urban evil

Chapter 038

When Luo Lei turned the body of the beautiful woman in black, he accidentally broke the threads connecting the black lace cup, and the delicate snow-white mountain roared out, making him dizzy for a while.

I swear to the eighteen generations of Luo family ancestors, I, Luo Lei, never did it on purpose!

Luo Lei swears in his heart, but his eyes are not idle, and he never leaves the towering mountain for a moment. The dark red buds are even more attractive.

"Boy, it's almost enough to appreciate it. Hurry up and find the strange treasure, this is the real business!" The big devil said with some hatred for iron and steel.

"Oh!" Luo Lei nodded quickly, pulled up her clothes to cover the exposed spring, and opened the small canvas pockets tied around the waist of the black-clothed beauty with his hands, and found a black leather book and a pair of A yellow stone the size of an egg, plus a keychain with a key and a metal plate with a number on it.

In front of the metal plate is a raised three-digit Arabic numeral, and below it is a line of small characters - Jiaxian Tongbin Hotel, it seems that this is where she lives.

The shape of the yellow stone is called an ellipse, and it is distributed with spiral lines like knives and axes. It is warm and moist in the hand, like stone but not stone, like jade but not jade. Holding it in his hand, Luo Lei can feel a faint energy on the surface of the stone. It circulates, endlessly.

"Could it be this broken stone?" Luo Lei frowned and looked carefully for a while, then said, "Old guy, it doesn't look like the rare treasure you're talking about, does it?"

"You know what a fart!" The Great Demon King said angrily: "What you see is only the superficial phenomenon, and there is nb's incredible treasure hidden inside. Let me tell you the truth, whoever gets such a treasure may be able to lead the cultivation world , or to speed up the speed of cultivation, this will be something that everyone dreams of!"

"Oh!" Luo Lei put on a very educated look, then opened the small black notebook, took a deep breath, and read: "Murong Hanwei, a major in the military, is in charge of the Secret Service directly under the Ministry of State Security, The captain of the third team of the Ninth Division. Wow, she is still a soldier!"

Although Luo Lei has always been an ignorant guy, he also knows what the Ministry of State Security is. It is an important anti-espionage and political security agency of the Chinese government.And it has long been said that the most powerful member of the Ministry of National Security is the Secret Service, whose members are all selected from the military's special forces, and each of them is the master of ten, and is engaged in the most dangerous tasks.

Recalling the situation in the previous battle between her and Xiaolin Juesan, this Major Murong Hanwei is indeed good at martial arts.

"It's over, it's over, I messed with the Ministry of State Security, can I take this thing away?" Luo Lei looked at the stone egg that he had been holding in his hand, and said, "If I knew her identity like this, I should have concealed it when I showed up." face!"

The Great Demon King said in a deep voice: "It is indeed troublesome. Since the Ministry of National Security has intervened, it means that the country is bound to obtain the rare treasure. If you want to keep it for yourself, you have to face hunting all day long!"

"Woooo, isn't that miserable!"

"Of course it's not impossible, there are two ways for you to choose!" The old guy snorted, "First, before she wakes up, pick up the bow-legged Dongyang sword and kill her. Once she dies, there will be nothing left." People know that you have been here, leaving only a scene where you died together!"

Luo Lei looked down at Murong Hanwei's pretty face, shook his head and said, "How can I have the heart to destroy flowers with my hands, I can't do this!"

The old guy despised him first, and then said: "Then use the second method, dispose of the Daoguo pig's body as quickly as possible, make some scars on yourself, and tell her when she wakes up She was not an opponent with bowed legs, and he tried his best to rescue her, so the treasure was naturally snatched by the bowed legs!"

"Hey, good idea, let's do it now!" Luo Lei hurriedly ran to Xiaolin Juesan's body, grabbed one of his ankles and dragged him away.

Nine Yin White Bone Claws, the ancient tomb sect's miraculous skills were turned into super invincible digging hands by Luo Lei. I saw his snow-white hands waving towards the soil, and dug a deep hole in a short while. Then he threw the corpse into it, buried it with soil, stepped on it, and used some freshly sprouted weeds moved around as camouflage.

"Yeah, it's not bad. No one should find it. This is a very hidden place!" Luo Lei smugly clapped the dirt on his hands.

The old guy snorted and said, "It's really asking for trouble. If you want me to say, just give that woman a knife. As for the trouble, don't forget to hurt yourself. Otherwise, how can people believe you?"

Luo Lei immediately turned into a bitter face, begging: "I just said that I can't retreat with my body?"

"Of course not. Who would believe it? You have the ability to get out of your body, and you can still let others take away the treasure?"

"Ugh! It's really asking for trouble!" Luo Lei went back to the place where the previous battle took place, cleaned up the blood left by Kobayashi Kakusan, and then cut a few times with his Japanese sword on his arms and legs.

"No, if it's too light, it will reveal your secrets! And it doesn't look like someone else cut it at all. Anyone with a discerning eye will know it's self-harm!"

"Woohoo!" Luo Lei then fixed the handle of the knife in a rusted hole, then leaned his back against the tip of the knife, exerted a sudden force, and then squatted down, a wound over twenty centimeters in length was produced immediately. Such an injury on the back will no longer be suspected by others!

Putting on a yellow stone egg, picked up Murong Hanwei who was still in a coma, and carrying the Toyo knife, Luo Lei grinned and walked towards the place where the motorcycle was kept, deliberately leaving some blood on the road, the Ministry of State Security will definitely send someone special to come This investigation, doing so is to leave evidence for myself that can prove what I said is true.

Throwing the Dongyang Dao into a river without any hesitation, the task of destroying the corpse was completed. Let Murong Lengyue sit in front, with his hands fixed on Luo Lei's waist, and his head on his chest, sniffing the scent emitted by the beautiful woman. After a burst of body odor, he started the motorcycle.

As for where to take her, the hotel is definitely not acceptable. Two tattered and blood-stained people appear there. It will be strange if they don’t call the police. It’s the same when they go to the hospital. With you under control, it's impossible to drop that stone egg!

Murong Hanwei must first convince Murong Hanwei of this matter, and then report it to her superiors through her mouth, so that nothing can go wrong. If the police intervene, you just wait to be summoned every day. If you don't mess with it, they will never give up!

Murong Hanwei is a member of the Ministry of National Security, and the police belong to two different departments, and there are no policemen on the scene, which shows that her operation is confidential, so there is no need for the police to come here Wading in muddy water.

I can't take her home either, it seems that I can only find an inconspicuous small hotel!

Luo Lei looked down helplessly at Murong Hanwei, who was breathing steadily, and thought that you are comfortable, brother is almost exhausted, not only has to deal with the corpse but also injure himself, think about all the excuses, then you will be sure Hit me, no matter what, I saved you, this is always true!

First go home and change into a set of clean clothes, put away the motorcycle, and then walk into a small hotel with the beauty in a coma. Murong Hanwei is wearing a coat of Luo Lei, covering her exposed spring and wounds. Stay, the owner of the small hotel didn't see anything, and handed him the key with ambiguous eyes. From the owner's point of view, this must be a couple of young people who drank too much in an entertainment place just now. They came here to open and prepare to continue " He has seen many battles.

There was a musty smell in the room of the small hotel. Luo Lei didn't care about so much, so he charged 60 yuan for it. Yay, it costs [-] yuan to stay for one night. It's really bad enough, I earn money Is it easy to have some money?

Slowly putting Murong Hanwei on the bed, Luo Lei took out the anti-inflammatory drugs and bandages he bought on the way, plus a set of silver needles brought from home. This set of needles was given to him by Yang Bing, and he cherished them very much. This is also the only thing Yang Bing left for him, seeing things and thinking about others.

During the two months in the Ancient Tomb Sect, besides learning qi training and martial arts, he also learned acupuncture. Later, under the guidance of the Great Demon King, he gradually began to get in touch with the best technique in acupuncture - ghost needles.

The Great Demon King is like a living encyclopedia, there is nothing he doesn't know from ancient times to the present.

Slowly tearing away the clothes next to Murong Hanwei's wound, Luo Lei tried his best not to look at the beautiful spring scenery that followed. Her injury was not too serious. Although the wound was deep, it didn't hurt the internal organs. It only needed to be disinfected and cleaned. After anti-inflammatory treatment and sutures, it will heal in a short time.

The next thing to do is to stop the bleeding and disinfect. Luo Lei first took out three silver needles and pierced them into several acupoints around the wound. Disinfect and apply medicine, take out the needle and thread for suturing, and finally wrap the bandage.

During this process, Luo Lei's hand touched the unconscious beauty's body more than once. The snow-white and elastic skin, the towering snow-capped peak and a little bit of bright red on it made him almost unable to extricate himself.

The old guy will always remind him at critical moments: "Boy, heals parents' hearts!"

With this sentence, his beating heart will calm down a lot. There is no way, who told us that we are at the age of full-bloodedness, and we are also pink and tender chickens. How can we not be excited when we see such a perfect body.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Luo Lei finally finished the final stitches. Although it looked a bit ugly, it could speed up the healing of the wound and ensure that the inside would not be inflamed or infected.

"I found out that this is really not an easy task!" He looked down at his crotch and said, "Fortunately, I gathered all the blood here, otherwise I really don't know if I would lose too much blood and die. Woohoo, who will sew up my wound! I can’t use the ancient tomb mental method to heal my wounds, I have to wait for her to wake up, hoooooo!”

While complaining, Luo Lei used pins to connect Murong Hanwei's broken cover together again. When his fingers touched the extremely elastic mountain peak, his heart beat wildly again.

ps: Whether Luo Lei can successfully win the trust of the beauty in black, please continue to pay attention.It's time to grab flowers, and those who don't give them will be pulled out to play jj.

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