urban evil

Chapter 039

In order to achieve the effect that the beautiful Murong could see herself as soon as she opened her eyes, Luo Lei sat on the ground and fell asleep on the edge of the bed. Feel something less.


Several military helicopters landed slowly at the place where the meteor fell to the ground. They found it based on the signal sent by Xiao Wang's mobile phone. One of them landed a middle-aged man with a square face, frowning tightly, and his two sword eyebrows were about to wrinkle Together, the golden epaulets on his shoulders and a gold star above them, denote that he is a Major General of the Republic.

A colonel officer wearing a special combat uniform led a dozen people to get off several other helicopters, and immediately launched an on-site investigation.

"Report to the director, seven of our troops were killed in battle, and all of them had scars from fighting with werewolves of Western European descent, but none of them were fatal injuries, while four werewolves were killed by our team! The corpses are about 1.6 meters long, judging from the weapons equipped on them, they are island ninjas!" The colonel officer stood still and reported to the major general: "It can be judged from this that our team fought ahead of the wolves. After finishing off the opponent, he was besieged by island ninjas that were several times larger than himself, and seven of them were killed in battle! The werewolf was probably invited by the island people to lead the charge, and they are accustomed to using such tricks."

The Major General's expression was ugly, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Where is Major Murong?"

The colonel officer shook his head and said, "There are many footprints left at the scene, and they all go in more than a dozen different directions. It is impossible to tell which one is left by Major Murong!"

"Then why are you still standing there, hurry up and look for it!" The major general raised his tone by an octave, and said, "No matter what, if we want to find Major Murong and the treasure, we must not let the treasure fall into the hands of the islanders!"

"Yes!" The colonel officer gave a military salute to the major general, then turned around and arranged for his subordinates to investigate separately.

Soon, someone found Murong Hanwei's communicator and discarded pistol, both of which were broken.

The middle-aged major general looked at the big crater made by the meteor and the dozens of corpses scattered around, sighed several times, took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, and said, "Director, this time I really underestimated the outsiders. Seven members of our team of eight led by Major Murong were killed, and she is also missing. At this moment, her life and death are uncertain, and it is unknown whether the treasure is still in our hands..."


In the morning, a ray of sunlight shone in through the curtains whose mesh was like a fishing net, and projected on Murong Hanwei's slightly pale pretty face. Her long eyelashes moved, and then she slowly opened her eyes.

where is this place?Murong Hanwei frowned, and immediately sat up from the bed. She felt a pain in her waist. She couldn't help but look down. Through the tattered black tights, what she saw was her body wrapped in bandages. Lace bra held together by pins.

There was also a head lying on the edge of the bed, the saliva from the corner of the mouth soaked the not-so-clean white sheets.

"Who are you, where is this?" Murong Hanwei asked coldly, she habitually reached out to touch the pistol and saber hanging on her waist, only to find that there was nothing there.

"You're awake!" Luo Lei raised his head and smiled at her first.

"Who are you?" Murong Hanwei clenched her fists in front of her body, ready to attack at any time.

"Ah? You don't know me anymore, think about it!" Luo Lei said, pointing his thumb at his nose.

She began to recall that in the fight last night, she first lost her pistol, and then fought a ghost ninja named Kobayashi Juezan in the abandoned factory. And let her escape first...

"It's you!" Murong Hanwei asked.

"Yes, it's me!" Luo Lei nodded.

"You saved me and helped me treat my wound?" Murong Hanwei asked.

Luo Lei nodded again, and the smile on his face was immediately replaced by a distressed expression. When he nodded just now, the amplitude was a little too big, which opened the sticky wound on his back.

"What's wrong with you?" Murong Hanwei asked with concern.

Luo Lei gritted his teeth and said, "I'm also injured, on my back, I can't handle it by myself..."

"What, let me see!" Murong Hanwei ignored her waist injury, stood up from the bed, and came behind Luo Lei, his clothes had already been soaked in blood.

Taking off the coat, a shocking wound appeared in Murong Hanwei's line of sight, the blood no longer flowed out, and the surface of the eversioned muscles had dried up, like a big thick earthworm crawling on the back.

"Why don't you go to the hospital?" Murong Hanwei said, "With such a serious injury, what should I do if I get infected? It will be life-threatening!"

Luo Lei thought to himself, isn't this just for you to see, otherwise, would I have suffered such a big crime?But brother was very comforted in his heart, the first thing she did after waking up was not to ask about the whereabouts of the stone, but to care about his injury, but brother picked up the stone, which is somewhat unkind!

"How did you explain it to the doctor and the police when you went to the hospital?" Luo Lei turned around and said, "It's better if you're a soldier, but I'm just a commoner. One thing more is worse than one thing less!"

"You're right. I was in a coma at the time. Even if you had my military ID card, no one would believe you!" Murong Hanwei picked up the cotton wool placed on the bedside table and said, "Don't lie on your stomach." Move, I'll help you treat the wound!"

Relatively speaking, Luo Lei's wound was much more difficult to deal with. The dried scab had to be removed before it could be sterilized and sutured. This was an extremely painful process, and soon his face was covered with sweat.

The same goes for Murong Hanwei, she kept wiping herself sweat, and the hands that peeled off the dry scabs trembled slightly. In order to distract Luo Lei's attention, she asked, "By the way, what about the yellow stone in my pocket?" Have you met?"

"Are you talking about a rock the size of an egg?" Roy asked.

"That's right, that stone!"

"It was snatched away by the devils of the island country!" Luo Lei said what he had made up a long time ago: "After you were knocked out, I fought hand-to-hand with him. I was not his opponent. I was quickly knocked down by him. He found a yellow stone from your body, and then he wanted to kill you and me. I rushed over desperately and took a knife for you... It was the wound you were helping me treat now, and kicked it while I was in chaos. He kicked, then rushed out with you in his arms... I thought he would continue to chase after you, but he looked up to the sky and laughed for a while, and didn't chase after you!"

Murong Hanwei's pretty face became extremely cold, and she gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words: "It really fell into the hands of the islanders!"

"Is that something important?" Luo Lei hurriedly asked, "Did I get into trouble? If I knew this was the case, I shouldn't have taken you away..."

"No!" Murong Hanwei said: "If the other party hadn't taken the stone, how could we spare our lives! Don't worry, I will report to my superiors immediately and let them block the customs clearance port. The stone will never Those who were sent out of China!"

"That's good!" Luo Lei said so, thinking in his heart that the stone really couldn't escape the Huaxia Kingdom, and it was hiding in his brother's closet now.

After treating the wound, Murong Hanwei picked up the phone on the bedside table, listened to it for a few seconds, then relaxed, and cursed: "It turned out to be a decoration, and there was no electricity at all. What happened, you must be dying!"

Luo Lei was sweating profusely, sitting on the ground panting, he never yelled from the beginning to the end, Murong Hanwei admired him, but he was always skeptical about his identity.

"I am the descendant of the Ancient Tomb Sect!" Luo Lei revealed his true identity.

"So it's the foundation of the cultivation sect, no wonder you can escape the sword energy of Ghost Ninja!" Murong Hanwei nodded and said, she is a member of the Ministry of State Security, so she is naturally well-informed, if it is an ordinary policeman, you can tell him As a descendant of the Ancient Tomb Sect, I will definitely think that you are either playing tricks on him or you are a psychopath.

At this moment, Murong Hanwei didn't have any doubts about Luo Lei's words, and was grateful to him for saving her. Without him, she would have died long ago.

She walked into the bathroom, and carefully unwrapped the bandages around her waist one by one. Looking at the wound carefully stitched up by Luo Lei, a blush appeared on her pale pretty face.

And the pin attached to the bra, and her face started to get hot.

"Sister Murong, what time is it? I still have to go to school, maybe I'm already late!" Luo Lei's question interrupted Murong Hanwei's thoughts.

Murong Hanwei walked out of the bathroom and asked, "Are you still a student?"

"Yes, a student from Class [-] and [-] of Jia County No. [-] High School, my name is Luo Lei!" Luo Lei smiled slightly.

Murong Hanwei felt very embarrassed in her heart, facing her savior for such a long time, she even forgot to ask his name, and asked him to say it himself, it really shouldn't be!

"I lost my mobile phone and watch, judging from the height of the sun, it should not be six o'clock!" Murong Hanwei said with concern: "You are injured so badly, don't go to class, take a good rest A few days!"

"No!" Luo Lei shook his head and said, "The college entrance examination is coming soon. Time is running out. I can't afford to waste every minute and every second. I have to go to school!"

What a good student, Murong Hanwei gave her a thumbs up. If she was told that Luo Lei's grades were the last in the class, she would not know what kind of expression she would have.

"Wait a minute, I'll go down and make a phone call, and I'll call a car to take you to school!" Murong Hanwei asked Luo Lei to sit on the bed, thinking about how he had made her a patron saint all night, she felt that I'm very sorry.

Still wearing Luo Lei's coat, Murong Hanwei walked out with long legs.

"Old guy, it's done!" Luo Lei happily said to the big devil.

"Well, she has already believed it, but her superior will ask you to investigate and collect evidence!" The Great Demon King warned: "Don't reveal your secrets, remember what you said before, and be consistent."

ps: Happy Yuandan, children's shoes!Xiaolei wishes you all love and slut in the new year, plus the car saw the car slaughter, the beautiful girls screamed when they saw it, crying and shouting to warm your bed!

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