urban evil

Chapter 249 The King of Land Warfare

After Group C launched the attack, the firepower of the rebels was suppressed, and the members of Group B hiding in the small building had a chance to breathe.

"Brothers, don't worry, we'll get you out of trouble right away!" Luo Lei spoke to the communicator while firing a gun and contacted the people in Group B.

The morale of the four people in Group B was high. Under the attack of the two groups of people, the militants retreated steadily. Most of these people have not received formal military training, and most of them were formed temporarily by the rebels.

"Fight with these people, no pressure!" Fatty put down the bazooka, picked up the m240 machine gun and started shooting.

Just when everyone thought the victory was certain, there was a "rumbling" sound, and Liu Chenggang, who was on the commanding heights, was the first to see clearly what kind of giant it was, and shouted into the communicator: "Everyone, pay attention to the tanks, start at six o'clock." The clock is approaching, the turret is rotating, everyone hasten to dodge! Huiguo, his turret has turned to your position!"

"Fuck!" Chen Yunfei cursed, and quickly retreated to the side with the gun in his hand. Just after he hid, he was hit by a shell in the previous position.

Liu Chenggang took a deep breath and fired a shot at the side armor of the tank. The bullet hit the tank armor and was ejected.

"It's a Soviet-made T72 tank with thick armor. My anti-materiel rifle can't hit it!" Liu Chenggang said: "Fatty, try using your 80 bazooka. Try not to hit its frontal armor, hit the side!"

The t72 tank is the standard main battle tank of the former Soviet Union. It has a 125mm smoothbore main gun with very strong firepower. The thickness of the frontal armor reaches 200mm. 500-600mm protection level.

Although the t72 tank is a product of the last century and lost to the main station tanks of the UK and M in many local wars, it is a real killer for infantry without any protection capabilities.

"Understood, after it enters my shooting range, I will give it a rocket shot!" Fatty managed to occupy a favorable position, and it is not a good choice to re-enter mobile warfare at this time.


The tank fired a shell at the small building, and the small building was crumbling. The members of Group B hurriedly withdrew from it. Fortunately, the rebels had no experience in cooperating with tanks. Otherwise, the members of Group B would not have been bombarded to death by the tanks. , will also be picked up by the infantry waiting outside.

The tanks moved on, followed by some daring rebels, guns on their backs.

"Da da da..." The 7.62mm side-by-side machine gun on the tank protruded from the flames. Under the dual suppression of artillery and machine gun bullets, the rebels regained the initiative.

When the time came, the fat man picked up the bazooka, knelt down on one knee, aimed at the side armor of the tank, and pressed the launch button without hesitation.

"Huh..." The rocket roared out and hit the tank accurately.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise, the smoke cleared, and the tank was unscathed.

Liu Chenggang yelled: "Fatty man, what did you do? It didn't work after one shot, even if it broke its tracks! No, you've already been exposed, move quickly!"

The fat man ran to the side with a rocket launcher in one hand and a backpack in the other. The machine gun on the turret spewed out flames at him, and the bullets hit where he passed.

Liu Chenggang continued to kill and injure the infantry of the rebel army, but everyone who was hit by him died terribly. One unlucky guy was shot in the stomach and was beaten in two.

Fatty quickly loaded a rocket, aimed at the target and fired.


The rocket successfully pierced the right rear armor of the tank and hit the engine. The engine stopped immediately and the fuel began to leak. Liu Chenggang seized the opportunity, loaded an incendiary bomb into the barrel, and aimed at the outflowing fuel and fired.


The fuel caused the engine to explode, followed by the explosion of the ammunition compartment, and the tank's turret was thrown out by the huge impact.

"Great, kill one!" Luo Lei asked Fang Yin who was in the headquarters: "How soon will the helicopters arrive? If they still take a long time, we will break through by ourselves!"

"It should be there soon!" Fang Yin said: "Don't be impatient, wait for the helicopter to arrive before retreating, without air cover, it will be difficult for you to break out of the encirclement!"

"Understood!" Luo Lei stood up abruptly, raised his gun and knocked down the three ghostly rebels, and shouted into the communicator: "Brothers, move closer to one place and find the best route to break through!"

Chen Yunfei took out his laptop, connected it to GPS, quickly found an optimal route to break out, and transmitted this route to Fang Yin, asking her to arrange for the armed helicopters that had rushed to the outskirts of the city to take cover.

The members of Group A also rushed over, and the three groups successfully joined forces. Facing them who were brave and skilled in fighting, the rebels began to flee in all directions, and in a blink of an eye there was no one left.

"Retreat!" Luo Lei waved his hand, twelve members formed a small attack formation, the front two were in charge of clearing the way, the middle six were in charge of fire support, and the rear four were in charge of pressing the formation.

Just after walking down a street, two more tanks blocked the way.

"Fuck me, I'm going up!" The fat man picked up the bazooka and was about to go up.

Luo Lei grabbed him and asked, "How many rockets do you have?"

The fat man patted the bazooka and said, "There's only one shot left! With the experience just now, I promise to kill one with one shot!"

"What about the rest?" Luo Lei pointed to the sky and said, "Let's leave it to the armed helicopter, which is the natural enemy of tanks!"

Before the words fell, there was already the sound of propellers.

The two tanks blocking the street quickly retreated, and the helicopter chased after them. The laser sight had already locked on one of them. The driver opened the red cover on the joystick and pressed the firing button.

An anti-tank missile quickly came out of the pylon and flew straight towards the tank. After an explosion, the Iron King Eight was declared scrapped.

The other tank managed to escape the sight of the helicopter. Since it was a rescue mission, the driver did not pursue it. Instead, he hovered responsibly and fired at it with his aerial cannon as soon as he found a dangerous target.

"Hey, it's still the wolf pot's brain that turns fast!" The fat man hugged the rocket launcher and said, "However, I don't plan to take the remaining rockets back. Before leaving, I have to give these rebels something to think about." ,hey-hey!"

They began to retreat quickly. With helicopters as cover, the rebels did not dare to easily send tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to intercept.

On the roof of a building, two combat teams with Stinger missiles on their backs were ready, and they aimed at the two helicopters in the sky.

"Boy, it's not good, remind the helicopter to evade, there are missiles!" the old guy said.

Luo Lei quickly reminded the helicopter pilot that the two planes began to circle at a large angle, and at this moment, the enemy's anti-aircraft missile was launched.

The missile is different from the rocket that can only hit a straight line. It can track the target according to the infrared guidance of the shooter. The two helicopters were bitten to death by them.

"Fatty, don't be idle, don't you want to give the rebels something to think about?" Luo Lei pointed to the roof of the building where the Stinger missile was launched, and said, "Then give them a shot and see who shoots it!" More accurate! Killing them will save the helicopter!"

"Okay!" The fat man knelt down on one knee, quickly locked on to the target, and the rockets roared out.


The two air defense teams on the top of the building were all killed, but before that, a team successfully guided the Stinger missile to hit one of the helicopters, which was unexpected by Luo Lei and the others.

Like the T72 tank, the Stinger missile is also a product of the last century. Although it is the nemesis of the helicopter, it also has a fatal weakness, that is, after launching the missile, the shooter must continue to carry the launcher and use infrared guidance to guide the missile to the end. Hit the target, so as long as the helicopter can use the evasion of large movements to avoid the guidance of the shooter, the missile will be useless.

Although these two armed helicopters are not the most advanced, they will not be shot down by such old-fashioned anti-aircraft missiles as the Stinger, and they are under the condition of early warning.

Seeing the hit helicopter turned into a huge fireball and fell from the sky, Chen Yunfei looked regretful and said, "It's a pretty good plane, let's continue to withdraw?"

"Hmm!" Liu Chenggang shook his head and said, "The task of finding the dead pilot's body does not belong to us. Our task is to evacuate as soon as possible!"

One was shot down, and the other helicopter became cautious and kept pulling up. Luo Lei and the others all raised their middle fingers. You have already flown to a position above 300 meters. How can you provide us with cover? ?

Forget it, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself, after all, you are not a person who eats from one pot.

As soon as they were about to withdraw from the city, a pair of heavily armed rebels suddenly appeared in front of them. Neither side was polite, and they directly picked up their guns and greeted each other with bullets.

The [-] team members spread out, and the level of accurate shooting surpassed that of the rebels by a large margin. The helicopter began to descend. Just as it was about to use the cannon to fire, a guy with a missile on his shoulder appeared, but the pilot didn't even think about it. He yanked the control lever, and the pilot quickly pulled up, and soon became a small black spot in the eyes of the ground personnel.

Chen Yunfei smiled wryly. As a helicopter pilot, he felt ashamed.If you run away when you see a missile, shouldn't the infantry also choose to run away without thinking when they see the bullet?

"I'll be the vanguard, you cover with fire!" Luo Lei jumped out of the bunker, and fired while moving quickly. After emptying out a round of bullets, he quickly replaced the magazine with a new one, and rushed towards the rebel defense line.

The muzzles of the eleven team members were spraying flames, and bullets were overwhelmingly hitting the enemy.

Soon, Luo Lei finished firing another round of bullets. This time, instead of wasting time reloading, he drew out his pistol and fired repeatedly at the approaching enemies.

Relatively speaking, he is far more familiar with pistols than long guns, and it can be seen from the results of the battle that the four pistol bullets he fired accurately hit three rebels, and all of them were shot in the head. The skull was completely blown off.

Seeing how brave he was, no one in the other rebels dared to take the lead. Before Luo Lei could be happy, his heart skipped a beat—another t72 tank drove over from the opposite side.

ps: 5th update, Ho Ho Ho, support, votes!

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