urban evil

Chapter 094

Luo Lei came out of the spiritual earth dish in a ghostly manner, holding two white radishes in each hand, and there was no mud on them.

Just kidding, the red soil in the spiritual soil vessel is so precious, bringing out a handful would be like killing him. I was very careful when pulling out the radish just now, and carefully scraped off the soil on it before it came out of it.

Wash it, remove the tassels on the top, cut it into strips about [-] cm long with a knife, and then put it on the roof to dry until it is half dry, which can meet the requirements of storage for a period of time.

While spreading the radish strips, Luo Lei asked, "Old man, do you think these are enough to restore Uncle Wu's body?"

"Almost!" the old guy replied: "Although it has not grown into adult ginseng yet, the power of the medicine cannot be underestimated, and the person surnamed Wu happens to have a constitution that cannot be replenished. It is best to eat this thing. Give it to him first." Try it, let’s talk if it’s not enough, anyway, there’s plenty in it!”

"Well, I think so too!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

After doing this, he went downstairs to ride his bicycle to go to school, and he ran back in the afternoon after school.

Going back to school and continuing to practice during the self-study class, the cyclone in the dantian has improved a lot in the past few days, and the old guy even praised him for this.


In the Dragon Gang's lair, Lin Yang stuck a Black Star pistol into his back, and said to Li Weixiong, "Ah Xiong, you stay behind, I will take Jin Sheng and the others to rob the Dragon Gang's business!"

Li Weixiong stepped forward and said, "Brother, let me go, you stay here to preside over the overall situation!"

"Hehe, I've already made up my mind!" Lin Yang patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's about the future of the Tiger Gang. You will be caught off guard! Ah Xiong, take good care of Xiaoxin, she has been restless these days, don't let her go out and cause trouble, understand?"

"I see, big brother!" Li Weixiong nodded.

"Okay, let's go!" Lin Yang waved his hand, took more than thirty brothers in six cars, and drove towards the outskirts of the county.

Lin Yang sat in the second car with Zhou Jinsheng, Song Xuezhi, and Qi Dong. Seeing that Qi Dong, who was in charge of driving, had an abnormal expression on his face, he asked, "Why, Dongzi, are you scared?"

Qi Dong pretended to be calm and said: "How could it be? It's not the first time to do such a thing, brother, don't worry!"

No one noticed that his other hand sent out a text message by blind spelling.


The whole class watched Li Qihan and Luo Lei sitting together talking and laughing. A week ago, it was Luo Lei who moved the bench to find Li Qihan, but now it was Li Qihan who came to find her.

The banner was to come here to ask questions. If Luo Lei hadn't scored a high score of 712 in the preliminary examination, the whole class would have raised their middle fingers at him in contempt.

Wu Wen from the neighboring class also used various excuses to come to Class [-] to look for him from time to time, which drove the boys crazy.

The crazy one was still behind, Tian Xi appeared in the classroom and shouted to the back: "Student Luo Lei, please come out!"

Li Qihan looked up at Tian Xi with some dissatisfaction, Luo Lei stood up in response, we are good students on the phone, walked out of the classroom, he asked with a smile: "Teacher Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

"Come out with me!" Tian Xi said.

Luo Lei could see that she was not in a good mood, so he couldn't help asking: "Isn't it going to the bar again?"

"That's right!" Tian Xi didn't hide anything, and said truthfully, "My family forced me to marry that man I've never met before. I really can't take it anymore!"

Luo Lei shrugged, he was also helpless about the troubles of his beautiful teacher.


In a depression outside the county seat, two trucks were parked here. Wang Long and a dozen of his men parked the car not far away, and then walked over. The younger brother beside him was carrying a black suitcase in his hand.

"Boss Wang, let's meet again!" A chubby middle-aged man stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

Wang Long also stretched out his hand, held it together, and asked, "Is the journey going well?"

The fat man waved his hand and said, "Don't mention it, I almost fell into the hands of the police. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and saved myself from danger several times. Now that I think about it, I still feel a little scared!"

"Hehe, who doesn't know Fatty Li's skills!" Wang Long pouted towards the train and said, "Let's have a look at the goods!"

"Okay!" Fatty Li winked at the younger brothers standing by the back box, and they immediately opened the back door of the truck, lifted out two boxes from inside, and took out a crowbar to pry open one of the box covers, revealing a lump inside. A bunch of paper.

Fatty Li opened a ball of paper, which contained a black M9 pistol and two empty magazines.

"This is the standard M army equipment!" Fatty Li handed it to Wang Long, and said with a smile, "Compared with the imitation goods, it is a heaven and an earth!"

Wang Long took the pistol, loaded the clip skillfully, pulled the slide, and then pulled the trigger. The firing pin made a crisp sound, and said, "The price is as high as the sky! It is indeed genuine, and it is worth the money. Let's show the money to Boss Li!"

The younger brother with the bag came up and opened the lid of the box, which was filled with bundles of hundred-yuan bills.

"Hehe, Boss Wang is cool! I like to cooperate with cool people!" Fatty Wang waved his hand, and four of his subordinates walked over carrying two alleys. He said, "Sixty pistols and six thousand bullets!"

"I also like to do business with Shuangkuai people!" Wang Long pointed to the suitcase and said, "220 million, not a lot!"

At this moment, more than [-] people in black surrounded the depression. They all wore black hoods. The leader shouted: "Don't move, anyone who dares to move will be killed!"

Fatty Li immediately asked Wang Long sharply: "What's going on, this is on your territory!"

On the other hand, Wang Long showed no sign of panic on his face. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Boss Li. Now that you're on my territory, I will naturally guarantee your safety! It's just a bunch of jumping clowns. Let's see how I deal with it." them!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Long pulled out the pistol pinned to his waist, and the dozen or so younger brothers who stretched out their hands also pulled out their guns, and fired at the surrounding people. Fatty Li hid in the truck under the protection of a group of younger brothers. under.

It was Lin Yang's people who fought against the dragon gang. Although he brought more than 30 people, he only had a dozen guns in his hand. He thought he could scare Wang Long inside, but who knew that old boy would not eat This set actually started first.

While commanding his brothers to fight back, Lin Yang ordered his subordinates to rush in, even if they couldn't kill Wang Long, they had to take away his goods and money.

"Clap clap clap..."

The people around Lin Yang fell to the ground one after another, all of them were shot in the back. When he looked back, he was dumbfounded. He saw dozens of members of the Dragon Gang coming from all directions, and the leaders were Liu Shengyi, the leader of the Poisonous Scorpion Hall, and the Poisonous Snake Tangtang. Lord Shen Chengzhun.

"It's broken, we've been caught!" Lin Yang almost screamed, and then shouted: "Brothers, retreat quickly!"

The members of the Tiger Gang were in disarray, and under the attack from inside and outside, people kept getting shot and fell down. Under the protection of Zhou Jinsheng, Song Xuezhi and a group of younger brothers, Lin Yang fought his way out and fled towards the county town.


In the county seat, Song Yikui, head of the Poisonous Wolf Hall of the Dragon Gang, led his brothers, and members of the Black Wolf Gang who had just joined the Dragon Gang, to attack the Tiger Gang's lair from the front and back.

In addition to the dozens of people who were taken away by Lin Yang and the younger brothers who stayed in various places to watch the scene, there were only a dozen or so left in the lair from the Tiger Gang. There were few people and few guns. They were not Song Yikui and Heizi at all. opponent.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Weixiong pulled Lin Kexin, who was almost frightened into a fool, and ran out, dialing Lin Yang's mobile phone while running: "Brother, my hometown was taken over by the Dragon Gang, can you hurry back to help... what, You were also caught in the trap, with heavy casualties?"

"Boom... poof..."

Li Weixiong didn't check, and was shot in the right leg by a person chasing after him, and then fell to the ground. Lin Kexin screamed in fright.

"Xiaoxin, run!" Li Weixiong pushed away Lin Kexin who was trying to help him up, pointed to an alley next to him and said, "Run, leave me alone, contact elder brother when you get to a safe place, I will lead them away! "

"Oh!" Lin Kexin, who was still in shock, threw her into the alley with one foot deep and one shallow foot.

Li Weixiong struggled to stand up, killed the pursuers who were running backwards with one shot, and ran in another direction with a limp leg.

Song Yikui joined Hei Zibing in the back and said, "Lin Yang's sister and Li Weixiong ran away. No matter what, we must catch Lin Yang's sister and force Lin Yang to submit. As for Li Weixiong, you don't have to be polite to kill him!"

"Don't worry!" Heizi waved his pistol, beckoning Little Wolf and a dozen younger brothers to start chasing him.

Song Yikui called his younger brothers to block all other escape routes that might be used by the other party, because he had already received the news that Lin Yang had successfully escaped from the trap set by Wang Long, and he had to catch his sister and force him to come forward, otherwise it would be very difficult to do. Cut the weeds and root them out.


Luo Lei took Tian Xi to the small bar where he met Li Weixiong last time by bicycle, recalling the scene when he just left school, he wanted to laugh.

No. [-] high school has strict school rules. No one is allowed to enter the school gate during the self-study period. When the two arrived at the gate, they were stopped by the guard and asked them to go out after school.

Tian Xi scolded the doorman, "I'm going out, can you open the door?"

The guard smiled wryly and said, "Then you should tell me a reason, otherwise we will not be able to deal with each other here. What if the dean asks?"

Without even thinking about it, Tian Xi said, "Just tell him that my mother is in a hurry to go to the hospital to have an abortion!"

The guard shuddered in fright, and subconsciously glanced at Tian Xi's flat belly, then pressed the button with trembling fingers, and the retractable door opened automatically, Luo Lei stepped on the gas, and the car rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

Tian Xi rolled her eyes at Luo Lei, who was trying to hold back a smile, and said in a threatening tone: "Don't laugh, or I won't forgive you! Don't tell anyone what happened just now, or I won't spare you either!"

Luo Lei nodded quickly. After entering the bar, he clearly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere today.

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