urban evil

Chapter 037 Dress up as a pig and eat a tiger

Luo Lei took a quick step towards the right in a calm and unhurried manner. The sword aura almost slashed across his body, and the sharpness of the sword aura could be clearly felt in the nearby places.

If it was hit, at least it would be the result of a bruise, the hateful big man of the island country is really domineering.

The reason why he was able to dodge smoothly was because the Great Demon King had already judged the attack direction and range of the sword qi before Kobayashi Juesan released the sword qi, allowing Luo Lei to prepare in advance and dodge.

Xiaolin Juesan couldn't help being stunned. In his opinion, it only takes one move to deal with the ignorant kid in front of him. Who would have thought that his evasive action is better than that of the injured woman next to him? Could it be that he made a mistake in his judgment? Or is this kid just a guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Taking advantage of this brief gap, Luo Lei winked at the beautiful woman in black and asked her to take the opportunity to escape, because he knew very well that he did not have the strength to deal with this island pig. It's only about being abused, and the best way to deal with it is undoubtedly to take advantage of the opportunity that he can't judge his own reality at this moment. As long as the beauty in black can escape smoothly, he will have no worries!

As for how he escaped by himself, he wasn't worried at all. With the help of the old and unscrupulous Great Demon God, it was not a problem at all.

"Boy, how did you escape?" Xiaolin Juesan asked.

"You really want to know? I just won't tell you!" Luo Lei folded his arms in front of his chest and said with a smile, "I can't tell unless you tell me your trick of 'killing a pig with one knife' first." you!"

"Slashing with one sword is the secret method of my Oni Ninja clan, how can I tell you!" Xiaolin Juesan said angrily.

Luo Lei shrugged and said, "How to hide is also my secret method, don't you still want to know?"

While speaking, Luo Lei continued to wink at the beautiful woman in black. She finally understood what he meant, nodded slightly, and squinted at Kobayashi Juezan, meaning that when he attacks you again, I will take action.

Now that a consensus has been reached, Luo Lei felt relieved. He waved his hand and said, "The first move is over, let's move on to the second move. I promise to kill you when you make the fourth move!"

Kobayashi Juesan's facial expression changed significantly from just now. He took a deep breath, raised the Toyo sword very slowly, and shouted suddenly: "Zhushen slash!"

"Huh..." The Dongyang knife that was slashing down brought a gust of wind, and it blew on Luo Lei's face, causing him the slightest pain.

Just now the beauty in black was injured by Zhu Shen's double slash, judging by Xiaolin Juesan's expression at the moment, he paid more attention to it than just now, and the double slash turned into a single slash, its power can be imagined.

"Boy, take two steps to the left, it's now, hurry up!" the Great Demon God spoke a little hurriedly.

Luo Lei hurriedly followed suit, and when he stepped out with one leg, the beautiful woman in black also started to move, turned around and ran towards the exit, covering the wound on her rib with one hand, and blood flowed from between her fingers.

Although most of Xiaolin Juesan's attention was on Luo Lei, it didn't mean he ignored the beauty in black. After he completed the God-killing slash, he didn't care to observe whether the move was successful, but used his right hand to strike With a flick, a stone bullet the size of a glass ball flew out, hitting the back of the head of the beautiful woman in black.

"Ah..." The beauty in black snorted, and fell to the ground in front of her body, she was already unconscious.

Grass, Luo Lei, who successfully escaped the sword qi, cursed inwardly, this is good, she failed to escape, what can I do, brother, that is to say, if you don't get rid of the bow-legged person in front of you, no one will live from here go out.

"Stupid woman, no one can escape from my sight!" Xiaolin Juesan spat on the ground, then turned to look at Luo Lei with a silly expression on his face.

"Don't look at me, I have no intention of running away!" Luo Lei said casually while moving the knuckles of his hands, "I will kill you, and then walk out ostentatiously. There's only one left!"

When Luo Lei said this, in fact, his heart was already beating wildly.

"Old guy, do you think it's possible for me to kill this bow-legged man?" Luo Lei asked.

The Great Demon God said without hesitation: "If you fight alone, if you fight in a fair and honest manner, you will be cut into two pieces by someone with one blow!"

What does it mean to be upright, when will my brother be upright... Uh, no, it should be said that, against the island country pigs who intend to embezzle my Chinese treasures, there is no need to talk to them about the morals of the world.

Moreover, I don't even know what morality is!

It has to be said that Luo Lei successfully overwhelmed Kobayashi Juesan in terms of aura, which is called the victory of aura.

Xiaolin Juesan's two small round eyes rolled around several times. He knew his own strength, and even more clearly the lethality of Zhushen's slash. This kid was able to dodge twice safely. Is it much taller than me?

On weekdays, Xiaolin Juesan often sparred with the masters of the clan, and he often played with one person releasing sword energy while the other dodged. If you are on the same level as yourself, it will be difficult to escape.

Luo Lei looked down at his hands slightly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he took it to heart.

"Big man from the island country, it's obvious that your 'killing a pig with one knife' doesn't work for me. Our Huaxia country has always been a state of etiquette. Although you are here to grab things, I'm still willing to give you a chance generously! "Luo Lei said at a moderate pace: "The third trick, I asked you to slash close to me, and you still didn't fight back. Do you dare to try it?"

Xiaolin Juesan's eyes lit up, indeed, he also thought that the long-range sword energy could not hurt the slightest bit, it would be better to fight in close quarters!

"I want to convince you to death!" Luo Lei stretched out his right hand, spread his five fingers, and said, "It's still the same sentence, once you pass three moves, I will kill you immediately!"

Xiaolin Juesan's heart trembled, his hand clenched tightly on the handle of the knife couldn't help but tightened again, and he nodded with a distorted expression.

This guy was fooled, Luo Lei was ecstatic in his heart, and deliberately showed a trace of joy on his face, so that Xiaolin Juesan could clearly see it.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" asked the Great Demon God.

"Hey, you'll know if you look at it with wide eyes!" Luo Lei bought it off.

Xiaolin Juesan took a deep breath, walked towards the smiling Luo Lei with two bowed legs, thinking that this kid would definitely kill me after I made a move, he must have some kind of strange martial arts, I have to be careful That's fine, I absolutely can't use all my strength for this move, otherwise I won't have the reaction time and the ability to resist it when facing his ultimate move.

Thinking of this, Xiaolin Juesan couldn't help but take another deep breath.

Luo Lei stretched his neck forward on purpose, as if he was ready to kill. The more he did this, the more Kobayashi felt that this was a trap, and the less he dared to raise his knife to slash.

"Ah~" Xiaolin Juesan yelled. On the one hand, it was used to grab the head start, and on the other hand, it was also to give himself courage. After shouting, he raised his Japanese sword and struck at Luo Lei. He didn't dare to choose to directly strike Luo Lei. neck, and in order to preserve the strength to deal with the next move, he only exerted three-point force.

That's it!Luo Lei was very sure of his judgment, Xiaolin Juesan was fooled.

The speed at which the Dongyang knife was slashed was not fast, this was for the convenience of changing moves later, Kobayashi Juesan thought he was very smart, but he didn't know that he had already fallen into Luo Lei's trap.

The distance between the two was less than two steps, and Luo Lei knew that the opportunity was coming. He took a sudden step forward, quickly stretched out his snow-white left hand to catch the Japanese knife that was slashing at him, and his right hand was even faster. Twist his neck when he can react.

"Go to hell, Daoguo pig... Kacha..."

Luo Lei twisted his right hand violently, breaking Xiaolin Juesan's throat in an instant. Who made him be so careless? In his next life, he can be reincarnated as a pig or a dog. Don't be an islander, or I will kill you !

Xiaolin Juesan's eyes widened, and he looked at the hand still clasped around his neck in surprise. He knew better than anyone what the "click" sound meant just now.

The hand holding the knife couldn't help but move a few times, but the blade was tightly held by Luo Lei's left hand. Xiaolin Juesan was completely disappointed. The rapid loss of vitality made him let go of his hand involuntarily, and his legs softened and fell to his knees .

Luo Lei took advantage of the situation and extended his claw-shaped right hand away, taking away a large piece of flesh from his neck, and blood spurted out. This is called double insurance. It died within ten seconds.

"Cough..." Xiao Linjue opened his mouth three times to speak, but the blood flowed out first. He pointed at Luo Lei and said in a hoarse voice, "You...you don't keep your promise...the third trick...the fourth trick... you……"

Luo Lei threw away the flesh in his hands, and said to him with a smile: "Is it necessary for me to talk about my credibility with an island bandit like you? It would be nice to stay in my own nest honestly. If you insist on coming to China to rob things , you still dare to hurt the beauty of our Huaxia Kingdom, you must die!"

"You..." Xiao Linjue's eyes narrowed, and then turned into dead fish eyes, and his body fell limply to the ground.

The Great Demon King was full of praise for this, Luo Lei's intelligence was beyond his expectation, and said: "You are good enough, you can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. Have you seen that, the pigs of the island country will not die with peace in their eyes!"

"Hehe, are you sure he's really dead?" Luo Lei asked in a low voice.

"Pretty sure, what's wrong?"

"Huh... brother killed someone for the first time, I was a little scared... and a little excited. If this grandson pretends to be dead and seek revenge from me in the future, wouldn't it be very troublesome!" Although Luo Lei felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, But it is still considered calm. If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely choose to leave here first.

"The dead can't die anymore, the neck bone is broken, the neck artery is cut off, all of them are fatal injuries, even if the gods come, they can't save them!" The Great Demon King added.

Luo Lei let out a long breath, and his eyes fell on the unconscious beauty in black. How to deal with her became a headache.

ps: Flowers, there are wood!

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