urban evil

Chapter 244 War

"I have a little green dragon~little green dragon, you have two little mimi~little mimi..."

Luo Lei didn't notice that everyone's expressions had turned to petrification. The correct lyrics should be: I am a little green dragon~ little green dragon, I have many little secrets~ little secrets!

No way, who told the orphanage at that time that there were no TVs? Luo Lei always watched from outside the glass window of the small shop. The TV screens in those days were also small, so he didn’t know what the correct lyrics were. Said that I never understood the meaning of the lyrics!

In fact, singing the wrong lyrics is not a big deal.

The point is that this guy's body movements when singing are simply too evil, and people can't help but think of it.

Fang Yin had black lines on her face, while Mi Yan lowered her head with a blushing face.

"Luo Lei, did you do it on purpose?" Fang Yin changed into a soprano.

"Ah? On purpose?" Luo Lei didn't know why.

"Fake it, beat him!" Fang Yin was the first to jump up, and the fat man was the second, followed by Liu Chenggang and Chen Yunfei, a group of people came shaking their fists.

Luo Lei subconsciously ran away, until he left everyone far behind, he didn't know why!

"I have a little green dragon~ little green dragon, you have two little tits~ little tits..."

This guy is still humming.


The 12 members of the student team were at the front of the queue, and Wang Guanghui personally presented them with red and blue confrontation victory medals. The members of the Raptors team also received medals, but the gold content was not comparable.

Then, 12 people boarded a large transport helicopter to the training camp.

Luo Lei and Mi Yan were sitting together, they were talking and laughing, Qiao Shenglong and Fang Yin were sitting far away from them, their faces were serious.

"I want to announce something to everyone!" Fang Yin stood up and said, "Listen carefully to the following words! An incident occurred in a Southeast Asian country, the United Nations authorized the Asia-Pacific Organization, and the Asia-Pacific Organization decided that China, Thailand and Singapore The three countries sent troops to suppress the rebels. Our country is responsible for 90.00% of the air missions and a small part of the ground missions! Since our country has maintained the practice of not sending troops abroad for a long time, this ground mission will be top secret, and you are here She made her mark in the previous exercise and was spotted by the head of the Military Commission!"

For decades, Huaxia has only sent out peacekeeping troops or escort fleets, and has never sent regular troops.Of course, the Secret Service has performed overseas missions many times, but they never use the banner of the military.

The reason why people like Luo Lei were chosen is that on the one hand, they have excellent military qualities; on the other hand, because their identities are not as sensitive as other soldiers, they belong to the training camp of the Raptors at this moment, although they all have military , but not as much attention as other troops.

Based on the above two points, they are the most suitable candidates.

"If you don't want to join the war, no one will force you! But you have to promise not to tell outsiders what you just said, just pretend that I didn't say anything." Fang Yin said.

"I have a question!" Luo Lei raised his right hand.

"Ask!" Fang Yin gave him a blank look, obviously she was still brooding over what happened last night.

"Hehe, just us?" Luo Lei said with a smile, "How will the equipment, supplies, medical care and other conditions be met then?"

Qiao Shenglong explained: "If you are willing to participate, the Military Commission will send a company in the name of a rescue team to be responsible for your logistical support! In addition, there will be a task force from the Southwest Theater, about one squadron in number."

"Then I can rest assured, count me in!" Luo Lei was the first to express his willingness to join.

Liu Chenggang shook his head with a smile, and said: "I have always taken it as my duty to protect my family and the country. Going abroad to fight is not what I want. However, it seems that no one dares to come to China to make trouble, which means that I will be a Soldiers, it is very difficult to have the opportunity to fight the enemy face to face, wouldn't it be even more tragic! In order to realize my little wish of being able to experience the battlefield, I am willing to change my original intention of joining the army, I will go!"

Chen Yunfei raised his hand, expressing his choice with actions. He didn't want to say anything, but he still said: "If you get it, it's best to prepare a gunship for me. I will bring these desperate guys to fight against the traitors." The army will die to the end!"

Li Dawei smiled very YD, and said: "Since the three of you are willing to go, how can we do without this group! It has always been a drill, and there are very few injuries. When it comes to the real battlefield , you will find out how useful I am as a military doctor! With me here, even if you go to hell, I can drag him back!"

The other eight people also expressed their willingness to join. This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. What soldiers desire most is the battlefield!

"Okay, since you all agree to join, after the plane lands, everyone will sign a document!" Qiao Shenglong said loudly: "If someone dies, your family will be told that they died in training, you won't get the title of martyr, but your family will You can enjoy the treatment of a martyr’s family! Once the document is signed, you must keep your mouth shut, unless the military voluntarily declassifies it, you are not allowed to say a single word to outsiders, otherwise you will be severely punished.”

"I want to participate too!" Mi Yan raised her small hand and said softly.

Fang Yin glared at her and said, "Why are you joining in the fun? I'll send you home immediately after the training camp, and go to class when the school starts!"

"I'm going, I'm a medical officer!" Mi Yan said stubbornly, "Didn't you say you would send a rescue team? I'll sign up to join the rescue team!"

Qiao Shenglong winked at Fang Yin, meaning not to get entangled in this matter, and wait until it lands.

Fang Yin nodded and said to Mi Yan: "This matter can only be decided after going back after research. I will report your request to the superior. Whether you can join the rescue team is not what I said!"

"I'm sure I can do it!" Mi Yan said with her fists clenched.

Luo Lei kept smiling wryly. This girl usually looks quiet and quiet. How could she be interested in the battlefield? I really don’t understand. After I go back, I have to persuade her well. With battlefield experience, it is better not to go to such a dangerous place.

After the helicopter landed at the training camp, Luo Lei and the others found that the atmosphere here had changed a lot from before they left. Many familiar faces were gone, replaced by faces without any expression.

Cheng Guilin also left here and returned to his division headquarters. The person in charge became a middle-aged major general sent by the Military Commission.

After a full meal, there were a few pieces of paper in front of everyone, which was the document Qiao Shenglong was talking about.

Luo Lei didn't read the above content at all, just swiped his pen and wrote his name on it.

I thought this approach was very cool, the major general came over with a dark face, pointed to the place where Luo Lei signed and said, "You wrote it in the wrong place, this document is invalid, and the orderly will get him another copy!"

"Uh!" Luo Lei was stunned, and everyone burst into laughter. They wanted to show their chicness, but they didn't expect to show it.

The major general waved his hand and said, "Who regrets it? It's not too late to withdraw! Once signed, there is no chance to withdraw. It is best to read carefully before signing, and you can ask questions if you don't understand."

"That's not necessary!" Luo Lei took a new document and said, "This is not a contract. The two parties have discussed the terms and conditions. I don't think everyone here has the right to modify any word in it. It is better to directly Sign it! It's this place, this time you can't sign in the wrong place...hehe..."

Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Flying Phoenix Dance's signature once again appeared on the paper, Luo Lei closed the cap of his pen and turned his head to see that the three major bad friends had also completed their signatures, and the speed made others feel ashamed.

Someone came over to take away the twelve documents, and the major general went on to say: "From now on, you will no longer be your former selves, and you are not allowed to use your own names! Someone will continue to stay here for training under your names, You will be organized into three groups, named after a, b, and c, and the members of the groups are a1, a2, a3, and a4, this is not only your code name, but also your new name, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The 12 people roared together.

Luo Lei's group was designated as Group C. Liu Chenggang proposed to rank them in order of age. He deservedly received the code name of c1. Liu Chenggang was code-named c2, Li Dawei was code-named c3, and Luo Lei was c4.

"I accidentally became c4!" Luo Lei said with a wry smile, "Those who don't know think we are terrorists, c4, isn't it the thing carried by the bandit in the classic game cs?"

"Hehe, it's no big deal, we'll still call you a wolf!" The fat man put his hand on Luo Lei's shoulder and said, "I'm about to participate in actual combat, are you excited?"

"Chicken jelly, I feel a cold air is approaching! Of course I am very lucky to be able to participate in the war. The only fly in the ointment is to help others fight." Luo Lei said: "Do you estimate who will lead the team this time?"

The three of them shook their heads, and Chen Yunfei turned to the arrogant major general and said, "It's definitely not him, I can tell at a glance that he was a political worker!"

At this moment, the major general said: "Your old acquaintances are in charge of leading the team this time, Instructor Qiao and Instructor Fang. When the situation is critical, they will also join the battle!"

Luo Lei shrugged and said, "I think the same! Otherwise, how could this matter be told to us through the mouths of the two of them!"

"Will the beautiful doctor go with us?" The fat man said with a smirk, "In this case, Wolf Pot can fight against the villains while molesting the beautiful military doctor!"

Luo Lei gave him a shudder hard. As for whether Mi Yan can join the rescue team, just go over and ask!

It is estimated that there is no way to play. Before leaving, I have to get in touch with the little beauty to get in touch. Who knows how long it will take to come back!

ps: The 3rd update has been completed today, and it will explode tomorrow, please support us!Also thanks to the domineering middle finger of the new members of the VIP ticket, careful 125, where are you, 151082*****, qqaaaaaaa and other friends for their support.

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