urban evil

Chapter 093 Hot Policewoman

Looking at Wu Wen with a sincere face, Luo Lei really had no way to refuse, besides, not having a mobile phone is indeed a very troublesome matter, a matter that can be solved with a phone call, he had to go there in person, and Lang wasted time and money. Take energy.

Wu Wen's score in the basic test is considered upper-middle, just enough for 600 points. Although this is not bad, compared with her previous results, there is still a big gap.

The boys in Class [-] were envious. They were all fantasizing that one day they could also receive the gift of a beautiful woman. When the time came, the buddies would be so touched that they would immediately agree with each other, and no one could stop them.

With an ambiguous smile on the fat man's face, he looked at Luo Lei, at Wu Wen, and then raised his head to look at Li Qihan who was fidgeting in front of him, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Song Xiaofei pushed Li Qihan's arm and said, "It looks like Luo Lei is about to accept Wu Wen's mobile phone soon, if you don't hurry up, you really have no chance at all, hurry up! "

Li Qihan took a deep breath, summoned up courage in her heart, and stood up holding the box.

"Then I'll take it..." Luo Lei had just said four words, Li Qihan had already walked in front of him, put the box on his desk, and said softly: "Student Luo Lei, this is my A gift for you, see if you like it?"

The eyes of the two turned to the box Li Qihan brought at the same time, and they were stunned together.

It's also a mobile phone!

The fat man and even the whole class were stunned. It was too much. Two beauties gave Luo Lei a mobile phone to Luo Lei, an animal that was struck by lightning. Is there any justice in this world?

"Qihan, what are you?" Luo Lei asked cautiously, thinking that Wu Wen sent the mobile phone to express his gratitude to us. It's nothing to say, but why did Li Qihan do this?

And it’s the latest model that’s quite expensive. There are only a few phones in Jia County that can afford such an expensive phone. The only one in Class [-] is in the hands of Fan Tong. Although Li Qihan uses the same phone Brand, but not the latest.

"It's for you!" Li Qihan smiled, and when he said the next sentence, he deliberately glanced at Wu Wen from the corner of his eye, as if he had issued a formal challenge to her, and then continued: "This time You did so well in the basic test, this is a reward for you, you must accept it!"

Luo Lei began to complain in his heart, what kind of evil did he do, brother is very happy that you want to give him a gift, but there is no need to give the same thing, and there is no need to send it at the same time, let alone in front of the whole class Shall I send you face?

In this way, who should I accept?

No matter who takes it, the other person will feel sad. Isn't this a problem for us?

Seeing the crazy mobile phone Li Qihan sent, Wu Wen's face showed a sense of shame, which made Luo Lei feel even more unbearable, but it seems that it is not very appropriate to accept her rejection of Li Qihan.

After all, in front of the whole class, you must not hurt the second daughter's face.

However, Wu Wen did not admit defeat because the gift she sent was relatively cheap. Instead, she proudly raised her head. Li Qihan made the same movement, and even a fool could see that the two of them were secretly competing in class.

Wow Kaka, the thunder is rolling!

An evil thought came to the fat man's mind—could this be the legendary two daughters fighting for husband?

nnd, then accept it together!

Luo Lei stretched out his arms and picked up the two boxes together, smiled and said to them: "Thank you so much, I am worried about not having a mobile phone, now it's all right, the two can be used alternately, one Take one with you and leave it at home to charge, without affecting each other, haha!"

Wu Wen looked at Luo Lei with a happy face, that is to say, no matter who gave him the mobile phone, the number he used was always bought by her, which means he has the upper hand.

Li Qihan was also very happy, thinking that she came from behind, which meant that Luo Lei cared more about her.

"Hehe, that's good, I'll go back to class first!" Wu Wen did not forget to sweep Li Qihan's face with provocative eyes when she left.

Li Qihan didn't regard her as an equal opponent at all, and turned around and returned to his seat.

Song Xiaofei gave a thumbs up and said: "It's great, the girls really didn't build it, and the last ones come first!"


Class [-] screamed again and again, many boys beat their chests and stomped their feet, and some even shouted the classic phrase "Ji Sheng Yu He Sheng Liang", while Fan Tong lowered his hair and sent a text message that almost made Ma Bo vomit blood. .

The reason why Ma Bo was angry was that after the latest model of Ai Crazy was launched a month ago, he asked his relationship to buy two, and gave one to Li Qihan for his own use. I can pass it on to my mom!Now that I heard that Li Qihan bought one for Luo Lei, she was so desperate that she almost banged her head against the wall.


The small county town, which seems to be the same as before, is actually undercurrents. There have been three or four frictions between the Dragon Gang and the Tiger Gang, and the intensity is gradually increasing.

In the tiger gang's lair, the gang leader Lin Yang had a livid face. Sitting in front of him were four young men known as the Four King Kong. Besides Li Weixiong whom Luo Lei had met, they were Zhou Jinsheng, Song Xuezhi, and Qi Dong.

"Last night, people from the Dragon Gang actually provoked troubles in our three venues. It is estimated that it will be more serious tonight!" Lin Yang said in a deep voice: "Have you made arrangements for the younger brothers in the gang? We must take strict precautions." If they find trouble again, even if it is inevitable, at least we must ensure that we will not suffer in the confrontation!"

Li Weixiong looked embarrassed, and said: "Brother, this is very difficult! Our manpower is less than half of the Dragon Gang, so many venues and businesses can't be taken care of for a while! In order to deal with them, we have turned down several It's a lucrative business, but the Dragon Gang, as always, doesn't talk about it, and swallows all the business we turned down!"

Lin Yang knew this very well, but there was nothing he could do about it. He lowered his voice and said, "Don't be discouraged, everyone. It's just a dream that the Dragon Gang wants to eat us! I received news that the Dragon Gang will conduct a transaction the night after tomorrow. The amount is huge, as long as we spoil their good deeds, it will be enough for Wang Long to drink a pot, and when the time comes, he will be devastated and overwhelmed, what energy will he have to fight us?"

As soon as these words were uttered, the eyes of the four people shone at the same time, which was indeed good news.


Huadu Police Station, Chief Hou Yufeng sat in the main seat in the meeting room, smiled and said to dozens of police officers sitting on both sides: "This anti-gang activity is well done, and we have been praised by our superiors. Must be! However, although the results are good, everyone should not be proud. Pride and complacency will make a person lose his true nature, which is tantamount to fueling the arrogance of criminals. Of course, you are all old subordinates I can trust. I will never doubt your loyalty, and the focus of the next work will be on the county towns below, please express your opinions!"

"Let me talk first!" A pleasant female voice with a hint of chill sounded, and everyone's eyes were all focused on the middle of the conference table, where a heroic policewoman was sitting.

The policewoman is sitting upright, her long black hair is tied together, she wears a police cap, she has a slightly frosty melon face, a pair of big eyes that seem to be able to see through everything with an incomparable look, and her slightly upturned little nose makes her feel more beautiful. The person looks a bit naughty, with a moderately thick lip and a pointed chin.

Further down is the bulging breasts and slender waist. A pair of tender white hands are placed on the table. There are obvious calluses on the inside of the right hand and a few fingers. One can tell that she is a master with a gun.

"Okay, let's invite a flower from our police circle, Captain Gu, to talk about it first!" Hou Yufeng said with a smile, and took the lead in applauding.

Gu Hanyan, the leader of the No. [-] Squadron of the Anti-Mafia Brigade of the Huadu City Police Department, is capable of dealing with people and acts vigorously. In the first year after graduating from the police academy, she became the squad leader. The underworld brigade personally captured many people who were engaged in underworld activities.

In Huadu, no one dared to provoke this hot-tempered squadron leader. As long as she was upset, she dared to confront anyone.

Gu Hanyan frowned slightly. She didn't like applauding and flattering her beard very much. She said, "Among the nine counties under the jurisdiction of Huadu City, Jia County's gang activities are the most rampant. A while ago, the third-rate gang Heilang Gang was arrested Annexation, this incident became the fuse of the two major local gangs, the Dragon Gang and the Tiger Gang. The inaction is all due to accepting bribes from gang members, they don’t care about it and don’t bother to care about it. I apply to lead a team to Jia County and personally supervise this matter!”

Hou Yufeng was stunned, "Grandma Xindao, can you stop me for a while, the city is my sphere of influence, I can take care of you everywhere, once you reach the county below, it's not my one-acre three-point landed!At this time when everyone is harboring ulterior motives, it's still a matter of whether those guys give me face or not. In case you have something wrong, how can you explain it to my old superior, the director of the department?

The county is no better than the city, and no one can tell what the underworld is like there, so Hou Yufeng is worried.

But when he saw Gu Hanyan's expression of swearing not to give up unless he sent her to Jiaxian County, he complained in his heart, so he said something kind: "If anyone else has anything to say, say it together, and then I will I will report to the superiors and arrange the whereabouts of each of you after getting approval!"

Others began to say some unconstructive opinions, and Hou Yufeng was already ready to call the old superior, Director Gu, as soon as he left the conference room. His precious daughter is really too difficult to take care of. Well, if I knew this was the case, why bother to rush to transfer her to my subordinates.

In fact, Hou Yufeng made such a decision at that time because he wanted to get the continued attention of his old superior through this matter, and his eyes had long been set on a farther and higher position.

ps: I beg for VIPs, and I beg the gods of food to reward you with food!

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