urban evil

Chapter 065

"Boom!" Kicking the ruffian who was kneeling in front of him because of the pain in his wrist, Luo Lei turned around and walked to Lumaoer's side, stepped on his right ankle, and sneered He asked: "What did you just say? Do you like to cut off people's legs or arms? I didn't hear clearly. Say it again!"

Green Mao'er broke out in cold sweat in pain, and Huang Mao'er beside him thought how lucky, fortunately, I didn't say that sentence just now, otherwise I would be the one suffering now.

"Brother, I was wrong!" Green Mao'er burst into tears of pain, and shouted: "I'm bragging, we have never broken anyone's arm or leg, please forgive me!"

Damn, it turns out that he is a guy who knows how to speak bravely without any eggs. Luo Lei wanted to break his leg to let him remember this lesson. !

He raised his foot and stepped on Lumaoer's other leg, and he screamed in pain. It took less than half a month for this foot to be done so quickly.

"nnd, you got your head caught by the door!" Luo Lei spat on the ground, and said, "It's fine to dye your hair, and make yourself look like you're wearing a green hat. Don't let me see you again, or I'll see you again." One hit at a time! Get the fuck out of me, whoever stays here within ten seconds, I will break his leg!"

Several ruffians stood up tremblingly, supported the most seriously injured green hair, and were about to run away, when Luo Lei suddenly remembered another thing, stared at the yellow hair and said: "You, you still want to collect protection money like others , take out the money just now, don't challenge my patience!"

"Yes, brother, keep it!" Huang Maoer took out the money that had been in his pocket for only a few minutes, stuffed it into Luo Lei's hand, and fled in a panic with a group of his men.

Luo Lei clapped his hands. In fact, there was no dirt on them, just a habitual movement.

Turning around and returning to the small restaurant, he handed over the money to the fat boss. The fat boss gave a thumbs up, and the lady boss looked worried, probably because she was afraid that those people would come to make trouble again.

"You're amazing!" Wu Wen had already attributed Luo Lei to the list of heroes who stood up and helped each other in the face of injustice, and her image became taller and taller.

"Hey, it's nothing, it's a trivial matter! Let's eat quickly, I'll take you back after eating, it's getting late!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

After eating the ramen, the two of them hadn't started fighting to pay the bill. The fat boss insisted that he would treat him today because Luo Lei helped him get back the protection money that was robbed by the ruffian.

The two looked at each other helplessly and left.


Huang Maoer and Green Maoer who had been beaten up sat on the side of the street panting, and they dared to stop after running wildly, for fear that Luo Lei would come after them and beat them up again.

Huang Maoer glanced at Lu Maoer's injury, took out the cell phone in his trouser pocket and said, "I'll notify Brother Meng right now, and ask him to bring someone over to avenge us!"

"But that guy is very good at fighting!" Lu Maoer said with lingering fear, his left ankle and right knee were swollen, and he kept grinning from the pain.

"No matter how much you can fight, there is only one person!" Huang Maoer said indifferently: "Brother Meng has more than a dozen brothers in his hands. The reason why we were not opponents just now is because we underestimated the enemy! When Brother Meng's men arrive, we will He surrounded him and beat him violently, I don't believe he can beat dozens of fists!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Maoer called the so-called brother Meng.


Wu Wen was sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle with her arms around Luo Lei's waist in front of her. Smelling the unique smell emanating from his body, she couldn't help but put her face on his back.

This made Luo Lei a little uncomfortable when he came here. Although everyone has a love for beauty, and Wu Wen is a beautiful beauty, he always felt a little suspicious of taking advantage of others. With the help of the Wu family, would she still make such a move?

The two "have their own ghosts", and before they knew it, the car had already driven to the door of Wu's house.

"Hey, we're home so soon!" Wu Wen whispered, let go of her arms reluctantly, jumped down from the back seat lightly, and said, "Luo Lei, go in and sit for a while!"

"No, it's getting late, let's go to rest!" Luo Lei smiled and said, "Your father's condition has improved, I hope to see you at school! Come in, I should go too! "

"En!" Wu Wen nodded obediently, her big eyes lingered on Luo Lei's face for a few seconds before turning around and entering the room.

Luo Lei shrugged, turned around and left the alley,...

Brother Meng, big name Liu Meng, the son of Liu Shengyi, the leader of the Dragon Gang Poisonous Scorpion Hall, who is not very old but has been in the underworld for more than a year. He gathers a dozen or so dropouts of his age and acts mischievously all day long. Everyone gave him some face because he was Liu Shengyi's son, but this kid thought everyone was afraid of him, acting like a boss in the world.

Liu Meng quickly brought people together with Huang Mao. Huang Mao was able to get involved with the Dragon Gang because he recognized him as the boss a few days ago.

"Which bastard beat you up like this?" Liu Meng saw that the younger brother he had just taken in suffered, so he couldn't help showing the pomp and loyalty that a boss should have, and said, "I have to get rid of anyone who dares to touch me." , take me there, I want to see who dares to fight against me? Is it from the Tiger Gang, or from some other gang?"

"Not at all!" Huang Maoer lowered his head and said, "He looks like a student!"

"Just one person?"

"On a!"

Liu Meng wanted to give Huang Maoer a kick, what the hell are you doing, six or seven people can't beat a student, it's too embarrassing!If he wasn't eager to save face, he would definitely scold these worthless guys.

"It's in the small restaurant in front!" Huang Maoer said, pointing in the direction of the small restaurant.

"Follow me!" Liu Meng waved his hand, and a dozen younger brothers walked towards that side blah.

After a group of people arrived, Luo Lei and Wu Wen had already left, and Liu Meng took his anger out on the fat boss, and several of his subordinates overturned several tables one after another.

The fat boss was so angry that he wanted to fight them desperately with a knife, but was grabbed by the lady boss in time.

Luo Lei happened to pass by here, saw a few ruffians standing at the entrance of the small restaurant, and there was a sound of tables falling to the ground inside, and when he saw that Huang Maoer was also in the crowd, he immediately became furious.

nnd, I didn't hit you hard. You grandsons not only don't repent, but brought more people here to cause damage. If I knew this, I shouldn't let you go.

"Squeak..." Luo Lei slammed on the brakes, took off the gear and turned the accelerator violently, the motorcycle made a "humming" roar.

The ruffians turned their heads together, Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Luo Lei and shouted: "Brother Meng, it's him, it's this kid who beat us!"

Liu Meng walked out with his subordinates who were wreaking havoc inside, and when he saw Luo Lei's motorcycle, he thought to himself—it was him!

The person who bet against the little sister Lin Kexin last time was Liu Meng, who was later destroyed by Luo Lei who was galloping past. If it wasn't for his appearance, maybe he had already slept with that little girl Lin Kexin. Every time I think of this He was very angry about it.

It can be described as a new and old hatred, Liu Meng shouted: "Surround that kid around me, don't let him run away, beat me to death!"

Luo Lei didn't know that he had ruined Liu Meng's "good deed". He had already stopped the car and had no intention of running away. He knew very well that if these brats weren't frightened, they would definitely come to look for Fatty again. Boss trouble.

Then solve the problem at once!

Capture the thief first, capture the king first, Liu Meng is obviously the leader among these people, Luo Lei lifted his leg and got off the motorcycle, swept the boy in the front with a sweeping leg, then took a step forward, dodging the second A fist hit by someone, and then a punch hit him in the face.

The boy suddenly had a nosebleed, fell on his back and began to moan.

The third one was Liu Meng. This kid had an extra dagger in his hand, and stabbed fiercely at Luo Lei's chest.


There was a scream, and seeing that Liu Meng's right hand holding the dagger was tightly grasped by Luo Lei, he screamed with a little force, and then let go of the handle of the knife.

With a sweep of his left hand, Luo Lei took the falling dagger into his hand and stabbed it into Liu Meng's thigh without thinking.

A hog-killing scream came out of Liu Meng's mouth. This guy thought he was good at fighting, and with a dagger in his hand, he would definitely be able to deal with Luo Lei. How did he know that the people around him would let him go, otherwise he would With his inexperienced Wang Baquan, anyone can beat him to the ground.

The dagger more than ten centimeters long pierced more than half of it, and when it was pulled out, blood spurted into the injection. Luo Lei then kicked Chao Liu Meng in the chest, and the guy sat on the ground with a "plop", hugging his legs. screaming.

Blood dripped all over the floor, and the remaining dozen or so little ruffians were all suppressed, and no one dared to step forward, because Luo Lei was holding a dagger in his hand, God knows who he would choose to stab into next time.

That's how the little ruffians are. If they get the upper hand, these gangsters will fight desperately, and the big bastards will also have to be wary of them. Otherwise, why do old seniors often get punched to death indiscriminately? Son, but once they lose the wind, or are overwhelmed by someone, they will immediately return to being a child who hasn't grown up!

Now, they are suppressed by Luo Lei!

Luo Lei narrowed his eyes, found Huang Maoer in the crowd, and threw the dagger in his hand towards him.

"Ah..." There was another scream, and Huang Mao sat on the ground with his stomach in his hands, and the handle of the dagger was exposed on his lower abdomen.

"M a b, this is the fate of not paying attention!" Luo Lei didn't pay attention to the dozen or so people in front of him at all, pointing at Huang Maoer and scolding: "You asked for this shit, you can't blame others! Whoever thinks that he has lived enough, come up to me, and I will fulfill his wish!"

Liu Meng yelled hysterically: "You are all fucking blind, fuck him, get rid of him!"

Seeing that Luo Lei lost the dagger in his hand, more than a dozen young ruffians bravely rushed forward.

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