urban evil

Chapter 067 8 Great Heaven Points

Murong Hanwei, who lost her mind, didn't know that she was the one who was at a disadvantage, and thought she had the upper hand.

Shen Anna looked at the two fighting, giggling, but Murong Hanwei is a major officer in the Ninth Division, and now there is no such thing as a soldier should look like, it's just like two children fighting.

"Sister Anna, help me!" Luo Lei pretended to cry out, and at the same time put his hands up and down on Murong Hanwei who was sitting on her body. Her two round and strong thighs and soft willow waist were naturally the key parts to take care of. He was "watching a show" by himself, so he didn't dare to go too far.

"Anna, don't listen to him, let's teach this nasty boy a lesson together!" Murong Hanwei was afraid that Shen Anna would turn against him, so the two discussed and scolded Luo Lei with a black face, so that he would not do things as he pleases in the future .

As for why the two made such a decision, it was not because of the incident that happened in the afternoon. Fortunately, the unscrupulous doctor surnamed Liu was frightened by the name of the Ministry of State Security. , Maybe it will cause an uproar.

"Sister Anna, help me, I'm about to be strangled to death by Sister Hanwei!" Luo Lei worked harder and harder as he performed.

"Don't listen to him, this kid's neck is as hard as iron!" Murong Hanwei said: "Anna, come and help me, if you don't teach him a good lesson today, he will go too far in the future!"

Shen Anna was about to come up to help, but she saw that Luo Lei lying on the ground was just pretending from the corner of her eye, and immediately thought that he was harboring evil intentions, and if she went up rashly, she would definitely suffer.

Looking at Murong Hanwei again, Shen Anna knew that she would never let go easily, because she didn't know that she had fallen into Luo Lei's trap, so she quickly stood up and said, "Well, I suddenly remembered that there is still something I need to deal with. Go ahead, I'm leaving first!"

"Anna, what do you mean?" Murong Hanwei asked incomprehensibly.

Looking at Shen Anna again, she went upstairs as if fleeing.Luo Lei thought to himself, it seems that there is no chance to play the game of one dragon and two phoenixes today, one dragon and one phoenix is ​​not bad, hehe!

"Sister Hanwei, Sister Anna is gone, just let me go! Besides, you are never my opponent!" Luo Lei said with a smile, his face full of embarrassment.

The more this was the case, the more unconvinced Murong Hanwei became, and she said with all her strength, "Don't look down on people, I have to obey your lesson today, old lady!"

The result can be imagined, who will suffer, if you don't explain, you know, hehe!


Liu Meng was the first person to be taken out of the police station. The leader of the Dragon Gang, Wang Long, through his relationship with the police chief, promised to spend money to redeem him as agreed before, and the money will be delivered soon.

The director sold face to Wang Long and asked Liu Shengyi to take Liu Meng to the hospital for treatment first, and the rest of them would naturally pay on delivery!

After understanding the situation and sending his son to the ward, Liu Shengyi went to Wang Long to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"What, what did you say was the name of the person who injured Xiao Meng?" Wang Long felt that the name he heard just now was a bit familiar, so he couldn't help asking again.

Liu Shengyi said: "His name is Luo Lei, and according to Xiaomeng, he may be a high school student!"

"Wait a minute, a high school student named Luo Lei, I must have heard of this name somewhere!" Wang Long frowned and thought for a while, then slapped his head and said, "I remember, Principal Ma called me a while ago. Said that his son Ma Bo was bullied by a student, so he called Luo Lei, and asked me to teach him a lesson for this ignorant boy!"

"Could it be the same person?" Liu Shengyi asked.

Wang Long nodded and said, "It's very possible! Think about it, even the headmaster's son dares to beat him, and only such a guy dares to touch the son of the leader of the Poisonous Scorpion Hall of the Dragon Gang! These days I am busy gathering the Black Wolf Gang Remnant, don’t care about Principal Ma’s affairs, if I knew this kid was so arrogant, I should have dealt with him earlier, so that Xiao Meng wouldn’t be injured!”

"Brother, don't worry about it!" Liu Shengyi waved his hand and said, "No one has a long-term perspective. If I were put in the position of the eldest brother, I would also choose to put aside the things entrusted by Principal Ma and annex the Black Wolf Gang. event!"

Wang Long smiled gratifiedly, and said: "Don't worry, the work of the Black Wolf Gang has almost been completed, I will hurry up and arrange manpower to deal with that boy named Luo Lei, and give Xiaomeng this Bad breath!"

"With Brother Long's words, I feel relieved!" Liu Shengyi said with satisfaction.


Murong Hanwei felt more and more that something was wrong, it was obvious that she was pressing on Luo Lei, and he was so helpless to fight back, but the thought that she was at a disadvantage kept popping up in her heart.

Not surprisingly, one of Luo Lei's treacherous hands climbed up a mountain in front of Murong Hanwei, and the other hand was covering her upright buttocks.

Looking down, she discovered the reason, and then looked at Luo Lei, who was enjoying his expression, and suddenly realized that she had been fooled, and exclaimed: "Ah, Luo Lei, you bastard, quickly give me your stinky hand!" Take it away, or the old lady will be rude to you!"

Just kidding, take it away if you say it, who are you?It's not my mother or my wife, why should I listen to you!

In fact, Murong Hanwei was also dizzy from anxiety. She only needed to remove the hands pinching Luo Lei's neck, and she could easily slap his two evil hands away. Then let him take his hand away.

Shen Anna in the master bedroom upstairs has been listening to the movement below since she entered the room. When she heard Murong Hanwei screaming, she began to pray for her silently.

However, Shen Anna soon discovered that there were a lot of strange thoughts in her heart. She didn't want Murong Hanwei and Luo Lei to continue fighting, and even felt a little regret for her escape just now. What kind of scene will it be if you join in.

Murong Hanwei finally realized that she raised her hand to hit Luo Lei, but just as she raised her hand, Luo Lei grabbed it tightly.

"Hehe, sister Hanwei, have you forgotten that you are not my opponent?" Luo Lei said with a smile.

"Luo Lei, let me go!" Murong Hanwei snapped.

"I should tell you this, right?" Luo Lei said angrily at her, "You are on top and I am on the bottom. Who should let go of the other, hehe!"

Murong Hanwei was completely defeated. She knew that she would only suffer if she continued, so she had to raise her hands and surrender.

Luo Lei was very face-saving, so he let go of his hand, and the two of them sat on the sofa together, watching him look like he deserved a beating, Murong Hanwei couldn't help but get angry.

"I said, can you cause less trouble in the future!" Murong Hanwei said angrily, "I just beat up a doctor in the afternoon and kicked him out of Jiaxian County, and then beat up a bunch of ruffians in the evening. Two!"

Luo Lei shrugged, Murong Hanwei was really well informed, she already knew what happened just now.

"Sister Hanwei, it was the other party who initiated the provocation, not me first!" Luo Lei had just finished speaking, when he saw that Murong Hanwei was on the verge of fury again, he quickly said: "I will remember, I will definitely Stop looking for trouble, sister Hanwei, don't be angry!"

"You'd better do what you say, I'm going to sleep!" Murong Hanwei stood up and was about to go upstairs.

"Let's talk for a while, hehe!"

"Let's talk about you big-headed ghost, you should go to sleep for me too!"


Luo Lei wanted to go to bed right away, but it's a pity that today's homework has not been finished yet, so he should take a bath first, and then start practicing Qi.

As usual, a small part of the zhenqi was separated again and merged into the air flow in the head. After the six big circles were completed, he did not stop, but proceeded to the seventh circle.

Still going smoothly, and then the eighth Sunday operation.

It was also very smooth, but after completing the eight cycles, he obviously felt a faint sore feeling all over his body, and was about to ask, the old guy took the first step and said: "Eight times is your limit, boy, You're improving so fast!"

"Soon? I don't think so!" Luo Lei said angrily, "I don't know when I will be able to break through the first glimpse and become a real cultivator. By the way, how does the energy in my head come back? thing, do you figure it out?"

Since the old guy woke up last time, Roy asked this question, but he didn't know what was going on. The only conclusion was that since the energy was harmless to Roy's body, let it go on. The answer will always be found later.

"After several days of careful observation, this strange phenomenon is probably related to the Tianji and Tiantu points among the eight heavenly points!" said the old guy.

The Eight Great Heavenly Points refer to a special ability of ancient warriors after breaking through to the Mysterious Rank. The Eight Great Heavenly Points are distributed in eight different places on the human body. Only one of them needs to be opened to become a veritable master of the Heavenly Rank. Those who can open more than two places at the same time are the best of the best.

The eight Tian points refer to the Tianji and Tiantu points on the head, the Tiangong point on the chest, the Tianwei point on the dantian, the Tianshen and Tiandu points on the left and right arms, and the Tiandu point on the legs. Tianxing and Tianchi points.

Under normal circumstances, when an ancient warrior becomes a master of the ninth-level mysterious rank, he can only open one of the eight acupoints by continuing to practice, but now Luo Lei can only be regarded as a beginner in ancient martial arts. The true qi is obviously the true qi of a cultivator, how could it be related to the eight heavenly acupoints of an ancient warrior?

Moreover, it is the most important and most difficult to open the Tianji and Tiantu points among the eight heavenly points, the two big heavenly points that many ancient warriors dream of opening.

For this, the old guy couldn't give an explanation, and said that he would continue to observe in the future, and there was no more to say.

Luo Lei started to read a book, and the time passed by every minute and every second. When the sky was getting bright, Murong Hanwei got up to go to the bathroom. She saw a glimmer of light from the crack of the door below, and she couldn't help pricking her ears up. Then she heard the rumors from inside. The sound of flipping a book.

"So this kid is working overtime to study, I really didn't realize that he is still a good student!" Murong Hanwei said to himself.

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