urban evil

Chapter 025

English tutoring in the morning and math tutoring in the evening. As for the afternoon time, it is used to tutor the fat man. Who asked him to pay for his daily meals.

"Hey, I just realized that we are also the kind of people who are extremely smart!" The fat man completely understood what Luo Lei said, and couldn't help but feel complacent.

Luo Lei glanced at him and said, "Can't you be a little more humble to me, you kid? You're so smart. I'm the one who's so smart!"

"Hey, that's that. I think back to when the teacher said this, it was a blur. Brother Lei, I understood everything when you said it. It means that you are smarter than me!" The fat man danced and said, "You are the first one!" A wise man, I'm second!"

"You are indeed a second!"

"Uh! Brother Lei, we don't bring such hurtful things! If I were two, you would be super two!"


Luo Lei recalled how the fat man was studying hard just now, and thought to himself, you boy, don't let me down, I have helped you improve your intelligence three times, if you can't get a good grade in the college entrance examination, I will call you Hold your little jj and flick it 81 times, then punch it 36 ​​times, and finally rub it big, cut it off and drink it with wine... Uh, and you have to rub it yourself!

"Brother Lei, why are you looking at me like that? I'm so embarrassed!" The fat man said with a coy expression, "I declare first, I don't have any tendency to be gay!"

"Fuck off, I don't care about foundation!" Luo Lei scolded with a smile, and then asked: "Fatty, your foundation is quite good, much better than mine, but why is it always the last one?"

The fat man shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's hard to look back on the past! To put it bluntly, I'm similar to you. I was also stimulated, and then I gave up on myself. When I wake up, it's too late, and I let it go!"

"Have you been stimulated too? Girls' stimulation?" Luo Lei's eyes widened.

"Yes!" Fatty nodded and said, "I have hurt her deeply. In fact, every time I take the bottom of the exam, I feel very relieved. I use this method to make up for my mistakes!"

"Your sister, I don't quite understand!" Luo Lei didn't bother to talk about Fatty's past, because if he continued to talk, his own past would have to surface first. To be honest, he was the last thing he wanted to mention That's the thing.

The fat man gave him a blank look, and muttered something he couldn't understand: "You guessed it right!"

Guess right?What am I guessing?


Brother Hei’s old den is a small abandoned warehouse, located in the southeast of the county seat. Xiao Lang rode a brand new Yamaha 600 motorcycle and parked outside the iron gate. Two younger brothers immediately came up to him, and one of them said with a smile: "Not bad, brother wolf, this motorcycle is so handsome!"

"That's right, I don't even look at who I am, a handsome man is even more handsome!" The little wolf patted the man on the shoulder, and said generously, "I will lend it to you when I'm picking up girls, so that you can also give me a hand." !"

"Thank you little wolf brother, this car must not be cheap, right?"

"That's right, I heard it cost more than 3 yuan!" The other guy seemed very knowledgeable.

Xiaolang smiled and said: "It depends on who buys it! This one was given to me by the owner of the motorcycle shop. A few days ago, I brought a few brothers to help him recover the debt of more than [-] yuan. I gave a car as a reward, ha ha! By the way, my elder brother is inside, please keep an eye on the gate, I will go in and talk about things!"

Brother Hei sat on the chair with a livid face. The person sent to find Ma Bo only brought back a few thousand dollars.

"The little wolf is back, how is the investigation going?" Brother Hei asked.

Xiaolang pulled a chair over and sat down, then said: "The information shows that this Luo Lei is indeed an ordinary person. Two months ago, when their class went out for an outing, they were beaten up by Fan Tong and they didn't go back to class for two months. It is said that he was recovering from his injuries, and no one saw him during that time!"

Brother Hei frowned tightly, thinking that a few middle school students could beat him out of school for two months, how could my eight brothers suffer such a big loss, could it be that the members of the Black Wolf Gang are not as good as those hairy children? A middle school student who doesn't look good?

Things were a bit strange, Brother Hei said in a deep voice: "I see, you go ahead!"

"Well, I'm leaving!" Little Wolf turned around and left. When he walked out of the gate, his cell phone rang, and it was Ma Bo.

"What, my brother asked you for money?" The little wolf was taken aback, turned around, walked into the warehouse and walked out again, saying, "Don't worry, Ma Bo, I'll take care of this matter, I won't make it difficult for you." Do it, that guy named Luo Lei, I will take someone to clean him up! Yes, I will do it tonight, as long as I do this, my elder brother's bad breath will come out, and he won't make things difficult again you!"

After finishing the conversation with Ma Bo, Little Wolf made a phone call to several of his subordinates one after another, telling them to get ready to kill people with him tonight!

At this time, Luo Lei was being a good baby in the classroom, and he didn't know anything about these things.

Ma Bo was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He took out all the balance in the card and handed it over to Hei Ge's subordinates. Fan Tong's text message arrived, saying that Li Qihan had accepted Luo Lei's roses.

The most exasperating thing is that Luo Lei's flower was snatched from him!

With the guarantee from the little wolf, he felt a little more at ease, saying that he was not worried would be a lie, and if brother Hei really found his father and made the matter clear, he would really have to go back and forth.


Self-study next night, the way home was still so deserted, Luo Lei had a naughty smile, recalling the scene when Tian Xi and Li Qihan gave him extra lessons. Learn fast!


The roar of the motorcycle sounded behind him, Luo Lei glanced back, and saw a few young people coming quickly from behind. Once upon a time, he had imagined that it would be great if he had a motorcycle, but it is a pity that he does not even have one now. You can't even afford brake cables.

Those motorcycles quickly caught up, and the leader was Little Wolf. He glanced at Luo Lei twice, and after confirming that it was him, there came a beautiful tail flick, sharp brakes and tires rubbing against the ground. The voice sounded at the same time, and then, the car body crossed in front of Luo Lei.

Several other cars parked on his left and behind respectively, surrounding Luo Lei.

Luo Lei narrowed his eyes slightly. Several people were wearing helmets and couldn't see their faces clearly. After they parked the car, they revealed the guy hidden in their clothes. Six people, three knives, two steel pipes, and an iron chain.

With his toes, he could think that these people came from bad intentions, and it was very likely that they were related to the Black Wolf Gang who troubled him yesterday.

"What do you want to do?" Luo Lei asked blankly.

The little wolf took off his helmet and hung it on the handlebar. He held a machete and said, "Of course it is to avenge the brother who was injured by you last night! Boy, I heard that you are very good at fighting. I don't know if you can escape my machete." Woolen cloth?"

Damn, it really is a member of the Black Wolf Gang.

"Hmph, let's try it!" Luo Lei showed no fear, and pulled out two hands that were almost pure white from his trouser pockets. No one noticed the color of his hands.

"Boy, you are crazy, I want to see what it will look like when you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy after being cut down for a while!" The little wolf winked at the other five people, meaning I go, You watch from the side to prevent this kid from getting oil on the soles of his feet.

It was not the first time that the little wolf slashed at Luo Lei's head with a knife, so he didn't have any scruples in his heart. If the knife is solid, it will not be as simple as a bloody head.

Seeing that the machete was about to hit his head, Luo Lei slid his body, and the tip of the knife almost slashed past his nose. The little wolf tried his best and wanted to withdraw his arm to continue chopping. The strange thing happened That's when it happened.

Luo Lei stretched out his left hand, grasped the blade accurately, and then punched the little wolf's face with his right fist!

Cub pulled out the knife vigorously, only to find that the blade was tightly grasped by the opponent, and it didn't move at all after several times of force. What's more terrible was that a pale and pale fist was wirelessly enlarged in his eyes.

"Bang!" The little wolf was punched in the face, and his ears began to scream at the same time. His hand was still clenched on the handle of the knife. Luo Lei pulled his left hand and pulled the little wolf who was falling backwards, and then punched again. !


"md, let you not learn well!"


"nnd, let you chop people with a knife!"


"Your uncle, it's great to have a knife, who do you think you are!"

Not only did Luo Lei make a move, but even the elders who brought the little wolf suffered disasters.

With three consecutive punches, the little wolf's face was covered with blood, and several teeth were knocked out. When Luo Lei was about to punch the fourth punch, he fell to the ground first, and the hand holding the knife handle followed suit. opened.

The five people next to him were slightly taken aback, and one of them shouted: "Brothers, Brother Little Wolf is injured, let's hack him to death together!"

The five of them rushed up waving the guys in their hands. Luo Lei swung his left hand, and the machete in his hand turned into a white light, which shot into a guy holding a steel pipe. He knelt down on the ground clutching his stomach, screaming stand up.

"When..." Luo Lei slapped the body of the second knife hard with his hand, the machete missed, and then grabbed the arm of the knife hand and twisted it lightly.

"Crack..." This was the sound of a broken arm bone.

Immediately afterwards, there were three more "crack...", four people squatted on the ground in the same posture, hugging their broken arms, screaming one lang higher than the other.

Little Wolf struggled to sit up, and when he saw the five brothers he had brought fell to the ground, he finally believed what Little K and his two brothers said in the hospital, which was what Luo Lei asked him to bring. That sentence: Don't bother me anymore, or you will be in trouble!

In just one minute, all six thugs with murder weapons were knocked down. What kind of concept is this!

As Luo Lei walked towards the little wolf, he said in a cold tone: "It seems that someone said just now that I really want to know what it would be like for me to kneel in front of him and beg for mercy!"

Little wolf sat on the ground trembling, just like little K yesterday, he was scared.

"Brother, I... have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, you... just let me go..." The one who begged for mercy turned into a little wolf, which answered a sentence: Arrogance requires capital!

"Forgive you? Do you think there will be such a good thing?" Luo Lei grabbed the little wolf by the collar and said, "If I was the one who fell on the ground, would you forgive me?"

The little wolf was taken aback. If that was the case, he would definitely not spare Luo Lei, at least he would be seriously injured, or even killed directly.

"Brother... I was wrong..."

"Fuck, who is your elder brother!" Luo Lei slapped the little wolf on the face, and then said with a smile: "Since you know you made a mistake, you should correct it if you know it, and you are still a good boy! But, if you do something wrong, you will be punished." Punishment, I am the person who likes to give people a chance to reform, your motorcycle is good, if you are willing to give it to me, I will consider letting you reform, hehe!"

Xiaolang was dumbfounded, this was a new car that was brought out this morning, and the leather seat cover that had just been replaced hadn't had time to warm up yet!

ps: Happy Holy Egg!May you be happy and prosperous!good luck!Bring the flowers!

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