urban evil

Chapter 073

As for what Li Qihan said later, Xu Feng didn't listen to a word. She turned her attention to Fan Tong, hoping that he would "justice" for it.

Although Fan Tong is a bit of a bastard, he has learned a lot from his father Fan Jian's ability to observe people's words and feelings, and to flatter others. Seeing that Xu Feng is now a betrayer, he immediately has his own plan - to beat the dog in the water.

Fan Tong's choice is based on his father. After all, Fan Jian is the dean of the school. One person is less than ten thousand. As his son, some of Fan Tong's words and deeds will be considered by everyone to be Fan Jian's. Opinion, so when this is the case, you have to be more careful. Keeping your mouth shut is the best choice, but people have already put the microphone in front of you, and the camera is also pointed at you, so you can't just say nothing!

Since you want to say it, you can't have a word that sounds like Xu Feng, because it will implicate Fan Jian, and Fan Tong has made up his mind that he will never be a cheater this time.

"We came here this time to expose Teacher Xu Feng's true face. She really cannot be regarded as a qualified teacher!" Fan Tong said in an official tone: "The school has long been aware of her defrauding insurance and blackmailing the client. I heard it, but the reason is not sufficient, so I didn’t report it to the school leaders! In the face of the hard facts, I am willing to be the most representative of exposing his ugly face, and return Jia County’s high school to a clean!”

If Fan Jian and Ma Haitao heard his impassioned words, they would be moved to tears!

The strength of Xu Feng's whole body seemed to be emptied, and she sat on the hospital bed with a pair of dead fish eyes. Her husband, Mustache, saw that the situation was not good, and reached out to snatch the camera, trying to destroy the evidence.

Just kidding, Xiao Chen, who is carrying the camera, is a member of the Ninth Office. He was a special soldier. What the mustache is doing at the moment is undoubtedly hitting an egg against a stone.


Xiao Chen kicked lightly, the mustache didn't have time to dodge, and hit his chin, and then he lay down on the ground with a "plop", and suddenly felt dizzy, it's just that he was merciful, he only used [-]% of his strength, otherwise he could Kick him out directly.

"nnd, trying to grab something from me, I've blinded you!" Xiao Chen is a jealous person, although Murong Hanwei didn't reveal the truth to him, but the matter has developed to this point, even a fool knows what happened thing.

Luo Lei stretched out two hands with thumbs up, one pointing at Murong Hanwei and Xiao Chen, the other pointing at Li Qihan and Wu Wen.

When you're done, Luo Lei stepped forward and said with a smile: "Everyone, I didn't expect a happy event to turn into a farce. I suggest that the irrelevant people leave temporarily, okay?"

When he said this, Luo Lei's eyes fell on Fan Tong.

What do you mean, it's just me that doesn't matter?Just as Fan Tong was about to speak, Li Qihan stepped forward and said, "Student Luo Lei is right, Xiaofei, let's go first, and Fan Tong should go too!"

Fan Tong had no choice but to follow Li Qihan out of here resentfully. As soon as he went out, he took out his mobile phone and told his father Fan Jian exactly what happened here.

Fan Jian hurried to find Ma Haitao in the principal's office, and repeated his son's words to him.

Ma Haitao was very surprised. He was still jealous of Xu Feng getting such a big deal. He didn't expect that she didn't eat the mutton, but she got into trouble. Insurance fraud and blackmail are not trivial matters for a teacher. They have to hurry up. Respond, otherwise once you walk behind the media, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Principal, what should we do?" Fan Jian asked.

"What should I do? Strictly deal with it!" Ma Haitao said angrily, "This hateful Xu Feng has caused such a big trouble, even if he cheated on insurance and the school's welfare policy, he even let his man threaten the students of our school Parents! Go and inform the vice-principal and a few others immediately, let's hurry up to discuss and study, come up with a solution as soon as possible, and deal with Xu Feng seriously before the media!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!" Fan Jian trotted away from the principal's office.

Ma Haitao smiled wryly and said to himself: "Xu Feng, Xu Feng, your luck is really extraordinary. You just made a big pie, and before you had time to enjoy it, another big stone fell! This is good, your excellent The teacher award is gone, and there is no chance of having such an opportunity in the first few years of high school, you are such a bastard, you, watch how I deal with you!"


Only Luo Lei, Murong Hanwei and Wu Wen were left in the ward, plus Mustache who was lying on the ground like a dog, and Xu Feng who was sitting stupidly on the bed.

Now that the irrelevant people have left, Luo Lei did not continue to hide his identity as the "chief director". He stretched out his hand in front of the old woman with a smile and said, "Mr. Xu, wake up! We should Let’s get to the point, our time is very precious, and if you waste one more minute, you will have to pay an extra price, ha ha!”

Only then did Xu Feng come back to his senses, begging for mercy with a mournful face: "I know I was wrong, I beg you, please let me go, I know I was wrong!"

"It's not easy to know you're wrong!" Luo Lei sat across from her with a smile, and said, "However, just knowing that you're wrong is not enough, and you have to be punished to a certain extent. Teacher Xu is a sensible person. What do you think?"

Xu Feng nodded quickly, and said, "I will return the money that was fraudulently obtained from the Wu family! Can you delete the video you just recorded, or else my life will be over!"

If it wasn't for getting back the money cheated by the Wu family in a legitimate way, Luo Lei wouldn't be so fanatical, and he would be quicker to beat him up directly, and he wouldn't force himself to face Xu Feng's annoying old face.

"Returning the money back to the Wu family is a matter of course. Do you think it can be a condition for negotiating with us?" Luo Lei said coldly: "Just now I praised you as a sensible person, how could you say such mentally retarded words? ?”

Xu Feng was taken aback, thinking that this was indeed the case. Spitting out the more than 1 yuan would at most shut up the members of the Wu family. material.

"Then tell me, I will agree to any conditions!" Xu Feng was completely honest.

"Since Mr. Xu cooperates so well, then I will not be polite!" Luo Lei stretched out his right hand, flattened a finger first, and said, "You have to pay back the more than 1 yuan you defrauded from the Wu family for your own selfish desires, and we will also pay you back." Don't bother, just take an integer, and you can pay back [-]!"

Then, he flattened the second finger: "The Wu family borrowed the money by scraping around, offended many relatives and friends, and handed it to you as soon as they got the money. Uncle Wu is not willing to see a doctor for himself. As a result of the deterioration of the condition, Xiaowen has been worried about it for so many days, you have to pay for mental damage, not much, 5000 yuan will do!"

Then, he flattened the third finger: "In order to set you up, we have used too many relationships, and we have also wasted a lot of film when recording the program just now... Uh, the camera uses a memory card? Okay, That is, lang consumes a lot of memory, so you have to pay, not much, or five thousand!"

"As for your defrauding insurance!" When Luo Lei stretched out his third finger, Xu Feng's heart started beating wildly. He didn't know how much he would have to pay. We take care of it, so forget it! You take out the money right away, and I’ll give you back what I recorded just now, the one who pretended to be dead on the ground, it’s time to get up, if you don’t get up again, you’ll never remember it!”

Hearing this, Xiao Huzi rubbed his chin and stood up. Just as he was about to bargain, Luo Lei said coldly: "I've already given you a lot of face, unlike some people who ask for [-] yuan! Don't try to test my strength." Be patient, otherwise you will only pay more money. As I said just now, our time is precious, give you half an hour, if you can't send the money back, I promise you will be on TV tonight See yourself!"

Xiao Huzi lowered his head and whispered something to Xu Feng, then resentfully took out the bank card in his wallet, and walked out of the ward.

Murong Hanwei reached out and tugged at Luo Lei's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Isn't that a little too much?"

"Not at all!" Luo Lei gritted his teeth and said, "When I think of the scene where they opened their mouths in the Wu family lion, I can't get angry! Sister Hanwei, I think this is already very kind, 3 yuan After Yuan is in hand, give it all to the Wu family, what do you think?"

Murong Hanwei nodded and said, "I think it's very good! Anyway, I never thought of asking for their bad money, so give it to your classmate, she needs it more!"

At the beginning, when Luo Lei asked Wu Wen to prepare a bag of change, she didn't know what the purpose of doing was, let alone why she had to go to the hospital to act in such a scene. After debunking it, the bad breath that had been suppressed in his chest for many days finally disappeared.

Luo Lei suddenly thought of something, and asked abruptly: "Sister Hanwei, do you think that guy won't call the police?"

"He dares!" Murong Hanwei clenched her fist and said, "I'll make him go all out!"

After a while, Xiao Huzi came back with the money, handed over the money and delivered the goods, and Murong Hanwei gave him the memory card taken out from the camera.

"Let's go!" Luo Lei waved his hand, and the three of them strode out of the ward together.

Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, the matter of going on TV was ruined, it's no big deal, since they promised not to spread the word, the qualification of an excellent teacher is still mine.

The phone rang, and it was Ma Haitao calling, and she pressed the answer button.

Ma Haitao’s voice came from the mobile phone: “Mr. Xu Feng, I solemnly inform you that after the school leaders and the school party committee have a meeting to discuss, the school will expel you and report to the higher authorities to cancel your qualifications. You don't have to go back to school!"

Xu Feng was stunned again, how could the principal know, she suddenly thought of a person——Fan Tong.

ps: There have been a lot less collections and flowers in the past few days. I hope you will give me a lot of support. For those who have no collections, please click to collect them.

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