urban evil

Chapter 248 The Battle Begins

Luo Lei's reasons are quite sufficient, Fang Yin said in a slightly displeased tone: "I see! c4, please pay attention to what you call me when you report next time."

"Understood, Big Sister!" Luo Lei still called Fang Yin "Big Sister".

Fang Yin pulled off the headset angrily, and said to herself: "This bad boy is really too much! Wait to see how I deal with him when I come back from the task, and he actually called me big sister!"

Luo Lei walked out of the building, made a V-shaped tidy up in the direction of the three of them, and then waved his hand, which means that the investigation here has been completed, and he can go to the next place.

The four continued to advance in battle formation, bypassing the place where militants gathered many times during the period. It was obvious that these people were already in the same group as the rebels.

Soon, we arrived at another location—the central square, which used to be an air defense position of the rebels. Two vehicles loaded with four medium-range air defense missiles and a fire control radar vehicle were parked here.

The Air Force concluded that their fighter jets launched a high-speed anti-radiation missile when the opponent's fire control radar was just turned on, followed by two air-to-surface missiles, and all three targets were destroyed.

There are three bomb craters in the square, obviously caused by the missiles launched by the bombers. There are many car parts scattered around, and several burnt black tires.

"This time it looks real!" Chen Yunfei looked at it with a telescope for a long time, and said: "The Air Force can't just hit false targets every time!"

During the march just now, Group A and Group B sent back reports. They have already determined that the two bombed targets are all fake. In addition to the previous building that claimed to be the headquarters, the Air Force has been fooled three times.

When the Air Force heard the news, they estimated that their commanders would be so angry that they would vomit blood. No matter how bad a missile is, it would cost millions of dollars. The air strike dropped hundreds of missiles overnight. If they all hit the real target, it would be a prodigal. ah!

This is the main reason why the Asia-Pacific organization has always insisted on requiring the coalition forces to send ground troops. In recent years, NATO led by country m has used air strikes as the main means of attack in several military operations. Small countries without air supremacy have learned Hide your own equipment, use false targets to deceive the powerful opponent's air strikes, and prepare for future ground battles.As long as one can effectively preserve one's own strength, it is possible to drag powerful opponents into the quagmire of ground warfare and win some initiative for oneself.

Based on these, the Asia-Pacific organization determined that air strikes alone would not be able to subdue the Lagamon rebels. To end the war quickly, a two-pronged approach from the air and the ground must be adopted.

On the periphery, the light aircraft carrier formations of the Thai Navy and the Singapore Navy have achieved complete command of the sea, and the only few warships of the rebels were either sunk or huddled in the port and dared not come out.

"I guess it's a little bit overhanging!" Luo Lei just got off the binoculars and said, "The wreckage looks like a missile car, but the car was blown up. What about the missile?"

Li Dawei said without thinking: "The car is blown up, and the missiles must have been taken away by the locals! Those that can be used are put in warehouses or distributed to other air defense forces, and those that cannot be used are simply modified. There's a roadside bomb!"

"You're out of your mind, aren't you?" Luo Lei slapped the fat man, and said, "You think the Air Force is vegetarian? Throw a missile over and give the other party a chance to reuse their waste?"

The dead fat man suddenly realized, he slapped his head and said, "Yes, the air force uses high-explosive bombs, even if the opponent's anti-aircraft missiles are not equipped with fuzes, they will be detonated!"

Liu Chenggang understood what Luo Lei meant, pointed to the bomb craters on the ground and said, "If four anti-aircraft missiles and one high-explosive bomb exploded together, the craters would be much smaller."

"Day, it means that the boys from the Air Force have been fooled again!" Chen Yunfei shook his head and said, "It's a pity that we lost three priceless missiles. These boys are such a prodigal! If I had known, I would have entrusted this task to us, or handed over To the army aviation unit, use the armed helicopter to fight!"

The three of them were preparing to continue collecting evidence. The fat man dragged out an "air defense missile" from a pile of ruins. their handwriting.

So what are you waiting for, report the truth.

Fang Yin, who was in charge of making records, had a black line in his head. There must have been sixteen goals set for this investigation mission, and six of them have been completed now, all six of which are false. It is estimated that the remaining ten are true. not much.

Look at how arrogant the guys in the air force are, they always look like they are domineering all day long. Facts have proved that the satellite detection in your hands is not reliable. In the end, we have to rely on our ground troops to detect!

"Group c, please move on to the next goal, be safe!" Fang Yin regretted after saying this.

Sure enough, Luo Lei's unbeatable tone came out of the headset immediately: "Group C understands, big sister! We will be careful, hehe!"

The investigation of the third and fourth objectives is still going smoothly. After completing the fourth objective, the four of them rested in place. Their progress has far exceeded that of groups A and B. Since everyone came together, We have to evacuate together, so let's wait for them.

"At first, I thought that going to the battlefield was to fight. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep all night. I didn't expect that it had been two hours since I left for the mission, and I hadn't fired a single shot!" Chen Yunfei said with regret.

The fat man nodded, and said: "That's right! You are better than us, you are better than us. At least you have had a good time driving a helicopter, and you have killed at least one enemy with a grenade. The brother who lost money carried a big killer like an 80 rocket launcher." Why don’t some stupid rebels show up for us to abuse!”

Chen Yunfei shrugged and said, "This is a reconnaissance that goes deep into the enemy's territory. Once we fight with the enemy... let's not think about it..."

"Da da da... da da..." There was a rush of gunfire, which was clearly audible, and it was very different from firing a gun into the sky.

"Group B reported that there was an exchange of fire with a group of dozens of rebels. The enemy is large in number and occupies favorable terrain. Request for support, request for support!"

A cry for help came from the intercom.

Fang Yin, who was sitting in the headquarters, immediately picked up the headset and said into the microphone: "Group B, don't panic, I will send armed helicopters to reinforce immediately, you must stand up!"

Two armed helicopters painted with the logo of the Thai Army Aviation took off scrambled to the scene of the accident.

Luo Lei said into the intercom: "General Commander, Group C requests to go to support. We are located very close to Group B, and we can arrive ahead of the armed helicopter!"

Although there was no discussion, Li Dawei and the others also thought so, waiting for Fang Yin's arrangement.

"Agree to the request, you rush to help Group B immediately!" Fang Yin agreed, and ordered Group A to also move towards the direction of firefighting, and three small groups of soldiers resisted together.

The four people in group b were suppressed by the rebels in a small low building. The two sides fought with light weapons, and there was a lot of gunfire for a while.

In the beginning, the lack of training of the rebels was not an opponent. They were knocked down several times by the members of Group B. They immediately transferred the infantry fighting vehicles and suppressed them with 25mm machine guns. Come.

And there is a Soviet-made main battle tank coming here, and the situation is extremely critical.

The four of Luo Lei and the others quickly moved towards the scene of the incident, and the attention of the surrounding rebels in charge of security was also attracted. The journey went smoothly, and the only few unlucky ones were killed by the bullets they fired.

Four people appeared on the north side of the small building. Liu Chenggang was the first to enter the combat state, set up the anti-equipment rifle, aimed at the turret of the infantry fighting vehicle that was shooting, held his breath and pulled the trigger.


A 20mm caliber armor-piercing projectile whizzed out, accurately piercing the turret armor, and the machine gun that had been spraying flames suddenly went silent.

Anti-materiel rifles are the nemesis of light armored combat vehicles. The armor thickness of infantry combat vehicles used by the rebels does not exceed 25mm. Large-caliber armor-piercing bullets may easily penetrate them!

Liu Chenggang was very particular about the shooting position. After the bullet penetrated the armor of the turret, it accurately shot and killed the gunner who was manipulating the cannon.

The rebels fired in the direction of the bullets. These bullets were not accurate at all, and their range was limited, so they did not pose any threat to him who was hiding in the dark.

"Then compare who's gun can shoot farther!" Liu Chenggang pulled down the bolt, and the white-smelling bullet casing automatically slid down. A bullet was pushed into the gun chamber, and after aiming, he fired a second shot.

A bullet that can penetrate even the armor of an infantry tank hits a person, and one can imagine how serious the damage will be!

A bullet hit the head of a rebel, and the whole head exploded like a watermelon. Red blood and white brains flew in all directions, and a headless corpse fell to the ground. People around were terrified. Find cover to hide from.

Liu Chenggang's eyes quickly left the scope, this is the first person who died in his scope, although the instructor repeatedly emphasized that the eyes should not leave the scope after shooting, until it is confirmed that the opponent is dead.No matter what you see in the scope, don't look away!

For Liu Chenggang, who shot someone for the first time, it is no wonder that he was shot in the head. The scene of being shot in the head was too tragic.

He quickly adjusted his mentality and began to look for the next target.

After the machine guns on the infantry tank failed to fire, the pressure on the members of Group B trapped in the small building dropped sharply. They took the opportunity to poke their heads out and shoot at the rebels. With the addition of Luo Lei and the others, the rebels had an advantage before. Nothing left.

The dead fat man fired all the bullets on a belt towards the hiding place of several rebels, but they were all hiding behind the bunker, and only one of the hundreds of bullets fell down, which made him furious, and he pulled it up without thinking On the side of the bazooka, aimed at the weak point of the bunker and pressed the launch button.


The rocket roared away with a long tail flame, and then exploded. The corpses of several rebels were thrown high and fell heavily on the ground.

"Hehe, it's fun!" The fat man took out a rocket from the backpack, opened the filling cover and stuffed it in. This guy has four spare bombs on his back!

ps: 4th update, VIP tickets please!I recommend an old friend's masterpiece "Urban Invincible Special Forces", a very good book!

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