urban evil

Chapter 054 The Werewolf Transformation


Harlans' body fell heavily to the ground, and he grinned his teeth in pain. If it wasn't for Rory's intention to use this method to lure Menglik out of the car, he would have taken the opportunity to use a more violent move just now. ——The left hand forms a claw, grabbing the opponent's back and spine suddenly, just pull it up slightly, and then "click", the spine will be broken and you will undoubtedly die.

"Trash, it seems that you are really only worthy to be the dwarves of the island country as gunmen, and the rest are useless!" Luo Lei said in a disdainful tone.

Menglik really almost got out of the car to help, when he saw the blue eyes of Harlans who propped up his body with both hands, he sat down again and said to himself: "It's only one move. You can force him to transform, the life of this high school student is definitely worth [-] US dollars!"


Harlans, who got up from the ground, seemed to be a different person, his eyes glowed blue, his body made a slight "cracking" sound, his whole body seemed to have grown up in an instant, and his clothes were bulging Capsular.

"Old man, is this the so-called werewolf transformation?" Luo Lei asked.

"That's right!" The old guy replied: "This is a transformation at the cost of damaging one's own vitality. The unique ability of a low-level werewolf can be said to injure the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred! If it is replaced by a high-level werewolf, it can be transformed at any time." Transform anywhere without worrying about losing your vitality."

"How much has changed after the transformation?" This is the question he is most concerned about.

"For aliens, I don't have much research!" The old guy said: "However, from his physical changes, we can conclude that after this guy transforms, his strength will be doubled at most, and he won't last too long." time!"

"Understood, just try it and you'll be completely clear!" Luo Lei raised his fist and punched Harlans.

Harlans also punched, and the second strike hit Rory's fist first.


Luo Lei took several steps back one after another, his right hand was already feeling numb. On the other hand, Harlans only swayed a few times. It seems that the transformation of a low-level werewolf should not be underestimated.

"Huhe... Huhe..."

Harlans gasped like a wild wolf in the wilderness, and Youlan stared at Luo Lei who was not far away, and said in an indistinct voice: "Take your life!"

Then, he rushed up.


In Rose Garden Community, Murong Hanwei directly drove the car in, and the guard at the gate not only did not stop him, but opened the retractable door in time.

Parking the car in front of an independent villa, Murong Hanwei smiled and said to Shen Anna: "It's here, is the environment okay?"

"It's pretty good, this is the most upscale community in the county!" Shen Anna said: "If it doesn't work, I'm afraid I really can't find a better one than here!"

"Hehe, anyway, the bureau paid for it, so I chose this place on my own initiative! Anyway, it's much cheaper than staying in a hotel, let's go in and have a look!"

"Okay, if Xiao Lei knows that he is going to live here, he will be very happy!"

Murong Hanwei took out the key and opened the door. The decoration style inside tends to be luxurious, with glamor everywhere. She said, "It turns out that I am a corrupt official who lives here. I was shuanggui a while ago, and my unidentified property exceeds tens of millions. There is a real estate in it, and then it was taken back! Since it was renovated two years ago, almost no one has lived in it, and everything is new. It was originally planned to be auctioned next month, but I fell in love with it. We can only push it back, and when you and Xiao Lei move out, we can talk about it!"

Shen Anna was shocked by the power in Murong Hanwei's hands, that a single sentence could stop the property that was going to be auctioned.

"Are you satisfied?" Murong Hanwei continued, "The environment here is good, and it's easy to protect!"

"Very satisfied, but it feels a bit too luxurious!" Shen Anna said: "I am the dean of the orphanage, and Xiao Lei grew up in the orphanage. It can be said that he has never been exposed to such a luxurious house before!"

"Hehe, as long as you are satisfied! Let's go back, maybe Xiaolei is waiting at the entrance of the hotel again!"

"it is good!"

When the second daughter walked out of the room, Li Qihan just came back, and her house was next door.

When Li Qihan saw two beauties with good figure and good looks boarding the military vehicle, he couldn't help taking another look, and said to himself: "When did the master live next door? Isn't that the house of a city leader? How could there be a military vehicle?" ?”



Harlans' hand, which Luo Lei had finally grasped, was forcefully freed by him, and he was punched in the chest.

It hurts, it really hurts!Luo Lei felt chest tightness, and it became difficult to breathe. As the saying goes, if you want to be beaten, you must be beaten first. After only two months of exposure to ancient martial arts and cultivation, this is the first time he has been punched in the body. , no volleyball experience at all.

"Looking for death, dare to hit me!" Luo Lei was furious, he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

Menglik, who was sitting in the car, had an uncertain expression on his face. According to his previous judgment, Harlans could finish Luo Lei within a minute after transforming. It has been five or six minutes now, except for the one just now. Nothing but a punch!

Moreover, the main reason why this punch was able to succeed was that Luo Lei was greedy and aggressive, otherwise such a result would not have happened at all.

"A small high school student, how can he be so good at fighting!" Menglik frowned, and while continuing to read the information Nao Kobayashi gave him, he said to himself: "Does he have any secret identity?"

When he got the information, he simply glanced at it, not paying attention to the last few words: This person reappeared after two months of disappearance, no one knows what happened in these two months, the only one who can What is certain is that his ability is not inferior to that of the nine members.

"Shit!" Menglik threw the documents aside, and said angrily, "I've been fooled by the islanders again. Someone who is more powerful than the members of the Ninth Division actually only paid [-] US dollars, bullying me for not doing business." Bar?"



There was a scream, and Menglik couldn't help but looked up, only to see Harlans kneeling on the ground with his right arm stretched out, his face full of pain.

What?Harlans' arm was broken by the opponent, how could it be possible!

As a werewolf, Menglik knew very well how strong the bone after transformation was. Although it couldn't be compared with steel, it was more than three times the original strength. How could it be easily broken by human hands?

In fact, Harlans was already at the end of his strength, and the energy that could maintain his transformation was rapidly disappearing. Luo Lei seized this opportunity and succeeded in one blow!

"Boy, take advantage of his illness to kill him, and when his helper arrives, don't think about it so easy!" The old guy reminded in time, lest this kid be complacent and give the enemy a chance to stand up.

"Understood!" Luo Lei replied, then rubbed his body forward.

Harlans' eyes were completely red, and it was impossible for him to fight with two hands since he lost one arm. He kicked his legs vigorously, and his body hit Luo Lei like a cannonball.

At this moment, Menglik opened the car door and was about to come for reinforcements.

Unhurriedly, Luo Lei flashed his body to the side, grabbed Harlans' shoulders with both hands, and then spun vigorously, and then his frontal body was completely exposed in front of Luo Lei.

Quickly stretched out his right hand, and slammed it on Harlans' neck, Luo Lei made a sudden force.

"Crack..." The sound of the neck bone breaking was heard immediately.

"Plop!" Harlans' body fell to the ground, and he closed his eyes unwillingly.

"Shit!" Menglik, who had just stretched out one leg out of the car, cursed, then retracted that leg, moved his body to the driver's seat with hands and feet, and started the car without thinking.

Luo Lei turned around and saw the car fleeing in a hurry.

"md!" Luo Lei scolded: "Why did you run away, come down and fight with me if you have the guts, you low-level werewolves without eggs, I despise you!"

It was too late to chase, and I could only watch the car go away.

Looking at Harlans's body, he shrugged his shoulders and smiled wryly: "It's really inconvenient not to have a mobile phone. Just call the beautiful Han Wei to deal with the scene! It's good now, I have to find her in person!"

Menglik, who was still in shock, made a phone call while driving the car: "Naolin Xiaolin, you bastard, why didn't you tell me in advance that the target person is a hard character, and my companion died in his hands!"

Naoko Kobayashi on the other end of the phone smiled and said: "Menglik, this is your fault! When I proposed this task that day, did you ask for a word related to the target person? I sent someone to send the information to you." Yours, and at the end it is clearly stated that there is a lot of uncertainty in this mission, it was you who were not careful, and now you are here to trouble me!"

Menglik said in a bad tone: "I don't care, I just know that my companion is dead, and you have to pay for it! Otherwise, I'll never end with you, I'll go find you now!"

After Naoko Kobayashi hung up the phone, he sneered and said to himself, "Are you worthy of talking like this to me? If you weren't still useful, I would have chopped off your head with a knife, stupid low-level werewolf!"

When Murong Hanwei heard Luo Lei say that he killed a werewolf, she was helping Shen Anna pack her luggage.

"What? The werewolf took the initiative to trouble you?" Murong Hanwei looked at Luo Lei in surprise, and said, "Another one has escaped?"

"Yes!" Luo Lei nodded.

"The matter is getting more and more serious!" Murong Hanwei took out her mobile phone and looked for Zheng Nan's number and said, "You two must move immediately. I will notify the director to raise the security specification to another level!"

"It's not necessary, is it?" Luo Lei stretched his arms and legs, expressing that he didn't suffer a loss, and he didn't take those people seriously.

Murong Hanwei said word by word: "It is very necessary! You, hurry up and get in the car, let's go to the new residence!"


Menglik, who was driving, looked at one of the pages, on which was written this sentence: The returnee English teacher is helping Luo Lei with English lessons.

When he rolled his eyes, he immediately paid attention in his heart, and said with a sinister smile, "This time you are really doomed!"

ps: What kind of means will the werewolf use to deal with our pig feet, please pay attention!Next week, that is, starting tomorrow, this book will start to hit the list, and I hope everyone will support it. Clicks, flowers, and favorites can all increase the list value. Top up.

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