urban evil

Chapter 243 Little Mimi's Story【Hilarious】

At the headquarters of the blue team, Wang Guanghui and a group of military chiefs are studying how to counterattack the red team. Everyone is arguing fiercely, and they all want to take the main attack. After all, there is a great chance of turning defeat into victory, and everyone wants to make contributions.

The phone rang, and the communicator shouted: "General Wang, call!"

When Wang Guanghui answered the phone, the expression on his face changed rapidly, which made the communication soldiers on the side puzzled.

After hanging up the phone, he happily shouted to the officers in the quarrel: "Stop arguing! The exercise is over, and the director's department has decided that our blue team won!"


Everyone looked at each other, and they won before sending troops here?

Could it be that the red side voluntarily surrendered? It’s unlikely. Although they have been severely injured from yesterday to today, their overall strength is not much worse than that of the blue side. At most, they are on the same starting line. How could they voluntarily surrender?

Seeing the eagerness of the crowd, Wang Guanghui said unhurriedly: "Everyone should remember that in addition to the two squadrons sent by the Raptors, there is also a 12-member student team. They were the ones who completed the special operations team that killed the red team and the beheading of the highest command department! None of the dozen or so senior officers of the red team, including the commander-in-chief, was spared, and the most unbelievable thing is that three The special forces evacuated safely. In addition to the one that landed successfully at the airport last night, the four-member team had no casualties!"

The crowd started to cheer.

The blue team has lost to the red team several times in confrontations. Wang Guanghui has never believed in this evil, and was defeated by the red team last year. This time he finally turned around. He decided to hold a party to celebrate the victory.

All kinds of delicious food and drinks were brought in continuously, but all those who contributed to this exercise were invited. After nearly a day of preparation, the celebration banquet officially started at the moment of sunset.

Dozens of large round tables were placed in the open space outside the headquarters. In the center were Wang Guanghui and the student team who had made great contributions, plus Fang Yin, Qiao Shenglong and several senior generals.

There was a whole roasted lamb in the center of the table, the gluttonous fat man and the others were drooling, the wine was Erguotou with over [-] proof, the glasses in front of everyone were filled to the brim.

"I suggest that everyone do one first!" Wang Guanghui raised his cup, and everyone stood up and drank it down.

"For the second glass of wine, I propose to respect the members of the student team. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have won!" Wang Guanghui's face was full of sincerity, and everyone drank it down again.

Next came the stage of toasting each other. Lu Ji, Jiang Hai and others came over with glasses, and they kept fighting for wine with Luo Lei and the others.

After a while, some people couldn't stand it anymore. Fortunately, the students in the student team were covered by Wang Guanghui, otherwise they would definitely be the first batch of people who passed out drunk.When the drink was about the same, someone proposed a small group activity, which was unanimously approved by everyone, and everyone gathered in groups to have fun.

The student team came to a meadow and started to act alone. A tablecloth was spread in the middle, and it was filled with barbecue and beer.

Mi Yan's face was flushed, she was really cute, she took the initiative to sit here, Luo Lei sat down, Fang Yin sat next to her, Qiao Shenglong on one side was separated by tens of centimeters.

"Bad boys, all of you showed such bravery just now, why did we all get so weak when we were alone?" Fang Yin said with a bit of drunkenness in her words, "I suggest that each of your groups perform a show. , do you dare?"

"Cut, why don't you dare!" Chen Yunfei reeked of alcohol.

"That's right, we've done all the work of going to the head of a general among millions of troops, there's nothing we dare not do!" The fat man was unwilling to be left behind.

A group of people were bluffing, they didn't know the difficulty of performing, and a group of old men were not from art troupes.

"Okay!" Seeing the success of the aggressive method, Fang Yin pointed to the 12 people who were still seated in three groups of four and said, "You group should perform a skit! Why don't you group sing a big chorus, and no military songs are allowed! Bad boy Luo Lei, as for your group, I won’t embarrass you, let’s sing a nursery rhyme and perform at the same time! If anyone can’t satisfy everyone, he will punish himself with twenty bottles of beer, how about that?”

"Ah? No, no, the program of the two groups is so simple, why do you want us to sing nursery rhymes?" Luo Lei shook his head and hands together.

Fang Yin raised her eyebrows and snorted, "Who was it just now who swears and said something like the head of an admiral!"

"**** Pot, isn't it just a nursery rhyme, it's nothing difficult!" The fat man stood by Fang Yin's side, and when this guy saw a beautiful woman, his upper limit immediately changed to 0.

"Fuck, which side are you on?" Liu Chenggang slapped the fat man.

"I'm on the side of beauty... no, of course I'm on the side of justice!"

Luo Lei picked up a bottle of beer, stared at the fat man, and poured the sworn wine on the ground.

"Why?" the three asked together.

"To pay homage to your conscience that is blown by the wind!" Luo Lei said lightly.

"Grass!" Before the fat man could say the second word, Liu Chenggang also swore to him, and then made a gesture of waving towards the distance.

The fat man was stunned, and asked, "Steel pot, what are you doing?"

"Wave goodbye to your conscience that is blowing away with the wind!" Liu Chenggang said with a smile.

Ha ha ha... giggling...

The crowd laughed, and Mi Yan even clutched her stomach and fell on Luo Lei. The fat man picked up a bottle of beer and poured it into his stomach. No one, including him, thought that Liu Chenggang also had the talent for acting , and cooperated so well with Luo Lei.

After laughing, the other two teams completed their own performance tasks respectively. The skit performance was not satisfactory.

Next, it was time for Luo Lei and his group. The reason why the idea of ​​singing nursery rhymes came up was because Fang Yin had watched a variety show before the camp opened. A group of adults sang nursery rhymes while performing, which was quite interesting.

"Who will come first?" the fat man asked.

"Of course I will go first! Let's do it according to age, right?" Liu Chenggang knows that there are not many nursery rhymes that everyone can remember, and he can earn money if he can catch up with them. The guy in front sings those familiar songs, How about the rest?

Chen Yunfei said he had no objection, the fat man shrugged, what else could Luo Lei say, just do it like this!

Luo Lei thought that it would be a big deal for brother to sing "Picking Girl's Little Mushroom".

Thinking of Liu Chenggang, he took a few steps forward and sang while jumping: "The little girl picking mushrooms, carrying a big bamboo basket... Bare feet in the morning... Hehehehehahahahaha..."

Liu Chenggang really couldn't remember the following words, so he used "hum ha ha" instead. Originally, he was not allowed to pass, but he performed very hard, making everyone laugh, and finally all passed.

Luo Lei thought to himself again, it would be a big deal to sing "Study Lang" when it was Lao Tzu's turn!

"Young man, carry that schoolbag to school..." Chen Yunfei also performed very hard, pretending to be tender and no worse than others, just like a primary school student.

He also passed.

Day, it’s a big deal for me to sing "Little White Rabbit". Luo Lei stared at the steel pot and the gray pot hatefully, why are you competing with me for singing? You can sing whatever I think of, I despise you!

Before he had time to raise his middle fingers at the two of them, the dead fat man put his hands on his head and sang, "The little white rabbit is white and white, with his ears pricked up, and he likes to eat radishes and vegetables." , bouncing around is so cute..."

Seeing a fat rabbit bouncing around, everyone burst into laughter again, and Mi Yan and Fang Yin even hugged each other, both of them almost burst into tears.

Luo Lei has black hair, you guys have finished singing Yaya, what will I go up to sing?Is it possible to kill twenty bottles of beer, even if I don't get dizzy, my stomach can't stand it!

"Handsome Luo, it's your turn!" Mi Yan said with a smile, this show is really interesting.

"That's right, someone stop being dumbfounded, hurry up and perform on stage!" Fang Yin began to beat the side drum.

Come and come, who is afraid of whom!

Luo Lei stood up carelessly, quickly searching for the nursery rhymes in his mind, and said with a smile: "They all sang the most common ones. I guess everyone knew them when they were young. As for me, I will definitely not follow in their footsteps. Since you are singing, you have to come up with a difficult one!"

"Okay, okay, so what are you going to sing?" Mi Yan clapped her little hands, and Fang Yin also looked very interested.

"Well, hehe!" Luo Lei pretended to be a joke, but he hadn't thought of it yet.

"Hurry up!" Mi Yan couldn't wait.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Luo Lei's mind, and he said with a smile, "I decided to sing the theme song of "Little Dragon Man". How about it? Is this difficult enough?"

Fang Yin was the first to nod and said, "It's high enough, hurry up and sing, there will be rewards for singing well!"

"What reward?" Luo Lei's eyes lit up.

"I'll reward you with a bottle of beer...don't stare at me, let Mi Yan bring it to you in person, at worst, feed it to you, it's okay!" Fang Yin betrayed her good sister in order to listen to the song.

Mi Yan pursed her lips, but it was obvious that she also wanted to hear Luo Lei sing.

"Hey, I'll start!" Luo Lei made a full gesture, and said before he started singing: "Actually, I haven't quite figured out the true meaning of the lyrics until now, but this doesn't affect me. Sing it, you all listen!"

Everyone sat up straight involuntarily, ready to listen.

"I have a little green dragon~ little green dragon, you have two little mimi~ little mimi..." Luo Lei also performed very hard. ", when she sang "little mimi", her eyes fell on Mi Yan and Fang Yin.

Everyone was petrified, each with their mouths open to swallow eggs, looking at Luo Lei who was singing by himself.

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