urban evil

Chapter 091 Almost Annihilated

Tian Xi was wondering how Luo Lei could live in such a luxurious house, when Li Qihan appeared at the door.

The reason why Li Qihan came here early in the morning was because Luo Lei never showed up at school after school yesterday afternoon, and came to ask him what he was doing at night, and never wanted to see Tian Xi.

"Teacher Tian? Why are you here?" Li Qihan asked.

"Student Li Qihan? Why do you live here too?" Tian Xi asked back.

Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders towards Anna Shen, hoping that she would come forward and explain.

Shen Anna understood and explained the matter briefly, and at the same time told Tian Xi that she and Luo Lei could live here thanks to Murong Hanwei's help.

Then, a big problem appeared, that is, Luo Lei's motorcycle can only carry one person, but the current situation is that the three girls all hope that they are that person!

That's what Li Qihan thought, if he didn't get in Luo Lei's car last night, he should make up for it this morning.

Tian Xi thought to herself that it was Luo Lei who brought her here last night, so it was her responsibility to send herself back this morning.

Shen Anna's reason is even more sufficient, that is, she is always the one who sent Luo Lei off every morning.

Although the three women didn't make it clear, the atmosphere was already a little tense, which made Luo Lei complain non-stop. If he had known this was the case, he should have prepared a car, and there would be no problem at all to fit the three of them.

The problem is that there is only one motorcycle.

Heartbroken, Luo Lei said to the three girls, "Qihan, you and Teacher Tian take a taxi to school, and I'll take Sister Anna to the orphanage!"

Shen Anna showed joy, Li Qihan pursed her lips, and Tian Xi had a trace of displeasure on her face.

Luo Lei made such a decision after deliberation. Li Qihan and Tian Xi both had the same destination, so no matter which one of them they chose, the other would be unhappy, so they had to choose to leave. Anna Shen is the other way.


In the provincial capital, dozens of members of the Ninth Division surrounded the eight-story building that stood alone in the demolition area. Zheng Nan was sitting in the command car, and the large screen in front of him was divided into dozens of screens. All with cameras.

A few days ago, according to the informant, the Nine Offices had grasped the hiding place of the island country ghost ninja. It was in this building that was about to be demolished. Li never took a step out.

Murong Hanwei's team was also on the move. As the second echelon, after the first echelon launched an attack, she launched a second wave of attacks from the southeast towards the small building.

In addition to the team members who participated in the storm, there were more than a dozen snipers scattered in all directions of the small building. They were armed with large-caliber anti-material rifles and attacked the Oni Ninja who wanted to escape.

Each attack team reported that they had arrived at the predetermined location and requested to launch an attack.

Zheng Nan took a deep breath, success or failure depends on one move, this operation took several days from planning to implementation, it should be foolproof, and in order to ensure the success of the operation, he transferred more than [-]% of the team members from nine places.

Picking up the communicator, Zheng Nan said in a deep voice: "Attention all teams, attention all teams, I ordered the first echelon to attack, the first echelon to attack!"

A total of 32 members of the four fully armed attack teams quickly approached the small building from four directions, first threw photosensitive shock bombs and smoke bombs inside, and then quickly entered. The team members cooperated extremely well.

The attack team located in the north was the first to discover Oni Ninja hiding in the building, and then the gunshots rang out, and the panicked Oni Ninja fled across the road in a panic.

Zheng Nan punched the table, and said to himself: "It's a pity, he can still run away under such circumstances!"

Then, the attack team located in the east also encountered the two Oni Ninjas. The bullets fired by the team members almost grazed the Oni Ninja's scalp. As in the previous result, the two Oni Ninjas acted awkwardly, but succeeded. Escape to another room.

The second echelon consists of seven groups. Zheng Nan picked up the intercom: "Attention the second echelon, the first to fifth groups will rush in according to the original plan, and the sixth and seventh groups will stand by and execute immediately!"

Murong Hanwei is in the sixth team, and she felt a little disappointed when she heard such an order. It's fine if she didn't make it to the first echelon, but why didn't I have anything to do with the second wave of attacks?

Zheng Nan was worried that seven teams would enter together, so many people crowded together would not be conducive to the development of the attacking formation. Furthermore, it was necessary to leave two teams as a reserve team. If there is a shortage, they can be replenished there, which saves money. Sometimes there are no soldiers in hand.

Fierce gunshots came from the building, and the team members moved so fast that the images from the camera shook so badly that Zheng Nan's heart was suspended. , so far the players have made no achievements.

Among the ruins in the distance, four eyes hidden in the darkness stared closely at the small building ahead. They were Naoko Kobayashi and a fourth-level ghost ninja under him.

"Master Ziying Ghost Ninja, is the time almost right?" Ghost Ninja asked.

Naoko Kobayashi nodded and said: "The time is ripe. Most of the team members of the Ninth Office have already entered the building. Their commander will not send any more people in a short time. Inform our people to withdraw through the tunnel immediately. Detonate the explosives in 3 minutes!"


1 minute, 2 minutes...

The team members still failed to kill any Oni Ninja, and the gunshots became sporadic. Zheng Nan frowned, and said to himself, "It stands to reason that the fighting should be more intense, right? Where are the Oni Ninja hiding? Could it be that they all put on their wings and flew?"

Wang Sanhu on the side said: "Director, don't worry, they will never run away!"

Zheng Nan shook his head, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. This situation was so strange that he even felt a little weirdness in the surrounding atmosphere.

Oni ninjas have been avoiding contact with their own side, and will choose to escape every time they encounter it. This is a very abnormal trap!

Zheng Nan quickly grabbed the communicator and said in a hurried tone: "Attention all groups, all withdraw, withdraw as quickly as possible, and execute the order..."


There was a loud noise, followed by a burst of flames, and the building collapsed. The air wave from the explosion almost lifted the command vehicle that Zheng Nan was riding in, and the dozens of images on the big screen all turned into Snowflake.

The three team members around Murong Hanwei were swept up into the air by the impact of the explosion, and then fell down heavily. She happened to be standing behind a large concrete block and was not injured.

Zheng Nan was completely dumbfounded, and Wang Sanhu also stared at the big screen without any signal. He rushed up and picked up the communicator and shouted: "The teams report the casualties, report the casualties!"

After Murong Hanwei checked the condition of the three team members, she reported: "Three team members of the sixth team were slightly injured, and five team members were fine. It's over!"

Then came the report from the seventh team: "A member of the seventh team was unfortunately hit on the head by a cement block and died. Four people were injured, and two were intact. It's over!"

Then came the reports from the two sniper teams: "The team members of the sniper group are intact, over! The members of the second sniper team are intact, over!"

None of the nine teams that rushed into the small building survived. Zheng Nan squatted on the chair as if his strength had been exhausted.

Wang Sanhu asked loudly: "Director, what should we do?"

"Notify the sixth and seventh teams and the sniper team to evacuate immediately to prevent the opponent from counterattacking!" Zheng Nan gritted his teeth and said, "Notify the search and rescue team to rush to the scene with life detectors and search for survivors, immediately!"

"Yes!" Wang Sanhu's expression was extremely serious.

No one expected that things would develop to such a point that almost all the members of the Ninth Office were wiped out, and more than half of them were lost in this battle.

The explosion just now was very loud, and many people heard it. The explanation given by the relevant department is: This is a normal building explosion.

Kobayashi Juesan was very satisfied with this, he ordered his subordinates to disperse and hide, and must not expose themselves to outsiders. The Nine Offices have suffered such a big loss, and the entire Ministry of State Security will definitely not let it go. They will send more people to carry out crazy activities. raid.


Li Qihan stared at Luo Lei in front of him, waiting for his explanation.

Luo Lei chuckled and said, "Qihan, this doesn't look like you, maybe you're jealous?"

"Cut, it's no wonder I'm jealous!" Li Qihan said stubbornly: "As your friend, it's also because of my status as a study committee member in the class, so I have the responsibility to know the reason why you skipped class last night, including Teacher Tian. Why did this matter appear in your house!"

Luo Lei thought cheerfully, it seems that you care about me, which means that in your subconscious mind, you have already regarded us as your own, or you have already regarded us as your boyfriend!

If this is the case, it would be great, if you kidnap a school belle to be your girlfriend, my brother will have more face.

"It's actually not as complicated as you think!" Luo Lei didn't intend to lie to Li Qihan, and whispered, "But you have to keep it a secret! Teacher Tian was in a bad mood, so he asked me to drink with her, and she ended up getting drunk , and then slept in my house! It needs to be clarified that she slept in the room next to mine last night, and it was Sister Anna who helped her undress!"

Hearing this, Li Qihan felt much better, and then asked: "Then why did she ask you to drink?"

"Isn't it time to catch up!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "Before the exam, I made a bet with Teacher Tian that if I can score more than 140 points in the exam, she will treat me to a big meal! I was very happy during the meal. She answered a phone call at dinner, and her mood became very bad, and then she insisted on drinking to relieve her sorrow, so I had no choice but to act as a flower protector!"

"So it is!" Li Qihan nodded.

As soon as Luo Lei changed the subject, the expression on his face also became very sexy, and he said to her: "It seems that I made a bet with another person before the exam, and it seems that I won, should someone cash it out?" Where's the bet?"

Li Qihan was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and ran away, the speed is astounding!

ps: In the next chapter, there will be a scene where the pig's feet molested the little chili pepper, everyone will wait and see!

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