urban evil

Chapter 031

Just like in the morning, after leaving the gate, Luo Lei started to accelerate, and the motorcycle reached forty miles in an instant. Li Qihan carefully sat sideways on the back seat, with one arm tightly hugging his waist, and the two bodies Also stick together tightly.

The fly in the ointment was that Li Qihan was sitting sideways, so Luo Lei didn't enjoy that soft feeling again.

But generally speaking, it's also very good. Being able to trick Li Qihan into his car gives him a sense of accomplishment.

In Rose Garden Community, where Li Qihan lives is the most upscale villa area in the county. There are only two types of people who can live here: high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Obviously, with Li Qihan's background, he can be classified as high-ranking officials.

When they passed the gate, two young security guards stared at Luo Lei with wide-eyed eyes. If Li Qihan was not sitting behind him, they would never have let him in. , not an asshole, but an asshole!

Anyway, they are all jerks, good people who ride such a car.

In front of an independent villa, the roar of the motorcycle stopped abruptly. Luo Lei smacked his lips and said, "This house is worth millions, Qi Han, your family is really rich!"

Li Qihan smiled and said: "My grandfather and grandpa funded the purchase. My parents are ordinary employees, so how can they have such financial resources! Maybe it's because of my love for my house. After I decided to come to Jia County to go to high school, my grandfather and Grandpa hit it off and bought this house here, and they also like the scenery of Jia County very much, they always come to live here for a while when they are not busy!"

"So that's how it is!" When Luo Lei saw this house, he subconsciously attributed Li Qihan's parents to corrupt officials. Could the director of the Municipal Education Bureau be an ordinary employee?

"Come in and sit down!" Li Qihan issued an invitation.

Luo Lei really wanted to go in, but he didn't want to show too much, so he said with a smile: "Let's go, it's not convenient, it's getting late, and it will disturb your rest!"

"I don't think there is any inconvenience!" Li Qihan said with a smile: "You sent me back, which saved me a lot of time. I usually don't go to bed too early. It's okay to go in and have a cup of tea. of!"

Luo Lei smiled, then changed his lewd expression, stuck out his tongue and licked Tian's lips, and said with a smirk: "Then you are not afraid of luring wolves into the house, in case I get into a beast and do something to you What should I do if something wrong happens?"

Li Qihan was not intimidated by his words at all, but instead asked meaningfully: "Do you really want to do something wrong to me?"

"Huh?" Luo Lei didn't get the result he imagined, and said with a dry smile: "You are so beautiful, but any man will have fantasies, and I am also a normal person, what do you think?"

Li Qihan pouted her lips and said, "Then I'd like to advise you to be more honest! You probably don't know where this place is, and most of the owners are county and city officials. Besides me, the family , there is also an aunt who takes care of my life, and there are alarm devices in every aspect, all in places you can't think of, as long as I lightly press one of them, the security will come within 2 minutes, the police Will be here in 10 minutes too!"

The security guards can arrive in 2 minutes. This is too fucking dedicated. Although Luo Lei has never tried it, he is sure that he is not a fast shooter. What can he do in such a short time?

Besides, Li Qihan is the goddess in his heart, so how could he do something profane so easily.

While wiping his sweat, Luo Lei said, "I'm so scared, so I'll just be a good boy!"

"Hehehe, then please invite the good boy to visit Miss Ben's house!" Li Qihan smiled coquettishly and made a gesture of invitation.

"Well, I'm very honored to accept Miss Li's invitation!" Luo Lei said this seriously first, and then asked with a smirk: "I wonder if I could be more honored to visit Miss Li's boudoir by the way? "

"Go to hell! Stop dreaming!" Li Qihan gave him a blank look, stepped forward and rang the doorbell.


"Are you sure?" Lin Kexin was the same as yesterday, with smoky makeup all over her face and a crowded upper body, she was staring and questioning a younger brother of the same age.

The younger brother nodded and said, "I'm [-]% sure, it's the man you chased yesterday. His motorcycle is very distinctive, and we only have one in Jiaxian County! I saw him drive a beautiful girl into the car with my own eyes." Rose Garden District!"

"Which row and which building?" Lin Kexin asked.

The younger brother smiled wryly and said, "It's a high-end residential area, and there are security guards at the gate, so how can I get in!"

Lin Kexin frowned and said, "I can't see it, that annoying guy actually lives in such a high-end community, it's not right!"Yesterday he clearly stated that he lived in the west, and the Rose Garden community was in the northeast of the county!

Is it to send the beauty home?

Lin Kexin continued to ask: "Is that woman beautiful?"

"Which girl?"

"Stupid, it's the girl sitting in that bastard's car!"

"Well, it's beautiful!"

"Compared to me?"

"It doesn't compare at all. The one from the parents is beautiful..." The younger brother just said this proudly, when he felt Lin Kexin's sharp eyes on him, he quickly changed his words: "I mean She has no way to compare with you, Sister Xin...Sister Xin, I was wrong, please don't hit me...I'm really wrong, can you not slap me in the face...Woooo..."

A few minutes later, the younger brother's face was covered with tears, and his eye sockets had become like pandas.

"Be careful what you say in the future, this is self-inflicted, you know?" Lin Kexin said while rubbing her fists.

The little brother nodded quickly, the speed was astounding.

Lin Kexin was very satisfied with his performance, and said: "Go and find out his details for me immediately, you must be quick!"


The old Woer of the Dragon Gang, the leader of the gang, Wang Long, looked at the two people in front of him with a smile. They were Hei Ge and Xiao Lang.

"Since Boss Long has spoken, my Brother Hei has no choice but to save face!" Brother Hei said helplessly, "This is the end of Mr. Ma's affairs, and I will not make things difficult for him and Principal Ma again!"

In fact, Brother Hei was very unconvinced. He wanted to extract some oil and water from Ma Haitao so that he could treat the brothers lying in the hospital, but before he succeeded, he was invited here by the Dragon Gang.

The Dragon Gang is the largest gang in Jia County, and the three hall masters under Wang Long are all capable of acting on their own, and there are many younger brothers under him, more than two hundred in total, not to mention that most of Brother Hei's men are lying in the hospital, even now Everyone has healthy limbs, and they are not opponents of the Dragon Gang.

Back then, the Dragon Gang was able to acquiesce in the existence of the Black Wolf Gang, thanks to the friendship between Brother Hei and Song Yikui, the leader of the Poisonous Wolf Hall. If it weren't for this relationship, the Black Wolf Gang would have been swallowed up by the Dragon Gang long ago.

According to Wang Long's request yesterday, Song Yikui went to Brother Hei to ask him to join the gang with his younger brother, but he refused, and that's how the two of them met today.

Wang Long said with a smile: "Then I would like to thank Brother Heizi for your generosity. I sincerely invite you to join my Dragon Gang. As long as you are willing to come, I will not treat you badly! I know that you have a good relationship with Yikui, so I will let you know." Let him be the deputy hall master directly, and your brother will also be included in the poisonous wolf hall!"

Brother Hei smiled lightly, and said: "The Black Wolf Gang is just a small gang, and now there is such a big mess, how can it get into the eyes of the leader of the Dragon Gang! A bunch of brothers are still lying in the hospital, I have to find a way If they raise money, they won’t bother Lord Long! Regrets will come soon!”

"Then I won't do anything against others, and I will regret it for a while!" Wang Long stood up and clasped his fists, Brother Hei and Xiaolang turned and left.

Song Yikui shook his head helplessly, Liu Shengyi, the master of the Poison Scorpion Hall, said with dissatisfaction: "Isn't it just a small black wolf gang? What's there to do? Brother Long is giving him face when he sees him, and he dares to refuse Big Brother." Kindness!"

Wang Long waved his hand and said with a smile: "If he joins my Dragon Gang without even thinking about it, I don't worry about it. In that case, he may use the Dragon Gang as a springboard to secretly cultivate his own power. Once his wings are full, he will leave. Tigers are a threat! This guy, Heizi, is a character. He was able to build a small piece of the world with his own hands in the gap between our Dragon Gang and Lin Yang's Tiger Gang. It's not easy! I appreciate such a person , so it must be taken under his command. The Tiger Gang cut off his source of income, and if I cut off his last bit of hope, he will soon be unable to sustain it. At that time, the only way is for me to bow down and surrender. , Ha ha, this is called playing hard to get, do you understand?"

The three hall masters nodded, expressing that they understood Wang Long's words.


An aunt in her 40s opened the door, smiled and said to Li Qihan, "Miss is back, there are guests, come in, I'll make tea!"

"Wu Ma, don't be too polite, he won't treat himself as a guest!" Li Qihan said with a smile.

Luo Lei shrugged and introduced himself first: "Hi, my name is Luo Lei, and I'm Qi Han's classmate. Of course, maybe our relationship won't stay with classmates forever. One day..."

"Ahem..." Li Qihan coughed twice, interrupting Luo Lei's words, and knew that this guy was familiar, so he couldn't let him continue talking without restraint!

"Hehe, come in quickly!" Wu Ma let Luo Lei in enthusiastically. This was the first time Li Qihan brought a boy home. Although she didn't know the relationship between the two, just from this point, It should be warm hospitality.

Walking into the house, the interior decoration style is very different from the exterior. There is no luxury and cumbersome atmosphere, but a strong bookish atmosphere. Exquisite furniture, elegant color matching, everywhere is spotless.

Luo Lei was not polite to Li Qihan either, and sat on the sofa directly after he came in, feeling as casual as returning to his own home, Wu Ma went to make tea inside, and Li Qihan accompanied him to sit down in the living room.

"How about it, is my place okay?" Li Qihan asked.

"Very good!" Luo Lei said honestly, "I don't know how many times better than my pig's nest. By the way, when will you take me to visit your boudoir?"

Just after she finished saying this, Mama Wu came out of the kitchen with tea, and she could hear this sentence clearly.

In front of Mama Wu, Li Qihan felt that it was wrong to refute, and it was wrong not to refute, this annoying guy, he really didn't open any pot!

Seeing Li Qihan's silence, Mama Wu thought she was shy, and the eyes of the two gradually became ambiguous.

"Hehe, Xiao Luo, you don't know, the layout of Miss's room is impressive!" Wu Ma obviously misunderstood the relationship between the two.

"Then we really have to see, Qihan, what are we waiting for, I can't wait!" Luo Lei said to Li Qihan with a smile, and deliberately made the relationship between the two very close.

ps: I haven't been online all morning, so the update is a bit late, and I hope you guys will forgive me, the chapter in the afternoon will be updated on time.

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