urban evil

Chapter 053

Going downstairs to eat breakfast, Murong Hanwei had an unconcealable shyness on her face. She ran to her bed and slept with her all night, and even got up early in the morning and beat her up. If it gets out, I'm really going to lose my life.

Luo Lei and Shen Anna walked in front, they were talking and laughing, they didn't mention anything about what happened before, the more they were like this, the more uncomfortable Murong Hanwei was following behind.

During the meal, Luo Lei intentionally sat across from her, and said with a smile, "Sister Hanwei, is your mission today to protect me, or to protect Sister Anna?"

Luo Lei thought the smile on his face was normal, but from Murong Hanwei's point of view, it was not normal at all, even more unacceptable than usual smirk.

"Of course I'm following Miss Shen!" Murong Hanwei said unhappily. Originally, Zheng Nan arranged for her to follow Luo Lei, but of course she has the right to adjust the arrangement. The expression on his face is enough to make people uncomfortable.

After eating, Murong Hanwei couldn't wait to urge Shen Anna to get in the car, and wanted to go to the orphanage with her, which was regarded as free volunteer work.

"I said Sister Hanwei, you have to give me a ride no matter what... I didn't tell you to send me to school, at least send me home, so I can ride my own motorcycle... Hey, you Are you listening to me..."

The military vehicle roared and rushed out quickly, leaving Luo Lei with an innocent face behind.

"What's the matter, I didn't do anything to be sorry for you, really!" Luo Lei said to himself, "I didn't even settle accounts with you after you slapped me and kicked me, but now it seems like I It's like I owe you!"

He failed to get into the car of the beautiful major, so he could only get into a car with two male soldiers in resentment, and went home to pick up a motorcycle.

After arriving at school, Luo Lei sat against the wall, told the fat man not to be disturbed when he was fine, and began to practice Qi. It was sad enough to think about it, and my brother was reduced to the point of practicing in the classroom.

Too many things happened during this period, and I couldn't leave homework in both aspects, so I had to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

Practicing qi, tutoring in English, tutoring in math, and tutoring the fat man, the day was spent unconsciously, and Luo Lei didn't even say a few words to the beauties Li Qihan and Tian Xiduo.

The two beauties admired Luo Lei's enthusiasm for studying at the moment. If they didn't know him well, they would have had the illusion that he was a good student at all.

Generally speaking, Fatty's progress rate is quite different from Luo Lei's. After all, Luo Lei accepts tutoring from two people at the same time, and Fatty can only learn from him.

"Huh..." He let out a long breath, and when he closed the textbook, the get out of class bell rang.

"Brother Lei, you've worked hard! Your speech is really good, I understand everything!" The fat man said with a smile: "I treat you to a big meal when I have time!"

"Okay, I won't be polite to you!" Luo Lei said as he stood up, "Help me clean up. I have to hurry up and leave. I don't know where I'm staying tonight!"

The fat man nodded. He didn't realize it until Luo Lei had already rushed out of the classroom, and said to himself, "I don't know where to live tonight? What do you mean, does he have many places to live?"

Li Qihan originally wanted to ask him to take her home, but if she didn't pay attention to Luo Lei, she would have disappeared. The beauty regretted it for a long time, if she knew this, she should have told him in advance.


The motorcycle stopped in front of the Palace Hotel. Luo Lei was about to go in, and was about to meet Murong Hanwei and Shen Anna who were going out, so he couldn't help asking, "Where are you?"

Murong Hanwei said: "I have found a safe place for you. I am going to take Anna to have a look. Are you interested in going with me? If you are all satisfied, you can move at any time. Of course, you can continue to live in the hotel if you want." !"

"Okay!" Luo Lei shrugged, where he lived was not important to him.

"You drive by yourself!" Murong Hanwei didn't intend to ask him to get in the car with him.

Luo Lei smiled wryly, and thought to himself that I didn't do anything to be sorry for you, but you took the initiative to send it to your door last night, even if I fucked you up, what can you do?

Shen Anna smiled at him with deep eyes. Sitting on the co-pilot of the military vehicle, Luo Lei shrugged and gave a helpless look. He straddled the motorcycle again, and the military vehicle and the motorcycle drove back and forth. to the main road.

Several female guests inside the hotel gate looked out one after another. Yesterday, the girl who deliberately showed Luo Lei's panties held her heart in her hands, and said in an insane way: "Let me just say, it must be the young master of a rich family." , he looks very handsome on a motorcycle!"

Another female receptionist poked her arm and asked, "Didn't you use your trump card yesterday?"

"Use it, but I really don't want to be interested in me!" The female nympho said in a unwilling tone: "Usually, those old perverts, if you don't show them, they would all want to get in. Yesterday I put the thing that should be It’s such a pity that the little handsome guy didn’t ask me for my phone number!”



Luo Lei cursed secretly, and was followed by that girl Lin Kexin again!Originally, a group of gangsters calmed down a lot after being questioned by the police yesterday, and they didn't want to go racing today. Lin Kexin took a few younger brothers out for supper. On the way back, they happened to see those two familiar motorcycles. The little girl didn't even think about it. I caught up!

"Luo Lei, stop for Auntie!" Lin Kexin chased after her and shouted disregarding her appearance: "Give me back Auntie's things!"

Murong Hanwei, who was walking with him, glanced at the rearview mirror and snorted softly, "Xiao Lei, it looks like your life is very rich!"

Luo Lei laughed dryly, and then said, "Go first, I'll take care of this trivial matter! If I can't make it before you leave, you can go first!"

"What about the house?" Shen Anna asked.

"As long as Sister Anna thinks it's good, I have no objection!" After Luo Lei finished speaking, he turned towards a small alley next to him.

"This little Lei!" Shen Anna suddenly thought of a very important question: "Han Wei, have you told him the exact location of the house?"

"No! Did you say that?"

"No! He didn't ask!"

The two women looked at each other, this is good, where should Luo Lei find them, and this guy doesn't have a mobile phone on him.

With three crutches and two crutches, Luo Lei successfully shook off the little tail behind him again, and continued to drive forward while laughing arrogantly: "Wow haha, if you want to catch up with brother, you little girl is not qualified enough! You should go I'm looking for Sister Anna and the others... Uh, where can I find them?"

It's not that he's afraid of Lin Kexin, if that girl speaks out and tells people that he robbed her underwear, wouldn't our reputation be ruined? We picked it up on the street, and it's justified when we get to the police uncle. !But gossip and gossip are the prerogatives of women, especially for a young girl like Lin Kexin who is not yet fully developed, it is easier to use these two skills to the extreme.

One more thing is worse than one less thing. There are enough things in this period of time, and I really don't want to provoke her.

Just as Luo Lei had the idea of ​​returning the same way, the old guy's voice rang in his mind: "Boy, someone is rushing towards you, and it's not kind!"

"Didn't you get rid of them?"

"It's not the group of young people just now!" The old guy added: "Judging from the breath, it's a low-level foreign race!"

Alien?When did my brother get into trouble with foreigners?

Luo Lei judged that the appearance of this person must have something to do with the Oni Ninja, and he was worried that he would not be able to find them, so he even sent them to his door, so I will play with you guys!

Turning the steering wheel violently, he drove towards an open space in the east of the city.

Behind him, a black car followed closely, and there were two foreigners sitting in the car, one was the werewolf mercenary Menglik, and the other was his assistant Harlans.

Menglik sat in the co-pilot, smiled and said to Harlans: "It's the kid in front, it's best to kill him directly, although the reward is only [-] US dollars, but for a high school student, this is considered a sky-high price! "

Harlans nodded, stepped on the accelerator and chased after him, but how could a car be more flexible than a motorcycle? Luo Lei managed to dodge him several times.


Roy parked the car in the open space, took off his helmet and looked back at the car following him.

"Get out of the car and deal with this kid together, then we can go back to Europe with the money!" Menglik said, and the two got out of the car together.

Seeing that it was a foreigner with yellow hair and blue eyes, Luo Lei sneered and said, "You should be the helpers invited by the pigs from the island country, or their lackeys, low-level Western European werewolves, I guess right?"

Harlan suddenly became furious. As werewolves, what they hated most was when people talked about their blood, although they knew very well that they were the lowest level of werewolves.

"Boy, it's time for your death!" Harlans roared wildly, waving his fists and rushing forward.

Even faster than the members of the Ninth Office, Luo Lei no longer held back, jumped out of the car, stretched out a pair of pale hands, and fought with Harlans.


The two punched each other, and took a few steps back at the same time. On the surface, it seemed that Luo Lei was at a disadvantage, but in fact, he was not. You must know that his Nine Yin White Bone Claw is good at claw skills, not boxing skills.

Menglik didn't know that Luo Lei was not only an ancient warrior but also a cultivator, otherwise he wouldn't let Harlans fight alone.

Harlans thought he had the upper hand, and swung his fist towards Roy's face.

In the confrontation just now, Harlans' power had been completely exposed in front of Luo Lei. He had already figured it out, and turned his right hand to grab his wrist.


Harlans' wrist was tightly held by Roy, which made him pale with fright. He hurriedly pulled back, but had no choice but to stretch out his leg and use a side kick.

Well done, Luo Lei slammed his right hand hard, causing Harlans, who had already raised one leg, to lose his center of gravity, and fell to the side.


Then he kicked him on the leg that was standing on the ground, and Harlans' body followed in the air, and flew straight out under the strength of Luo Lei's right hand.

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