urban evil

Chapter 029 Domineering CK Panties

As soon as Luo Lei accelerated, Shen Anna's body leaned back according to inertia, her hands subconsciously hugged his waist tightly in shock, and her body was also tightly attached to his back.

Hehe, this is what he wanted, Luo Lei was very satisfied, and the motorcycle drove towards the orphanage smoothly.

Shen Anna felt that her chest was bumping like a deer, she really wanted to let go a little bit, but the motorcycle was running so fast, she didn't dare to let go, she was very contradictory.

Fortunately, the journey to the orphanage was not long, and with Luo Lei's control of the speed at more than 5 miles, it took only [-] minutes.

"Xiao Lei, thank you so much this time!" Shen Anna said with a blushing face.

"Sister Anna, if you say that, you will be too alien!" Luo Lei said seriously: "I am a member of the orphanage, and this is also my home! If the old director didn't let me live next to the school, Don't I still have to live here? I'm running out of time, so I won't go in. Sister Anna says hello to my brothers and sisters, I'm leaving first!"

"Hmm..., be careful on the road!" Anna Shen warned.

Luo Lei turned the accelerator, and the locomotive roared away.

The security guard at the gate of the Yigao gate stared blankly at Luo Lei riding his bike in. The school has a rule that no matter if you are a student or a teacher, you have to get out of the car and push in when you pass the gate. It may be because Luo Lei's motorcycle is too loud. Well, the security guard forgot to stop him.

In fact, in his opinion, this is a dispensable regulation, and it must be implemented equally. Why do the principals and vice principals drive in directly in small cars? Why don't they get off and push in!

The roar of the locomotive attracted the attention of many students, but when they confirmed that the owner of the car was Luo Lei, their expressions of envy were gradually replaced by contempt.

Li Yujia was lucky enough to have a panoramic view of this scene. She clenched her pink fist and said to herself: "A bastard is a bastard. There are no students who go to school on a motorcycle. I have to eliminate harm for the people. Luo Lei, you wait, my aunt will never." I will give you good fruit to eat!"

The girl who was with her asked a little puzzled: "Xiao Jia, why do I feel that you have some kind of feud with him? He provoked you?"

Li Yujia said unhappily: "It's not just provoking, he... Forget it, anyway, I and him are at odds, just wait and see how this lady deals with him!"

In the corridor outside Class [-], Ma Bo and a girl were talking with their heads down.

"Then it's settled. If you want him to embarrass him in front of the classmates, the outstanding class leader will be yours!" Ma Bo said in a low voice.

The girl's face was full of joy, and the snot bubbles came out, and she kept saying: "Don't worry, it's a piece of cake for me to hurt people, Luo Lei is not a good guy in the first place." Birds, don't urinate and take care of their own virtues, but dare to play Li Qihan's idea!"

Under normal circumstances, a class can only have one outstanding class cadre, and they can enjoy extra points in the college entrance examination results. The extra [-] points for no reason is enough to make everyone envious.

Anyway, Fan Tong's excellent class cadres have been dismissed, and Ma Bo feels that he has to make a big fuss about it.

The girl's name is Sun Hui, the deputy monitor of Class [-]. She has a worse reputation in the class than Fan Tong. see her.

From the corner of Ma Bo's eyes, he saw Luo Lei who was going upstairs. He quickly raised his legs and walked to the first class of classrooms, not forgetting to say: "It's up to you!"

Sun Hui made a reassuring expression, turned around and entered the classroom.

After Luo Lei walked into the classroom, he first gave Li Qihan a bright smile, and then walked towards his seat carelessly. Before the fat man sat down, he asked impatiently: "Brother Lei, how about that?" Where did you get the booming motorcycle?"


"How can I guess? Could it be that I picked it up!"

"Pick one up and let me see!"

"Could it be that someone gave it to you, or snatched it from you?" The fat man didn't know that he had guessed it all right away.

Luo Lei was slightly taken aback, you can do it, Xindao boy, it’s not the same if your intelligence has increased by three times, it’s not in vain for brother to train you so hard, he said in a mysterious tone: "I won’t tell you!"

"Then lend me a ride for two days, I'll go out and seduce the little girl!" The fat man smiled.

"Play with your eggs! With your weight, not to mention the fuel consumption, after you ride it, it won't be crushed to pieces!"

"Woooo, I won't take you like this!"

Sun Hui turned her head to look at Luo Lei from time to time. She was thinking about what kind of excuses she would use as a starting point to make things that Mr. Ma told her to be done more satisfactorily.

It's a pity that Luo Lei was studying hard all morning, and he didn't leave Sun Hui with any excuses.

Sun Hui was tormented, and even began to pray in her heart: Luo Lei, please make some trouble, please!

Hard work pays off. Luo Lei, who had just had class in the afternoon and hadn't slept all night, finally couldn't stand it any longer. His upper and lower eyelids fought uncontrollably. In the end, he just lay down on the table and fell asleep before his head touched the table. .

The fat man curled his lips and whispered to himself: "I just said the day before yesterday that I should study hard, and now I fell asleep again. It's so easy to change your nature! Look at me, I went back to the dormitory to talk to my little one after studying by myself yesterday. Ze Maria has fought for [-] rounds, and he is still full of energy today!"

Sun Hui was secretly delighted that the opportunity had finally come. She stood up excitedly, holding a paper tube rolled up from a book in her hand, and walked over with her head held high.

Fatty didn't take it seriously at first, but when he saw Sun Hui coming straight towards Luo Lei, he quickly poked his stomach with his hand, and whispered, "Brother Lei, get up quickly, the deputy squad leader is here!"

"Don't make trouble, just fell asleep!" Luo Lei pushed the fat man's fat hand away.

Fatty wanted to continue to do something, but it was too late, so Sun Hui walked up to the two of them.

Sun Hui slammed the book on Luo Lei's desk heavily, and then shouted in her characteristic duck voice: "Luo Lei, get up for me immediately! This is a classroom, a place to study, not your kangtouer !"

Sun Hui's high-pitched voice attracted the attention of everyone in the class, including Li Qihan.

Li Qihan also wondered, these past few days Luo Lei has always been studious, why did he fall asleep in class again?

"What's the noise, what's the ghost screaming!" Luo Lei, whose dream was interrupted once again, became furious, stood up with staring eyes, and Sun Hui took two steps back in fright.

"Luo Lei, who told you to sleep in class, what right do you have to yell at me!" Sun Hui relied on her title of deputy monitor to embolden herself. She believed that in front of so many students, Luo Lei Lei would not do anything excessive to a girl like her.

"What's the matter with you, I slept with mine, did it affect you?" Luo Lei didn't like her. Sun Hui never thought that Luo Lei would directly adopt such a strong attitude, and she had to change her original attitude. The strategy, decided to start from his pain, so that he has no chance to stand up.

"Look at you, you're all over the place, it's fine if you don't study hard, and you still chase after school girls! Poor, you really don't have any self-knowledge, do you deserve it?" Sun Hui rolled her eyes and said.

"Don't look down on people, how do you know that brother is full of street goods?" Luo Lei asked directly to the end.

Sun Hui pointed to his top and said, "The jacket is genuine, the trousers are LEC, the shoes are even more extreme, one Nike and one Adidas, the counterfeit ones are too low-level, isn't this a street stall?"

fake?joke!My brother’s is the international brand Adidas Nike. I bought it from a specialty stall in the grocery street for tens of dollars. Since I wore it on my feet, I don’t know how many classmates envy it!

How did he know, that's not envy, it's simply contempt!Because the side of the shoe is the Nike logo, and it turned into the Adidas logo on the back, the store owner patted his chest and said to him: Dear, it is absolutely genuine, fake one pays three!

Luo Lei was taken aback by the shop owner's words, and he didn't ask until several days later: Am I being cheated?

In this regard, Fatty expressed that he was under a lot of pressure and did not explain the truth to him because he was afraid of hurting his self-confidence.

"Grass, who said that only those who wear famous brands are worthy of chasing the school belle? Hasn't the deputy class president heard the idiom of a beast in clothes?" Luo Lei did not back down.

"Then at least you have to have decent clothes! Didn't your parents teach you that in addition to keeping warm and looking good, doesn't clothing also mean respect for others?" Sun Hui deliberately asked the class Everyone could hear clearly that she wanted to use this method to humiliate Luo Lei and expose his pain points. Everyone knew that he grew up in an orphanage and was a child without a mother.

The fat man clenched his fists tightly. If Luo Lei didn't keep giving him winks, this kid would have already punched this bitch Sun Hui in the face. How dare you humiliate Brother Lei!

Li Qihan was also very angry. If Luo Lei could not refute in time every time, she would have come up to help. It would be great to wear famous brands. Ma Bo and Fan Tong are all famous brands, but their character is terrible.

Furthermore, Li Qihan, as the "party", didn't say anything, so it's your turn, Sun Hui!

"Hey! Some people are easily deceived by superficial things!" Luo Lei said unhurriedly, "It's like the word inner beauty. I guess Squad Leader Sun must not know the true meaning of this word!"

"Why, do you want to say that you dressed like this on purpose?" Sun Hui said relentlessly, "Luo Lei, if you can take out a piece of clothing that is not a street shop, I, Sun Hui, will publicly apologize to you. ! If you can't get it out, study hard for me, stay away from the school flowers, and don't be like a fly all day long!"

"Isn't it just a famous brand? We really have it! Let me tell you, my brother's underwear is CK. If you don't believe me, take it off and have a look!" Luo Lei made a gesture to untie the belt, and stopped as soon as he put his hand on the belt buckle. He smiled and said: "Squad leader Sun, maybe let's find a place where no one is around, and I'll take off my pants and show you alone, how about that? In addition to underwear, I also have a genuine licensed one with me, which is guaranteed to be different from other people's. It can be big or small, long or short, I guarantee you can't put it down, you can't put it down!"

"You... hooligan..." Sun Hui was speechless.

Luo Lei's face turned cold, and he said in a cold tone: "Get away from me! Don't think that I don't know what your purpose is, who you are instigated by, and that you came here to trouble me on purpose. If people don't offend me, I will not offend others. If people offend me, I will pay back ten times. Disappear immediately before I completely turn against you, or you will bear the consequences! Also, help me send a message to your master Ma Bo, there is Kind of face-to-face one-on-one, don't make small moves underneath!"

"Okay!" Fatty took the lead in shouting, and then began to applaud. Several classmates who were usually bullied by her but did not dare to resist also spoke out to criticize.

Sun Hui's plot was exposed by Luo Lei, and she turned pale with anger, and staggered back to her seat.

Fan Tong, who kept his head down, wiped his sweat. Fortunately, Sun Hui came forward today. If it were me, what would happen? Cousin, you really met your opponent!

Luo Lei had a victorious look on his face, he didn't care about what Sun Hui said, they were just a bunch of brats, nothing to compare with, childish!

ps: Enjoy it, then don't be idle, flowers and VIPs are waiting for you!

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