? It just so happens that I have a question to ask you!"

"Okay, let's go together!" Li Qihan suggested with a smile. She noticed that Ma Bo was a little afraid of Luo Lei, so of course she had to make good use of him as a shield.

"Well, let's go!"

The two walked into the gate together, Ma Bo subconsciously wanted to continue entanglement, but he backed away a few steps in fright from Luo Lei's sharp eyes.

Phew... Ma Changfeng let out a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to turn around, Luo Lei came back again, and he quickly stood up straight.

"There are so many, you can't use them up anyway, so lend me one...don't look at me like that, I just want one...if you don't say anything, you agree, then I'm not welcome, thank you Mr. Ma! Luo Lei took out a flower from the bouquet, and ran away before Marble could speak.

The angry Ma Bo stomped his foot on the ground. At this moment, his cell phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was Brother Hei calling.

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