urban evil

Chapter 024

Ma Bo looked at Brother Hei's name on the caller ID, and really wanted to hang up. On second thought, Luo Lei was unscathed after all the money was spent. No, I have to tell him about this matter. Hei Lang gang is in Jia County. It can be regarded as a reputation, how can he act like taking money and not doing anything.

"Hey, I said Brother Hei, what the hell is going on, that kid Luo Lei appeared in front of me just now without any injuries... What, say it again!" Ma Bo's face gradually turned blue, and he muttered Repeated: "What did you say, all eight people were sent to the hospital? Are you sure that Luo Lei did it alone, did he also find helpers... just him, how could it be possible, what are your subordinates doing? Food... I'm sorry, I'm mainly surprised, how can eight people not beat one person! What, you want me to lose money, why? I haven't asked you to pay money yet, are you treating your employer like this? "

Brother Hei on the other end of the phone sneered and said: "Mr. Ma, the mission is not completed. The main reason is your side. You didn't tell me that Luo Lei is so good at fighting, otherwise the current situation would not have happened! My eight My brothers are all lying in the hospital with broken bones. The treatment fee, nutrition fee and lost work during the recuperation period will cost at least [-] to [-] yuan. Of course, I am also partly responsible for not completing the task, so I will not follow If you want more, just give [-]!"

Ma Bo almost didn't open his mouth to curse, but he closed his mouth in time before the dirty words appeared, took a deep breath and said, "Brother Hei, you are not being righteous in doing this! You are not the only one in Jia County. To be able to do such a thing, I chose the Black Wolf Gang mainly for the face of the little wolf, otherwise I could go to the Dragon Gang or the Tiger Gang! But since I chose you, everyone is a person who relies on his ability to make a living. And your people failed to complete the task, so you come to blackmail me, do you think it's appropriate? If you say that the information I provided is not detailed enough, you won't investigate yourself!"

Brother Hei laughed three times, and said: "There are rules in the Tao. If you pay such a small amount of money, can I go to the trouble of investigating first? Who swore to me that the other party is an ordinary person?" Man, if it weren't for your words, my brother wouldn't be lying in the hospital! Mr. Ma, I call you Mr. Ma for the sake of Little Wolf, otherwise I wouldn't call you this at all Call, I have brought someone directly to you! My person will be here soon, you'd better hand over the money to him, otherwise don't blame Brother Hei for turning his face and denying him! At that time, I will go directly to Principal Ma to ask for money. He should give it, hahaha!"

"No... Brother Hei, let's discuss it... I'm just a student, how can I have so much money... How about five thousand, let's discuss it again... Dudu... Why did you hang up, I'm so stupid ,Son of a bitch!"

At the gate, Ma Bo yelled loudly regardless of his image, and threw the rose in his hand on the ground, stepping on it, attracting contemptuous looks from many students.

He never imagined that things would come to such a point, Luo Lei was unscathed, but he was blackmailed by the Black Wolf gang, fifty thousand, where can I find them so much money!


Besides, Luo Lei, holding the "shun" rose, chased after Li Qihan in front with a smirk on his face.

Today, Li Qihan is wearing a set of light sky blue designer sportswear. The tick mark on the top left of the jacket is very "similar" to the one on one of Luo Lei's shoes. Although it is a slightly loose sportswear, it still cannot hide it. With her perfect figure, she also has the feeling of the little girl next door, which is refreshing.

A beauty is a beauty, she looks good in anything she wears, Luo Lei began to swallow.

"What do you want?" Li Qihan looked at him with a rose in his mouth, and said with a coquettish smile, "Could it be that you want to pretend to be a plum?"

"Eh? What's a plum blossom? He's not worthy of us to lift my shoes!" The smirk on Luo Lei's face disappeared in an instant, and he said solemnly, "Qihan, I want to use this flower as your helper." Please accept my reward for making up lessons!"

"Ah?" Li Qihan screamed, and within a few minutes, two boys gave flowers one after another, she couldn't accept it.

"Hehe, don't worry, I definitely don't have such nasty thoughts as Ma Bo! I am very pure, and this flower represents the pure relationship between you and me... Uh, no, it should be an extremely pure classmate Friendship is as pure as a little white flower that has just bloomed!" Luo Lei said so, but he didn't think so in his heart, brother is indeed not as dirty as Ma Bo, because brother is already more dirty than him, and he is not worthy to be compared with me ,Wow haha!

"Really?" Li Qihan asked meaningfully.

"Of course, can roses only be given to your lover? You can give them to your beloved teachers and mothers!"

"Then, am I your teacher, or your mother?" There was a sly smile on Li Qihan's pretty face!

"Uh!" Luo Lei was flabbergasted, but he immediately took the flower out of his mouth, held it in his hand and slowly handed it over, yelling solemnly: "Mom, take it!"

This time it was Li Qihan's turn to be embarrassed. I thought Luo Lei would say that he was his teacher. After all, I helped him with a math class all night yesterday. At that time, she would be able to accept the rose justifiably. Shouting "Mom", how could this embarrass Li Qihan, who is a peer?

"You...you..." Li Qihan really had nothing to say, stomped her feet, turned her head and continued walking towards the classroom.

Hey, fight with brother, girl, you are too young!

Luo Lei had the cheek to chase after him once, Li Qihan turned his head and deliberately didn't look at him, but he smiled, shook the flower, and said, "Qihan, don't be angry, I'm just kidding you I am so handsome and so sunny, how could it be possible that I was born by you, no one will believe me when I say it, hehe!"

"Is this the attitude that an apology should have? What do you mean, my aunt can't give birth..." Li Qihan really wanted to slap him to death, but immediately realized that he had fallen into the trap he set again, and grabbed two Fen Fist hit him.

"Oh, you hit someone, you killed someone!" Luo Lei yelled exaggeratedly. In fact, Li Qihan's punch hadn't landed on him yet. A group of students stopped and looked this way.

"You... are so annoying, I don't care about you!" Li Qihan blushed pretty, and ran back to the classroom as if fleeing.

Luo Lei put the flower in his mouth again, tilted his head, and hummed while ignoring everyone's gazes: "What are you looking at, I've never seen a handsome guy molesting a beautiful woman in the street, why should I go, if you're envious, go home and find it." Your sister goes!"

Vomiting sounded everywhere, and Luo Lei ran back to the classroom with his butt pouted, fearing that innocent people would be hurt.

Li Yujia from the third class happened to pass by here, took a panoramic view of what happened just now, and said to herself with her fists clenched: "He is really a big hooligan, a big villain! As the chairman of the student union, we must eradicate such hooligans." Bad guys are duty-bound, I want to return the stability of the school and society!"

If you don't know, you will definitely think that she is the chairman of the police station!

Sitting in her seat, Li Qihan clearly felt that her face was burning hot, and she began to blame Luo Lei in her heart. It was all this annoying villain. Originally, she wanted to thank him for helping her out, but who would have thought It's disgusting for him to say something like that!

Luo Lei stepped on the bell and came in, his face was still sloppy, but the rose in his mouth was so eye-catching, the students couldn't help raising their heads, and they all began to guess what this thing was going to do moth.

Seeing him walking towards Li Qihan with a smile on his face, Li Qihan quickly lowered his head, thinking that she wouldn't ask me to accept that flower in front of the whole class, and he would definitely say more. If it is marginal, it will definitely be embarrassing!

Luo Lei finally stood beside Li Qihan's seat, and the whole class held their breath.

The fat man gathered a group of students with mediocre academic performance from behind, took out a blank piece of paper, put it on the table, drew three circles, wrote the Arabic numeral 10 on one of them, and said: "It's okay to place a bet." I made a bet, Lei Ge was sternly rejected by Li Meimei, ten for one, and one for one for each other, and Li Damei accepted the roses, I will take everything, hurry up, there will be no such shop after passing this village Son! Buy it and leave it, buy it and leave it!"

Luo Lei clearly stopped in his ears, and thought that Fatty is really a bad friend, God, brother is careless in making friends!

By the way, I took a quick glance and saw that several guys had placed bets, and they all bet on ten to one loss, nearly a hundred dollars!

Wow, Fatty has a business mind, if he wins, it will be enough for several days!His evaluation of Fatty immediately changed drastically. In order not to drink northwest wind these days, he can only succeed but not fail!

"Qihan!" Luo Lei called out affectionately in a tone that even made him feel a little disgusted, but Li Qihan was not moved at all, her head was still buried in her chest and refused to lift it up.

"Mr. Hanhan, this flower represents my gratitude to you, please accept it!" Luo Lei continued in a very magnetic tone: "I hope the friendship between you and me will last forever, continue to tutor me tonight, okay?"

Li Qihan was overjoyed, it seemed that he really regarded me as his teacher, so it seemed very legitimate for the teacher to accept the flowers from the students!It's just that she has another feeling, that is, did he really send me flowers only because he thanked me for helping him with his homework?

Otherwise, the psychology of girls has always been contradictory, and you will never be able to explore the truest thoughts in their hearts, because even they themselves are not sure.

"Don't accept it, don't accept it..." Several students who placed bets whispered together.

"Accept, accept..." This was Fatty's voice.

Li Qihan stood up, stretched out her hand generously, took the rose with the saliva of a certain animal, and said with a smile: "Then thank you Luo Lei, don't worry, I will continue to give you tutoring tonight ! Although, this is a bit suspected of borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, but I am very happy."


Luo Lei and Fatty made victory gestures at the same time, and the students who placed their bets had no choice but to accept the reality in front of them. They were all wondering, isn't Li Qihan an ice beauty? melted?

Luo Lei rushed to his seat as fast as he could, but he was still a step too late, and the fat man stuffed all the money into his pocket.

"Here, fat man, should you give me half?" Luo Lei rubbed his hands and said.

"No, why?" The fat man shook his head, carefully guarding his pocket, for fear that the money inside would be stolen.

"If it wasn't for my brother's hard work, how could you win money! I guess you have already vomited blood at the loss, ten for one, even your underpants are not enough!"

"Damn, I still gamble a lot, and the winning team didn't come over to share money with me!"

"your sister……"

"I have a younger sister, she's quite pretty, why don't you find time to meet her?"

"I give you a kidney!" Luo Lei was completely defeated by the fat man.

ps: Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, bless Xiaolei to receive more flowers and VIP tickets, Ami Tofu!The next chapter will be even more exciting. Luo Lei will start to grab the coquettish. Please continue to support the judges, thank you very much.

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