urban evil

Chapter 092 Two Mobile Phones

Luo Lei was about to catch up and continue to tease Li Damei, when he suddenly saw a familiar figure, isn't that Little Pepper Li Yujia!

Li Yujia was wearing a peaked cap, her hair was tied into a simple ponytail, and she was tossing behind the hat. She was wearing a pink top and a white bottoming shirt. The top was open to reveal an exaggerated metal belt. Below is a pair of loose light blue jeans, called wearing dark blue sneakers.

Not to mention, this girl is quite attractive when she is quiet, Luo Lei thought of teasing her!

Taking advantage of class not yet started and when there were many students around, Luo Lei shouted loudly: "Honey, what are you doing, let me find it easily! Our child has been crying for a long time, waiting to be fed!"

Such a ridiculous sentence naturally attracted everyone's attention, but everyone's attention was on Li Yujia.

Li Yujia was startled, and fixed her eyes on Luo Lei, recalling the words he yelled just now, screamed, and ran away, not at all slower than Li Qihan just now!

"Damn, I ran away too!" Luo Lei wanted to add some surprises, but he had already run away, so he had to give up.

The speed of these two girls is really fast, it would be a pity not to participate in the sprint competition, Luo Lei turned around and walked towards the classroom while muttering, a bunch of guys saw that the good show was over so quickly, and they all gave him a thumbs up Raised the middle finger.

Li Yujia ran to the class in one breath, sat on her seat panting heavily, and said to herself bitterly: "This big bastard dared to demote the chairman of the playbook in broad daylight, it's too much! Finally! What's so annoying is that my aunt didn't have a good way to fight back. Is it possible that when I see him in the future, I have to be like a mouse seeing a cat? Absolutely not, I must think of a good idea to teach him a lesson, so that he will be convinced by my aunt!"

The review days were obviously boring, but luckily Luo Lei could find something interesting for himself during the boring time - practice.

Li Qihan unconsciously developed a habit of looking back at the corner where Luo Lei was, and the number of times became shorter and shorter, and the time between them became shorter and shorter.

This broke the hearts of the boys in Class [-]. They used to be able to scold flowers with cow dung, but now, Luo Lei's grades are so good. If he is cow dung, wouldn't we Is it worse?

Fan Tong has been honest a lot these days, a fear has arisen in his subconscious mind, Luo Lei is so good at fighting, the Black Wolf Gang and the Dragon Gang are no opponents, if he is still stupid and continues to make trouble, I am afraid he will suffer It can only be yourself, right?

Ma Bo sent him text messages more than once, asking him to direct several events that would embarrass Luo Lei, but he didn't dare to agree.

After Ma Haitao learned of Luo Lei's test results, he was caught in a dilemma. Based on his results, he was likely to win this year's provincial liberal arts champion, to win glory for a high school, that is, for him as the principal.But he is his son's enemy, if he doesn't push him away, it's hard to let out a bad breath in his chest!

After all considerations, Ma Haitao still decided to push Luo Lei out of the school. He is a provincial number one scholar. To be honest, it can't bring much benefit to Yigao.


In the capital, in front of Zheng Nan sat a few people with livid faces, and the gold stars on their shoulders indicated that they were all generals of the Republic.These people are the leaders of the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of National Defense, including Long Jianfeng, the director of the Secret Service.

"...That's how it happened!" Zheng Nan described the situation at that time verbatim, and then said: "This defeat is all because I underestimated the enemy, so I fell into the trap of the islanders, and I take full responsibility !"

An old man with the rank of lieutenant general waved his hand and said, "Now is not the time to discuss who should be responsible! Zheng Nan, your ability to handle affairs is obvious to all. I don't want this failure to become a pressure for you in the future. The most important thing is to hurry up!" Find out those goddamn islanders, kill them all, and even run wild on our territory, they are too defiant! As the saying goes, we will leave it to you to get up from where you fell Be responsible, your team members are running out, just ask for any conditions, we will fully support your work."

Zheng Nan let out a long breath and saluted several generals: "Thank you for your concern, I, Zheng Nan, issued a military order today. If I can't wipe out this ghost ninja, I will leave the Ministry of National Security, leave the army, and go back to my hometown to farm. go!"

Several generals nodded, then got up and walked out.

Long Jianfeng patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I believe you will be able to complete the task, or the same sentence, just mention it if you need anything!"

What is lacking the most is personnel. When Zheng Nan thought of this, the image of a young man appeared in front of him. If Xin Dao had had him in the last mission, it would not have caused such serious consequences, right?

But why is he not willing to join the Secret Service right away? If he was replaced by another young man, he would immediately follow you around after a few words. Luo Lei is really not an ordinary person.


Early this morning, Li Qihan sat in the classroom early, carefully took out a square cardboard box from her schoolbag, and put it on the desk.

Song Xiaofei at the same table saw it, and exclaimed: "Qihan, is that the latest icrazy mobile phone? I heard that it costs several thousand yuan, and the supply is limited, so you may not be able to buy it with money!"

"Keep your voice down!" Li Qihan tugged at Song Xiaofei's sleeve and said, "You want everyone in the class to know?"

Song Xiaofei smiled embarrassedly, and said in a low voice: "It must be for giving away, right? If you use it yourself, why bring the packing box with you and tell me who to give such a valuable thing to?"

"It's not for whom, it's not!" Li Qihan's eyes were erratic when he said this, obviously he was lying.

Song Xiaofei continued to say meaningfully: "Then let me guess. If you are lucky enough to get a gift from Miss Li, I am afraid that there is only one person in the whole school. He is in the same class as us, right? He should sit in the last row." in the corner, right..."

"You can just call him Luo Lei!" Li Qihan said angrily.

Song Xiaofei looked triumphant, and said with a V sign: "It seems that I guessed it right, ha ha!"

Seeing that Luo Lei didn't have a mobile phone, it was really inconvenient for Li Qihan to give him one. As for the original intention, she used this reason to lie to herself: If he skipped class again in the future, I would be the first time to know!

So there is this latest love crazy mobile phone.

When Luo Lei walked into the classroom, he greeted her, and then returned to his seat. Song Xiaofei touched her arm and said, "Here you are, go quickly!"

Li Qihan picked up the box and was about to stand up, but put it in again, and said in a low voice, "I'll send him as soon as he arrives. It's not suitable, so wait!"

A class is over.

The bell rang for the end of the second class.

"When are you going?" Song Xiaofei couldn't remember how many times she urged Li Qihan.

"Forget it, I'll give it to him when everyone leaves after school!" Li Qihan found a very lame reason for herself: "If he doesn't want it, I will lose face!"

Song Xiaofei looked at her with disdain, but Li Qihan directly ignored her.

At this time, Wu Wen, who was dressed purely, walked in from the outside, holding a box in both hands, and walked directly to Luo Lei who was "resting his mind with eyes closed".

"Qihan, what Wu Wen is holding seems to be a mobile phone case..."

"It's very similar!"

Then, under the gaze of the two of them, Wu Wen generously put the box in front of Luo Lei, and said with a sweet smile, "This is for you!"

"Give it to me?" Luo Lei looked down, it was a relatively well-known domestic mobile phone, he couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"I took advantage of the free time after school to go shopping yesterday afternoon, and saw that this mobile phone was pretty good, so I bought two, one for each of you and me!" Wu Wen pointed to the picture on the box and said, "It's these two phones. Color, open it and see if you like it!"

Luo Lei subconsciously opened the box, and there was a dark chocolate-colored mobile phone lying quietly inside. The appearance was very delicate. In addition to the pattern on the box, there was also a pink one. Needless to say, Wu Wen's phone must be is pink.

"And I've done the number for you too!" Wu Wen gestured with her two little hands and said, "I've already entered my number into your phone, and the last digit after the two numbers is different. It's one digit bigger than mine!"

Whoa, couple machines?

Plus a couple!

Luo Lei looked at the shy Wu Wen with slightly dull eyes, and thought that this girl is very thoughtful, but it seems that others will misunderstand our relationship in this way.

"Why, don't you like it?" Wu Wen asked in a low voice.

"I like it, why don't I like it!" Luo Lei turned into a smile and said, "But I'm a little embarrassed to accept it, it's too expensive..."

"This is my wish, as long as you like it, you must accept it, okay?" Wu Wen spoke in a coquettish tone while shaking his arm.

Li Qihan in front of him had a black line on his face, and someone thought of going with him, and took the first step, it's really disgusting!

Song Xiaofei asked, "Qihan, have you applied for a card?"

Li Qihan shook her head, she only bought a mobile phone, she never thought about getting a card.

Song Xiaofei shook her head, and said something that poured cold water on her: "Then you have failed too much. They acted earlier than you, and they thought more thoughtfully than you. Adding a couple account to the couple machine, you are completely defeated in this match! Let me What can I say about you, you could have been ahead of Wu Wen, but in the end you let others take the lead, you are too thin-skinned!"

Li Qihan was full of regrets. If there is regret medicine sold in the world, she must be the first person to rush to buy it.

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