urban evil

Chapter 279 Can't resist the big killer!

The rebel headquarters, the commander yelled at his subordinates. These days, he had to be under the coercion of the leader of the blood ninja Kobayashi. After hearing the news that Kobayashi was killed, he immediately returned to command Location.

"Organize people immediately, and break out after dark!" The commander cursed, "I don't know what you pigheads think, but you are willing to stay here. Where is this place? It's a cemetery!"

Several officers kept silent, probably very unconvinced in their hearts, didn't you also look humble and obsequious when you were patient?

However, no matter where you put it, the saying that a senior official crushes people to death is the truth.

"Commander, our troops are scattered all over the place. I'm afraid it will be difficult to gather when we take action!" An officer said in embarrassment: "Also, once we abandon our position, it is easy to be spotted by the coalition forces on the opposite side. They cannot Watching us leave calmly, when the time comes, there will be interceptions and pursuers, and the air supremacy is also in the hands of the opponent, can we break through?"

"That's better than staying here and waiting to die!" The commander slapped his hands heavily on the table and said, "You better not have the idea of ​​surrendering, otherwise, I guarantee that when you raise your hands against the coalition forces, There's going to be a bullet through their heads!"

Several officers nodded quickly, expressing that they would not surrender and would fight to the end.

"So, what about the coalition sabotage team here?" Another officer said, "With them around, it's very difficult for us to retreat secretly!"

"Then immediately concentrate superior forces to destroy them!" The commander said angrily, "It's just a few enemies, do you need to ask me for instructions?"

The officers were not speaking, everyone knew that these people were the ones who made the island nation bloody. If they were so easy to deal with, why did the coalition forces send them here? Could it be that they were here to die?

"Okay, then hurry up and prepare!" The commander said: "In order to ensure the suddenness of the retreat, the news of the retreat can only be announced to the soldiers one hour before the operation. There is a gap between the coalition forces! Success or failure is a matter of life and death, and everyone must do their best!"

"Yes!" All the officers shouted at the same time, saluted the commander and left one after another.


Luo Lei continued to move forward. During this period, he used silent tactics to deal with several rebels, but he couldn't find the headquarters.

"Old guy, did you find anything?" He asked.

"No!" the old guy said: "The terrain here is very complicated, which is probably why the rebels chose to stick to this place. If you want to find the local headquarters, you should work harder!"

Luo Lei shrugged. Brother Xindao has not been idle all this time. He has scouted an area of ​​more than one square kilometer at this moment. Is it easy for me to be in an area controlled by the enemy?

Suddenly, a small group of rebels appeared in front of them. More than a dozen people were fully armed. They boarded three pickup trucks and drove towards the south.

"There's a show, go and have a look!" Luo Lei touched it calmly.

Not far from the small group of people immediately driving, he found a well-guarded basement with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. At this moment, there are still seven or eight people in the basement. They can do things from desks and facilities for temporary rest. Make a judgment—even if this is not the general headquarters of the enemy army, it must be the command place of a certain army.

"Fuck him!" Luo Lei pulled the bolt, and the bullet was instantly pushed into the chamber.

"I think you should calm down!" The old guy suggested: "It's better to find out before you take action. If it's not the headquarters, when you go in, they will report the situation and your plan will be revealed. !"

"I don't think so!" Luo Lei said with a smile, "Brother's abilities won't give them a chance to call for help or call the police. Let's see how he behaves!"

After speaking, he rushed towards the basement entrance with the swiftness of a cheetah.

There were two sentries standing at the entrance, lighting cigarettes for each other. One of them looked up, his eyes suddenly widened, because he saw a man with a gun running over here.

Before the man could speak, Roy fired.

"Puff..." The bullet shot out from the barrel with the silencer and hit the man in the head.

The man swung his head and tilted towards his companion. The companion was stunned, the cigarette in his mouth fell down, and he failed to react, and was hit in the head by two bullets at the same time.

At this time, the cigarette butt fell to the ground.

Luo Lei ran to the side of the two corpses, and after confirming that they were dead, he put away his gun, took out the lockpicking tool, and quickly opened the heavy iron door under the old guy's guidance.

The seven or eight guys inside are busy, except for one standing in front of the display screen, the rest are packing their things.

Luo Lei didn't say a word, and fired after he came in.

There were screams everywhere, and very few people could respond. When he ran out of bullets, only a man who looked like an officer was left alive, crouching tremblingly behind the podium.

Luo Lei didn't bother to change the magazine, but took out a high-explosive grenade, pulled out the pin and delayed for three seconds, then threw it high, and then hid behind a pillar nimbly.

The grenade exploded in the air, and the disgraced officer fell to the ground from behind the podium. Luo Lei pulled out his pistol and killed him with one shot.

"Hey, old guy, you saw it, this is the legendary surprise attack and quick settlement of the battle!" Luo Lei said complacently.

"You're good at 13!" The old guy's tone was obviously dissatisfied: "If their commander-in-chief can't contact this command station, how will he feel?"

"Uh!" This was a terrible question, but Luo Lei didn't take it seriously, and said in a relaxed tone: "It's very simple, I just get ahead and get rid of the rebel commander-in-chief, ha ha!"

The old guy rolled his eyes, but it was a pity that Luo Lei couldn't see it at all.

Time passed quickly, and we could judge from the gunshots that came from time to time. Fatty and the three of them gave the rebels a headache. Facing several times of encirclement and suppression, they were able to jump out of the encirclement smoothly, and ruthlessly attacked in places unexpected by the enemy. Stab a knife.

Fatty's rockets had already been fired, and it would only be a burden to keep this empty rocket launcher, so he threw it away casually. What was too much was that he deliberately threw it in a conspicuous place, for fear that the rebels who followed him would not see it.

"Fatty man, you've been secretly laughing since you threw the bazooka. Is there something wrong with your brain? Did it crash?" Chen Yunfei pointed to the band-aid on Li Dawei's head.

"Fuck! You just broke your head!" The fat man said with a smile, "I installed C4 bombs inside and under the bazooka. ……boom……"

The fat man used his hands and mouth together to make an explosive gesture, and the smile on his face was indescribable.

Liu Chenggang gave a thumbs up and said: "It's black to be close to a pig, your boy has been with the fourth child for a long time, and he has become a bad belly, this trick is bad enough, and the rebels will definitely suffer a lot! "

As soon as the words fell, there was a violent explosion behind the three of them. They were all too familiar with this sound—only c4 could make such a unique explosion sound.

"Hahaha!" The three of them laughed together.

Looking at the place of the explosion, more than a dozen rebels who had been alive and kicking before turned into dead bodies all over the place. The few people in the center of the explosion were the worst, and their mutilated bodies were charred and black.


Two combat vehicles loaded with surface-to-ground missiles were parked outside the headquarters. The quadruple missiles shone with a frightening light in the afterglow of the setting sun. This was a sharp weapon used by the rebels for night breakout operations. The modified missiles Not only can it hit moving targets such as tanks and chariots, but it can also hit fixed defensive targets such as bunkers.

These two chariots were used as pioneers, and the rebels believed that no weapon could stand in their way.

Three hours later, Luo Lei finally reached this place. At this time, the rebel army gathered here exceeded the strength of a company.

"Damn it, there are so many people!" Luo Lei gasped and said, "Could I have to be Rambo again?"

"Wait and see!" the old guy said: "According to the style of modern warfare, the breakout side rarely adopts the method of gathering in advance to break through, especially at a place far away from the opponent's defense line, because it is easy for the opponent to do so. Possibility of mass annihilation. Generally, dispersed operations are used to assemble at the predetermined breakout location, resulting in unexpected results."

Luo Lei understood what he meant: "You mean these people will disperse soon, but what if they didn't go to break out?"

"Listen to me, that's right!" The old guy said confidently: "Have you forgotten the command post that you took care of before? The rebels are packing up. Besides breaking out, there are other more reasonable explanations." ?"

"It makes sense, let's wait for a while!" Luo Lei lay motionless behind the bunker.

Sure enough, half an hour later, those rebels divided into several small teams to disperse their actions. The purpose should be to convey the order to break out of the encirclement to the companions in charge of defense everywhere.

When the opportunity came, Luo Lei jumped out from behind the bunker. After a long period of observation, he had already figured out where the entrance of the headquarters was, and rushed in while shooting.

His arrival made the already chaotic headquarters even more chaotic. There was a burst of shooting, and no one was able to stand still. The commander was lucky enough to get six bullets. You must know that the others only got three bullets at most.

"Wahhaha, it's done! You can notify the coalition forces to start operations. I'm really good at fighting!" Luo Lei was so excited that he walked out of the headquarters with a big smile. He didn't notice that a missile had already been aimed at this place.

"Huh..." The missile shot out with a long tail flame, and the speed became faster and faster.

"Boy, it's dangerous!" The old guy shouted loudly.

Luo Lei, who was immersed in joy, was startled for a moment. When he saw the missile fired at him, it was too late to hide in the spiritual earth container!

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