urban evil

Chapter 066 2 Female Interrogation

Luo Lei only used the Jiuyin White Bone Claw with [-]% strength, and knocked down a dozen little ruffians to the ground. They were all hugging their arms or legs. If they hadn't been merciful, their bones would have been broken long ago.

The fat owner of the small restaurant rushed out with a kitchen knife. Just now, he saw the brave Luo Lei inside, and his blood boiled. He is not afraid of anything even a high school student. I have nothing to be afraid of. I was bullied to the top , Is it still a man if you don't resist?

"Bastard, dare to smash my shop, I'll kick you bastards to death!" The fat boss kicked the ruffians who fell on the ground. The kitchen knife in his hand was used to strengthen his courage. Used to cut people.

Liu Meng was completely dumbfounded, a dozen of them were not opponents of a high school student!In fact, the oldest of his younger brothers is only 19 years old, and most of them are fifteen or sixteen-year-old children.

But in any case, there are only a dozen people!

Luo Lei walked over with a sneer on his face, grabbed his collar and lifted it up. Liu Meng's body was immediately pulled up. He looked at the murderous figure in front of him in horror, and his legs started to move. Shaking violently, I don't know if it's from being scared or from pain.

"Little bastard, do you think you can run rampant in Jia County with just a few people?" Luo Lei said coldly: "If I hadn't been in a good mood today, none of you would have thought of leaving here completely! Isn't it just a group of people? A little bastard with no fur at all, what a big face! Tell you, grandpa, my name is Luo Lei, and anyone who has the guts can come to me at any time, but I warn you, I stabbed your leg today, next time I will The two legs that will be broken will be three legs next time..."

three legs?Liu Meng subconsciously looked down at his crotch, and a stream of heat was generated immediately, flowing down three thousand feet along his legs!

"I'm stupid!" Luo Lei raised his leg and kicked Liu Meng, who was so scared that he peed his pants, several meters away. You nnd, almost brought bad luck to me.

A ruffian secretly took out his mobile phone, and as soon as he pressed three buttons, Luo Lei found out, walked over and stepped on his wrist, and said sharply: "You kid, you want to call someone, right? I told you to call Phone... Hey, you called 120, sorry, sorry, keep going!"

The kid who was stepped on screamed in pain, Luo Lei smiled and bent down to help him press the dial button, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's your fault that you didn't tell the emergency call in advance." !"

Then he raised his face and said, "Is there anyone else who wants to call 110? I'll help him! No one wants to call, right? Then I won't accompany you, Beibei!"

Liu Meng lost his face, he was stabbed, and even peed his pants in front of his younger brothers, how can he be the boss after this, he gritted his teeth and glared at Luo Lei who was riding on the motorcycle.

"Boss, you should hurry in and clean up!" Luo Lei said hello to the fat boss, and then walked away.

His motorcycle had just run a few hundred meters away when the dog car sounded "Wow wow wow" and several police cars were coming this way. urged the driver: "Drive faster, drive faster!"

"Director, didn't you just stop letting me drive fast?" the young policeman in charge of driving said puzzled.

"You're stupid!" the fat-headed and big-eared director said angrily, "Of course you can't drive fast when the situation is unclear. If we arrive, the gang of boys haven't finished fighting yet. Do you think we should go or not?" Go up, it is very likely to hurt yourself, if you don't go up, you will be scolded by the people around you as incompetent! Now, the fight is over, let's just go and clean them up, haha!"

The young policeman nodded and flattered: "The director is the director, Jiang is still old and spicy!"

Besides, the dog carts always come in time, as long as they show up, it means the fight is over, and it was the proprietress who called the police just now.

A group of policemen surrounded a dozen riffraff bluffing, took out handcuffs and handcuffed them, and then put them all in the police station, and people from the surrounding shops gathered around to join in the fun.

Then Liu Meng took out his mobile phone tremblingly and made a call: "Dad, I am Xiao Meng. I was beaten and then arrested by the police... Yes, I was injured... I was stabbed in the leg. Well, I see, I'll wait for you!"

Liu Shengyi on the other end of the phone was furious. As the saying goes, he knows best what his son Liu Meng does all day long, but when he heard the news that his son was injured, he wanted to take someone to arrest the "murderer" immediately. I did it!

However, there is a more troublesome thing in front of us. His son was arrested by the police. Although the Long Gang has a deep friendship with the police chief, this friendship is basically based on money. Every time someone in the gang is arrested, in the end They can be released smoothly, of course, the premise is that enough money is sent.

This time it was about his son, those gangsters who eat people and don't spit out their bones will definitely open their mouths. Thinking of this, Liu Shengyi's brows became pimples, and the gang leader Wang Long had to come forward for this matter.


When Luo Lei returned to the Rose Garden community, it was almost early morning. Normally, Shen Anna and Murong Hanwei should be sleeping at this time, but they were sitting on the sofa in the living room, and the TV on the opposite side was playing a stick China's bubble drama.

After putting the car away, Luo Lei hummed a little song and opened the door. He greeted the second daughter and said, "You two beauties, are you still awake? Hehe, watching TV shows, it turns out that you guys also like to watch TV shows!"

"I like your size, only a fool likes to watch soap operas!" Murong Hanwei said angrily.

"Where did you go fooling around, and you're only coming back now!" Shen Anna's face was covered with a tinge of frost.

Luo Lei opened his mouth. From the angry eyes of the two girls, he keenly sensed a strong smell of gunpowder in the air. They couldn't be targeting me, could they?

After thinking about it, Luo Lei really couldn't think of anything he had done to feel sorry for them!Could it be that you came back late because of me, shouldn't it be?

As far as the current situation is concerned, three solutions immediately popped up in his mind: first, ignore it, go directly upstairs to his room, cover the quilt and sleep soundly!

This plan was immediately rejected by Luo Lei himself. If you can avoid it for a while, you won't be able to hide it for a lifetime, and doing so will definitely make them even more angry. You can't provoke a woman if you provoke anyone, unless you don't want to continue messing around.

Second, change the topic, or question them in turn, and change from passive to active.

It doesn't seem to work either, women are inherently unreasonable, and if there is no chance to be reasonable, how can they turn their backs on others?Judging from the anger on their faces, it is certain that it is even more impossible to change the topic.

Then the only option is to use the last plan of crying ghosts and gods, everyone hides ghosts and fears. Luo Lei took a deep breath, walked up to the two girls with a solemn expression, then sat down on the ground, and asked with a smile : "Two beautiful sisters, what's wrong with you? Did I make you angry? I'm a very honest and good boy. How could I make you angry? On the topic of why I came back late , I think I did nothing wrong. An honest child like me, besides doing good deeds, really can't do other things that can be praised... Two sisters, please don't be angry, okay, being angry is bad for your health Yes, it is also very harmful to the skin, and it is a veritable beauty killer..."

The so-called third solution is to add a lot of nonsense and some compliments incidentally.

"Puchi..." Shen Anna couldn't help laughing coquettishly.

Murong Hanwei glared at her, and Shen Anna quickly returned to her previous cold look, cleared her throat and said, "Be honest, what have you been doing today?"

"Do you really want to tell the truth?" Luo Lei asked, blinking his eyes.

"Yes, you must not hide a single word!" Murong Hanwei said.

"Okay then!" Luo Lei spread his hands and said, "Then I will tell the two sisters exactly what I did today! First of all, I will start talking about getting up in the morning. Clean underwear... Speaking of which, I have to add a word, thank you, sister Anna, for helping me wash the clothes, the clothes are really clean, and there is a unique fragrance, hehe! Then put on the jacket and pants, and then put on slippers Go to the bathroom to wash up... Speaking of which, there is one thing that I can't continue to hide. At that time, Sister Hanwei was going to the bathroom in the bathroom, and the door was not closed properly. I accidentally saw it..."

"What did you see?" Murong Hanwei asked with a dark face, while Shen Anna was blushing, and her two little hands were unnaturally mixed together. Luo Lei's domineering ck underwear was indeed washed by her. of.

"I see...Sister Hanwei, don't stare at me, I'll be scared!" Luo Lei pretended to be scared, and continued: "I swear I didn't do it on purpose when I saw your little black underwear. I just took one look and turned around! Although I really want to remind you that the sanitary napkin on it is crooked, but I still... Sister Hanwei, you look like you are going to eat people now..."

"Luo Lei, you scoundrel, you even peeked at me going to the bathroom, I'm fighting you!" Murong Hanwei rushed over from the sofa. As for the crooked sanitary napkin, she had a deep understanding. Didn't take it seriously, went back to the temporary office and felt something was wrong, almost caused a side leak of some kind of fluid and had to be replaced with a new one.

"Oh, sister Hanwei is going to beat me, kill me!" Luo Lei shouted exaggeratedly, and the two "scrambled" together.

Murong Hanwei sat on Luo Lei's waist, grabbed his neck with both hands, and said forcefully, "I'm going to kill you for daring to watch me go to the bathroom...you're dead..."

Luo Lei had already used his zhenqi to form an invisible protective layer around his neck, and Murong Hanwei couldn't cause any harm to him even if he used all his strength!

Besides, I didn't intend to hurt him at all.

When the opportunity came, Luo Lei's two thieves unconsciously placed on Murong Hanwei's body.

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