urban evil

Chapter 072

"Oh, it's Qihan, you guys are here, come in quickly!" Xu Feng warmly greeted Li Qihan and the others to come in, and said cheerfully: "Xiaofei is here too, and Fan Tong, you are all here, The teacher is so happy!"

In the next second, when Luo Lei's shocking face appeared, Xu Feng couldn't be happy anymore, and he still remembered him vividly. Who made this kid come second to last in the exam every time? It's hard to forget him.

There was a hint of displeasure on Xu Feng's face, but it was quickly wiped away. Three of the four were students she liked, and that was enough. I will explain to my husband in a while and let him look after Luo Lei. Don't allow him to speak.

"Teacher Xu, I came here in a hurry and didn't bring anything. I'm really sorry!" As the leader of the first class, Fan Tong still had to say polite words. After all, the initiator this time was Li Qihan, so they didn't mention it. , how can he steal the show.

Bring something?Luo Lei had never thought about it, and Li Qihan hadn't thought about it since she knew what Xu Feng was doing.

"Oh, what are you being polite about! Sit down quickly, I'm very happy that you can come!" Xu Feng said with a smile: "The reporters from the city TV station will come to interview in a while, and you guys will be on camera as student representatives. If you haven't arrived, get ready!"

Fan Tong didn't know what was going on until now. On the other hand, Li Qihan and Song Xiaofei looked calm. It seemed that they knew it a long time ago. The worst thing was that Luo Lei also knew it. in the drum.

It was too much, but Fan Tong couldn't show it, so he could only sit aside with a smile.

"By the way, Mr. Xu, when we went upstairs just now, we saw someone carrying a video camera!" Luo Lei said flatly, "It's probably the reporter from the city TV station you mentioned!"

Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment, then quickly winked at Mustache.

The mustache also recognized that Luo Lei was the one who helped the Wu family out of the siege that day, and wondered why this kid was here, and he must not be allowed to talk for a while, otherwise something bad will happen.

When Xiao Huzi was about to step forward to threaten Luo Lei, Murong Hanwei and the videographer arrived at the door, asked if this was Teacher Xu's ward, and directly revealed his identity.

Murong Hanwei's alias is Hanwei, and the young man carrying the video camera calls himself Xiao Chen, an intern photographer.

The mustache quickly moved in, and Murong Hanwei changed her usual cold look, took off her sunglasses, smiled and said to Xu Feng who was lying on the bed: "You are Teacher Xu, hello!"

"Hello, Reporter Han!" Xu Feng was all smiles. At this time, Murong Hanwei looked like a professional reporter, and Xiao Chen looked like a photographer.

Besides, this is Xu Feng's first time being interviewed by the city TV station, and it's too late to be nervous, so there's no time to think about other things.

Xiao Chen quickly adjusted the camera. Murong Hanwei sat in front of Xu Feng, and while adjusting the microphone, said: "Mr. Xu, don't be nervous. I'll ask you a question and you can answer it. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. You can start over!" Screen It will only be broadcast after editing, so don’t be afraid to say the wrong thing!”

"Okay, I see!" Xu Feng nodded.

Luo Lei deliberately stood far away, and Mustache's hostility towards him suddenly decreased a lot.

"Start!" Murong Hanwei raised the microphone in front of Xu Feng in a dignified manner, and asked, "Mr. Xu, after we heard that you fell ill, you still cared about the students, and often called the class to ask about the students' recent situation." ,is that so?"

Xu Feng was taken aback, thinking when did I call the class?But she immediately shook the old wrinkles on her face, and said with a smile: "Yes, the students are approaching the college entrance examination, and the learning tasks are very heavy. Although I can't continue to be their head teacher while lying in the hospital, I still have to be a good head teacher." Should do the job!"

Luo Lei expressed his contempt for the fact that he could make it up. Xu Feng is really a fighter in lying. No one can compare his thick skin. He can speak so high-soundingly in front of several students, without blushing or heartbeat.

Murong Hanwei smiled slightly, and continued to ask: "I heard from the teachers in the school that Teacher Xu not only cares about the students in his own class, but also cares about the students in other classes in the same grade. He always helps them when they are most difficult. Help as much as you can, right?"

Xu Feng frowned, and thought to himself, who the hell is spreading rumors? When did my mother care about the students in other classes? She can't manage the dozens of people in her class. How can she care about the affairs of other classes? Son.

But what he thought in his heart, he couldn't say it out of his mouth. Xu Feng pretended to be modest, waved his hand and said, "Hehe, these are not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

"How can this not be worth mentioning? I think the audience in front of the TV would also like to know. Teacher Xu, please give us an example!" Murong Hanwei asked, she had already started to speculate.

Luo Lei was leaning against the wall, looking at Xu Feng who was expressing himself with great interest, thinking that I would like to see how you answer this question, and how you can lie for yourself when something happens later!

Xu Feng rolled his eyes a few times and said with a smile: "I really don't think it's worth mentioning. This is what a people's teacher should do! Helping students in other classes with homework, helping students with extreme difficulties to overcome difficulties, hehe……"

Murong Hanwei nodded, and asked another question: "How did Teacher Xu get hurt?"

"I was hit by someone accidentally... That night, when I was studying at night, the lights on the road were a bit dark. I happened to finish tutoring for a student, and one accidentally broke his leg by a tricycle!" Xu Feng's answer also brought Has a lot of moisture.

"Then how long have you lived here?" This is a rather harsh question.

Xu Fengma's face turned red. To tell the truth, it would definitely not work. How could a patient with a broken bone stay in the hospital for more than 20 days and refused to leave. She cheekily said, "About four or five days!"

"Hehe, Teacher Xu is seriously ill! Then how many times have you called the class?"

Xu Feng felt that he should say more this time, and said, "A dozen times, maybe more!"

This is the obvious inconsistency in the foreword. I called back more than a dozen times in four or five days. Why do you think you don’t have to pay for the call?

"Before I came here, I heard from the principal of our Jia County No. [-] High School that the welfare benefits of the school's employees are very good, and the medical insurance is also in place. Teacher Xu has no worries about being hospitalized this time, right?" Murong Hanwei has already cut into this question. theme.

Xu Feng didn't know, and began to praise the school and the government's good policies eloquently. Most of the expenses for this hospitalization can be reimbursed, and the school will give some compensation as appropriate, and so on!

Speaking of this, Luo Lei calmly gave Murong Hanwei a wink.

Murong Hanwei nodded and continued: "On the way here, we met a female student who was rushing over, she said that she knew Teacher Xu, and she also came to visit Teacher Xu, let's meet together! "

Can Xu Feng say no, he can only nod in agreement.

At this time, Wu Wen came in with a cloth bag in her hand. She spread out the cloth bag and it was full of change, ranging from ten cents to fifty cents, one yuan to five yuan, coins and banknotes. She put the money on Xu Feng's hospital bed. He said in a begging tone: "Mr. Xu, this is the money my father and I raised in the past few days. Although it is not much, please accept it. I promise we will raise 6 yuan to compensate you immediately... "

"What's going on here?" Murong Hanwei pretended to be surprised.

Xu Feng and Xiao Huzi were dumbfounded together. They never thought that Wu Wen would appear at this time. The photographer Xiao Wang also gave her several close-up shots.

"This classmate, why did you give the money to Teacher Xu?" Murong Hanwei turned the microphone to Wu Wen.

Wu Wen replied: "My father accidentally broke Teacher Xu's leg more than 20 days ago and paid her more than 1 yuan. He thought he could heal Teacher Xu's leg. Who would have thought that it has not been possible for so long? After recovering, her lover came to my house several times a few days ago and said that a total of 6 yuan was needed for medical expenses. Since I am also a high school student, I don’t need any nutrition expenses, lost work expenses, and mental damage expenses. Thanks to Dade with my father, I have to raise money quickly..."

"No, it's not true..." Xu Feng shouted hysterically, with no image at all.

"She's lying, it's not true!" Mustache began to yell too.

"Then let me ask this classmate, the teacher has medical insurance, why does she ask you for money?" Murong Hanwei asked.

"I don't know!" Wu Wen shook her head, she really didn't know this happened, otherwise, how could she have been extorted by Moustache for more than 1 yuan.

Murong Hanwei spread her hands and said to the camera: "Before we came up, we checked Teacher Xu's hospitalization information below, and the information showed that she was admitted to the hospital more than 20 days ago. She went home to rest and was rejected by her!"

"It's not like that, it's not...Reporter Han, don't listen to these people talking nonsense, how could I be that kind of person?" Xu Feng almost jumped off the bed in excitement.

Murong Hanwei made a very embarrassed expression, and said: "Both sides insist on their own opinions, who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie, it is really difficult to judge! Fortunately, there are a few students from Class [-] Now, ask them to come forward and tell the truth, won't the truth come to light, what do you think, Teacher Xu?"

"That's right, ask them, they are all my best students!" Xu Feng turned his gaze to Li Qihan as if he was holding on to a life-saving straw.

Li Qihan stood up generously and said to the camera: "Ms. Xu is a good person. Very few students in the class think so. She has a bad temper and yells at the students at every turn. And corporal punishment..."

Xu Feng was completely dumbfounded, and Mustache was also stunned. The couple did not expect things to develop to such a point.

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