urban evil

Chapter 026

Seeing that the little wolf was stunned, Luo Lei's face changed, and he said coldly, "Why, you don't want to give it to me! Do you think that all the bones in your body are intact, so you have the capital to challenge me, don't you?"

"No, no, absolutely not!" Little Wolf hurriedly bowed his head and said, "Brother saw my car for my face, so you can take it away, take it away!"

Just kidding, does he dare to disagree? As long as he dares to say half a word, he will end up with limbs and limbs in the next second.

Luo Lei smiled, turned his head and glanced at the Yamaha 600 parked by the side of the road, and said with a smile: "Don't think that brother is taking advantage of you, as I said, you will be punished if you make a mistake! By the way, Do you have any cigarettes on you, take them out quickly if you do, and save them for the pups?"

Trembling, the little wolf took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, and Luo Lei snatched it over with the smoke and fire, took out one and stuffed it into his mouth, and said while lighting up, "Not bad, Ruanyun Well, in the first high school, only the principal and dean can smoke, it seems that being in the underworld is very lucrative!"

After finishing speaking, he very rudely stuffed the remaining cigarettes and lighter into his pocket, and the little wolf didn't even dare to fart, so he had to submissively squat on the road with him.

"Well, not bad, good smoke is good smoke!" Luo Lei spit out a ring of smoke, and stared at the little wolf who was smiling. The little wolf was startled, thinking that he was going to be beaten again, so he clasped his fists and said, " Brother, if you have any orders, just say..."

"Why are you still standing there, give me the car keys, why don't you let me search you myself!" Luo Lei pretended to hit someone.

Little Wolf quickly took out the key from his trouser pocket and offered it with both hands.

Luo Lei picked up the key, weighed it in his hand, rolled his eyes, and said meaningfully: "As far as I know, there should be two keys. What do you mean you only gave me one? Is it possible to return it?" Are you going to steal it back when I'm not paying attention?"

The little wolf just wanted to cry, this car was picked up from the car dealership this morning, and the spare key had not been kept at home, so he kept it on his body, otherwise his grandson would have carried two keys with him!

"Brother, this is a spare key, please keep it..." Little Wolf reluctantly handed over the second key.

"Is this car easy to drive?"

"That... is very easy to open..."

"Teach me, I've never ridden a motorcycle!"

"Eh?" Little Wolf burst into tears, why are you robbing me if you don't know how to ride? He pointed to the storage box under the back seat and said, "There are instructions inside..."

"Oh, little wolf, you are so kind. You even have the instruction manual with you. You have the potential to be a good child!" Luo Lei slapped the little wolf on the shoulder. He grinned in pain, but he still had to pretend With a smile on his face, he was afraid that Luo Lei would fight him again.

Luo Lei stood up and patted the dirt on his buttocks, and the little wolf let out a sigh of relief, thinking that this evil star was finally leaving!

"Well, there is another very important thing!" Luo Lei said with a smirk: "Now that the gas price is so expensive, you gave me a car. I am poor and can't afford gas. How about some brothers help me?" Shall I chip in some gas money?"

"Ah?" The little wolf opened his mouth wide.

"Why, I don't want to!"

"Yes, yes!" The little wolf hurriedly took out all the money in his pocket, and Luo Lei pouted at the guys who were moaning on the ground, and he hurriedly searched their pockets, and there was a total of Six, seven hundred yuan.

Haha, thinking about it, I am really wise and extraordinary. Fortunately, I didn't break the little wolf's bones. Otherwise, if someone turned over the money for me, I would have to do it myself. Wouldn't it be too shameless!

"Thank you very much!" Luo Lei was not polite at all, put the money into his pocket, inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it to the right, and then pressed the ignition button, the motorcycle made a pleasant roar .

Little wolf's heart is bleeding. He got the car by coaxing and scaring it. It was snatched away in less than a day, and it was snatched in front of his face. Big teeth!

Luo Lei turned the accelerator a few times in a decent manner, and with a loud roar, he put the gear on and was ready to start!

"Since you are so righteous, I have to do something for you!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "I am going to call 120 for you. The sooner the brothers get treatment, the less suffering!"

"Brother is really thoughtful, thank you!" Little Wolf nodded and bowed.

"But I don't have a mobile phone, have you brought it?"

"Uh, I didn't bring it!" Little Wolf shook his head with his hands and said, "I came out in a hurry, I forgot to bring it!"

Just kidding, if you bring it, you have to be snatched away!

"That's such a pity, goodbye!" Luo Lei stepped on the gas, and the motorcycle sped out like a wild horse, and he couldn't help shouting: "Yo hoo~!"

It is true to say that you have never ridden a motorcycle, and it is false if you don’t know how to ride a motorcycle. In Luo Lei’s own words: If you have never eaten pork, have you never seen a pig run!He is now completely imitating the cycling action in the movie, let alone, it really looks like that.

Although the locomotive under his crotch is an island product, but he didn't spend a penny to get it, so he didn't pay so much attention. If he was asked to buy it with his own money, he wouldn't want an island product if he was killed!

Braking, turning, flicking the tail, a beautiful sharp turn was completed in this way. At this moment, Luo Lei's self-confidence was unprecedentedly high. While the big devil increased his intelligence by ten times, his reaction ability was also improved. Practicing martial arts and cultivating the heart, it's just a small motorcycle, so it's easy to control.

"Cool, it's so cool!" Luo Lei almost danced in the car, the feeling of speeding was on the one hand, and on the other hand, the stolen things were of course more enjoyable to play than the bought ones.

The engine roared loudly, and the speed of the car instantly increased to [-], then [-]. At this time, there were few pedestrians and vehicles on the street, so there was no need to worry about traffic accidents at all.

Before he knew it, Luo Lei had already driven to the edge of the county town, and took the Huancheng Road. The road here is wider and there are bright street lights, making it more enjoyable.The speed of the car increased to [-], and he could no longer hear the sound of the engine except for the whistling wind. On the side of the South Ring Road, a group of young people dressed in non-mainstream clothes were divided into two factions and were arguing. There were more than a dozen motorcycles of various types beside them. car.

A little girl with heavy eye shadow is obviously the leader of one of the factions, and she shouted: "Do you dare to compare? A group of guys who have no balls in their crotch. If you want to compare, you should go home and find them." Your mother is going to be a good child!"

Xiao Taimei deliberately put on very thick smoky makeup, but one can tell that her real age is very young. She did this because she didn't want others to know that she was still a kid.

The leader of the other faction was a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old, and said in a low voice, "Bijibi, what if you lose?"

"If you lose, I will stay with you all night!" The young lady said in a startling way: "If you lose, you will have to bow your head when you see my mother in the future, and call out respectfully, Sister Xin, How about it?"

The boy looked down at the little girl's round and strong thighs, and her high breasts, and said with a wicked smile, "Okay, I promise you, how do you compare, let's talk!"


There was a roar, and everyone turned their heads together, only to see an exaggerated Yamaha 600 locomotive passing by at high speed, bringing a strong wind and blowing their clothes up.

"Who, you are so arrogant! You thought there was no one in the south of the city, so I'll teach him a lesson!" Xiao Taimei yelled coquettishly, and then rushed towards the motorcycle parked by the side of the road.

The boy stretched out his hand and shouted: "Lin Kexin, what do you mean, aren't you going to compete with me?"

Lin Kexin said without turning her head: "Go home and play by yourself, the hair is not even grown yet, the one just now is worthy to compete with me!"

While speaking, she sat on a Harley motorcycle with her legs raised high, put on the helmet, started the car, shifted the gear, raised the brace, and gasped in one go, and chased in the direction that Luo Lei was driving.

The boy spat on the ground, unwilling to say: "One day I will put you in bed, pretend to be a big sister, it would be great to have a brother who is the leader, isn't it the second-rate gang Tiger Gang, my boss Dad is still the head of the Dragon Gang!"

Luo Lei, who was in a state of excitement, saw a motorcycle driving at the same high speed behind him, with double flashing lights, and couldn't help slowing down. He wanted to see what kind of thing was behind him, so he dared to challenge him.

Anyone who plays motorcycles in Jiaxian County knows that when a person double flashes behind him, he is challenging you and wants to compare his driving skills with you.

The locomotive behind caught up, and Luo Lei squinted at it. Hey, she was a girl. She was a little petite, but she was dressed very avant-garde. The upper body was a tight black leather jacket. The zipper was only pulled up to the chest area. The white bottoming shirt exposed two white hemispheres, but it can be seen that there are obvious signs of being squeezed, except for the exposed part, the bottom is full of parallel imports.Then came a pair of low-waisted leather shorts, leaving some gaps between the jacket and the white and soft waist, followed by thighs covered in stockings and brown boots that reached to the knees.

Tsk tsk, this girl rides a good bike, but I don't know what she looks like, don't be a dinosaur girl with a figure and no cheeks.

"Brother!" Lin Kexin lifted up the black part of the front of the helmet, revealing only a small mouth with this lipstick and a pointed chin, and said, "Do you dare to compare!"

"Comparison, yes!" Luo Lei said in a frivolous tone, "But I have a habit of never comparing myself with someone who doesn't even show my face. I don't know who I am if I win, and I don't even know who I am when I lose. To whom!"

"That's crazy! Auntie will let you see my pretty face of Lin Chiling, who is so angry. Get ready to wipe your saliva, it will pollute the environment!" Lin Kexin took off the helmet.

"That's it, Lin Chiling is still mad at you?" Luo Lei sarcastically said, "A little girl who hasn't grown up yet, she's so old, she's much bigger than you if she doesn't squeeze!"

Lin Kexin looks quite cute, but the thick smoky makeup makes people daunted.

"Do you dare to compare?" Lin Kexin said angrily. Of course, she knew what she looked like when she was not crowded. She was not much better than the airport. The most annoying thing was that people said her breasts were small.

Luo Lei nodded, and said with a smile: "Bi Bi Bi, what's the bet?"

"Your motorcycle!" Lin Kexin's eyes had long been fixed on this new bike. Although she was riding a Harley, it was an old motorcycle that was at most [-]% new.

"Hey, hey, you have to be kind!" Luo Lei followed Lin Kexin's example, but he put his eyes on her lap and said, "This is a new car, and it's worth tens of thousands. What if I win?" ?”

Lin Kexin's heart broke, she puffed her chest out and said, "You win, and this car and I are yours!"

ps: Happy Holy Egg!May you be happy and prosperous!good luck!VIP here!

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