urban evil

Chapter 030

In the principal's office, Ma Haitao was sitting on a comfortable large leather swivel chair, thinking about how to win back the outstanding class leader position that his son Ma Bo had just lost. After getting [-] points, it should not be a problem to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Thinking of this, Ma Haitao began to curse Luo Lei and Tian Xi in his heart. The two of them were behind the incident. After the fight happened, he instructed Fan Jian to go to Tian Xi and ask her to forgive her. Her son was so out of control that she had to ask for an explanation, and she had already printed out a report letter, and if the result did not satisfy her, she would send it to the county education bureau immediately!

Leaving aside the family power behind Tian Xi, when she was employed as a doctor of overseas returnees in Jiaxian No. [-] High School half a month ago, the provincial and municipal TV stations and newspapers made extensive reports, and the education bureaus of the county and city The leader even met with her in person, so her report letter carries a lot of weight.

As for the family behind Tian Xi, Ma Haitao has not been able to figure it out until now. He only knows that Tian Xi cannot be offended, not to mention his little principal, even the county magistrate and mayor.

"Xiao Bo, you are so unbelievable!" Ma Haitao sighed helplessly. Ma Bo has been the class monitor since the first year of high school, and has won the outstanding class leader award every year. The head of the class cadre, it seems that the college entrance examination is due in two or three months, but such an accident happened.

Regardless of whether he succeeds in the end, Luo Lei, a scumbag, must be allowed to leave Yigao, Ma Haitao thought bitterly.The phone rang, and when he took it out, it was an unfamiliar number, so he hung up without thinking.

It rang again after a few seconds, and he pressed the hook button again. There were always some inexplicable people asking him for help, so he never answered strange calls.

The phone call did not come back. After more than a minute, the text message sounded. He opened it and was stunned. Brother Hei, your son Ma Bo asked my brother to help him beat up a student named Luo Lei.Unfortunately, more than a dozen of my brothers were sent to the hospital because of this. The main reason is that the information provided by your son was not detailed enough, which led to such a result. If you don't, don't blame me for doing such a deadly thing!

"The Black Wolf Gang?" Ma Haitao said with a livid face, "Xiao Bo actually got involved with a member of the gang, I'm so mad! Director Fan, you go to Class [-] of the third year and call Ma Bo over here!"

Fan Jian who walked in from the outside didn't know why, and asked, "Brother-in-law, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter, you've caused a big disaster again!" Ma Haitao said angrily, "And your precious son, call them over too, I reckon that both of them can't escape this matter!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Fan Jian immediately went to the teaching building.


In the classroom, Luo Lei spoke earnestly, Fatty listened earnestly, and Li Qihan pricked up a pair of small ears more earnestly, catching the ups and downs of the voice coming from behind.She was amazed that what she had just told him, he could tell the fat man what he had learned and sold, it was not easy.

Thinking of Sun Hui's embarrassment in front of him just now, Li Qihan felt it was funny, and at the same time, she was even more ashamed of Ma Bo's character, and even bribed a classmate to maliciously slander another classmate, this is simply intolerable!

Li Qihan's home is not in Jiaxian County, but a higher-level prefecture-level city. It is said that the educational conditions in the city are far better than those in the county. Going to school is completely out of her own decision. She feels that the county seat is not like a big city, which is full of hustle and bustle all day long.

As for her father being the director of the Municipal Education Bureau, this matter was only known to Ma Haitao and other high-level leaders, so from the very beginning he acquiesced in his son Ma Bo's pursuit of her, and if he could really succeed in turning her into himself His daughter-in-law, his official career will be smoother, but not everyone can get on the boat of the Chief of the Market Bureau!

Luo Lei finished today's explanation, closed the textbook and said to the fat man: "Next, find some exercises to do, consolidate what you have learned, and firmly remember it in your mind!"

"Understood, Brother Lei!" The fat man said seriously, "Don't worry, I will definitely get ideal grades in the college entrance examination!"

"Hehe, it's good to have confidence!" Luo Lei said in a low voice, "Not only the college entrance examination, but I plan to become a blockbuster in the preliminary examination in a month's time, and calm down those guys who look down on us! Are you going to surprise them again during the college entrance examination?"

The fat man smiled obscenely, and said: "Of course I'm with Lei Ge. I have such a good opportunity to perform. Why don't I fight for it! So we only have [-] days left, and we have to work harder ah!"

"Don't double it, bro stay up all night and read at home, is it easy for me?" Luo Lei muttered.

The fat man immediately stood in awe, reached out to hold Luo Lei's hand and said, "I apologize to you for a certain sentence I said, please accept me..."

"Get out, accept your fart, brother don't be gay, go play with your own eggs!"

"I am sincere!"

"Your sister!"

"I mentioned my sister again. To be honest, she is really beautiful. Why don't I introduce you sometime?" The fat man laughed and called a ****.

Luo Lei glanced at him, and said in his heart that from your honor, I have already seen the excellent genes of your whole family. It is strange that your younger sister is so good-looking. Who would believe that Zhu Bajie's younger sister looks like a fairy!

"Don't be poor, study hard, hurry up!"


Ma Bo and Fan Tong were beaten again, Fan Tong felt aggrieved, Ma Bo's finding the Black Wolf Gang had nothing to do with him, so why should he be punished too!

The two wondered more than once whether Ma Haitao was born in the education field. Didn't he advocate the abolition of corporal punishment a long time ago? As the principal, he must have become a monk halfway through. Otherwise, why would he be punished every time he made a mistake?

"Do you think I haven't caused enough trouble, kid?" Ma Haitao slapped Ma Bo on the ass, and shouted, "You actually asked the gangsters to come forward, and if word got out, your father, the principal, would be the leader." , how many people are eyeing my seat, can't you cause me less trouble?"

Ma Bo grinned in pain, he knew his father's character very well, the more he was like this, the more he had to give in, otherwise the end would be even worse, he said regretfully: "Dad, I was wrong, I was really wrong It's gone! I shouldn't be looking for outsiders..."

"Shut up!" Ma Haitao said angrily, "I didn't say that it's wrong to find someone to help you solve your troubles. If you want to find someone to help you solve your troubles, you should also find a gang that can stand alone! A small, low-level gang, even a dozen people can’t beat Luo Lei, what do they do? What do you do, you won’t go to the Dragon Gang, that’s the number one gang in the underworld!”

"Eh?" Ma Bo and Fan Jian were taken aback at the same time. Could it be that he also has contact with gangsters?

Ma Haitao took out his mobile phone in front of the two of them, dialed a number, and said with a smile: "Hello, Brother Long, are you okay after not seeing you for a long time? Hehe, Brother Long is Brother Long. Since you guessed it, I will find you If you have something to do, then I won't hide it... The thing is like this... Yes, the Black Wolf gang has blackmailed my son now, and I have to pay 20 to stop... Yes, this is Isn’t it too much to bully others? Well, well, that’s great, Brother Long is willing to help, this matter must not be wrong! And that student named Luo Lei, you also helped me tidy up! When it’s done, I will definitely I won't treat you badly, Brother Long, hehe, let's do this first, I'll wait for your news!"

After hanging up the phone, Ma Haitao glared at Ma Bo and said, "Learn a bit, a little bullshit black wolf gang, what do you think you're doing with them? If you want to do it, stick with the strongest people." ,understand?"

Ma Bo nodded quickly and said, "I understand!"


In the old nest of the Dragon Gang in Jiaxian County, the gang leader Wang Long with a face full of flesh was sitting on a chair, with a dozen of his subordinates standing in front of him.

"Have you found out everything clearly?" Wang Long asked.

Shen Chengzhun, the headmaster of the Poisonous Snake Hall, took a step forward and said: "I have found out clearly that more than a dozen members of the Black Wolf Gang are lying in the hospital, with either broken arms or broken legs. It is miserable! I heard that the person who injured them was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old A high school student, still an orphan. The few deals that the Black Wolf Gang had just acquired were taken away by Lin Yang's people, and our people were one step late, allowing the Tiger Gang to take advantage of it!"

"A high school student can injure more than a dozen members of the Heilang gang? This sounds a little weird!" Liu Shengyi, the master of the poisonous scorpion hall, said with a smile: "It can't be a rumor, right?"

Shen Chengzhun shook his head, Song Yikui, the hall master of the Poisonous Wolf Hall, added: "Several of my subordinates heard the same situation. The Black Wolf Gang was indeed planted in the hands of a high school, and Heizi's younger brother, Little Wolf, is also lying in the hospital. Dental surgery!"

Wang Long said in a deep voice: "We didn't take advantage of the business of the Black Wolf Gang, but I want people from the Black Wolf Gang! Yikui, I know that you have a good relationship with Heizi in private. If you can absorb him, I will give You have done a great job!"


After the evening self-study get out of class, Luo Lei went to the garage to ride his motorcycle, and met Li Qihan who was about to go out at the school gate.

"Qihan, let me see you off!" Luo Lei said sternly, in fact, he was thinking about how to take advantage of Li Qihan, he just needs to do the same thing in the morning, wow haha, it must be very exciting!

Li Qihan stared at the extremely rumbling motorcycle in front of her, smiled and shook her head, and said, "I heard that there are students in our school riding motorcycles to class this morning, so it's you! The car is nice and pretty!"

"Then what are you waiting for, come up!" Luo Lei said with a smile, his heart was already full of joy.

"Don't tell me, I've never ridden a motorcycle before!"

"Brother, I want you to experience the feeling of flying like lightning!"

Li Qihan nodded, Luo Lei was ecstatic.

However, he couldn't be more happy in the next second, because Li Qihan didn't use the riding method, but sat sideways on the back seat. No matter how fast Luo Lei drove, she could only let her side body stick to the Put it on your back!

Woohoo, I knew it would be the safest way to teach her how to ride a motorcycle first, but it's a bit late to talk about it now. With Li Qihan's intelligence, he must be able to think of his evil intentions.

But, is there really no chance? Luo Lei didn't come to a conclusion so quickly.

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