urban evil

Chapter 280


With a violent explosion, the air blast threw Luo Lei's body high into the air.

The moment the missile exploded, the true qi shield appeared immediately. Although it failed to block the raging explosion, it also reduced the damage to him to a fundamental extent. If it wasn't for this, he would have been tied into several pieces long ago.

Rolling back and forth uncontrollably in the air, Luo Lei quickly lost consciousness and landed heavily in a bush.

"Boy, wake up, wake up!" The old guy yelled while checking Luo Lei's injury. Fortunately, it was not too serious. Although his body was burned by high-heat gas in many places, he did not hurt the inner palace. It is a blessing in misfortune.

"This kid's life is really big!" The old guy took a deep breath and said to himself: "I have to help him run his true energy and repair his damaged meridians. I hope his comrades can come here in time for rescue. Otherwise, it will be dangerous!"

The news that the commander-in-chief was beheaded quickly spread to all the camps of the rebel army. They were about to break out of the siege and suddenly lost their backbone. At this moment, their whereabouts were discovered by the coalition forces, and they were immediately attacked by strong firepower.

The rebels are at a disadvantage both in terms of numbers and weapons and equipment, and the territory in their hands is also shrinking sharply. It is a matter of time left to be eaten by the coalition forces. When several officers add up, the commander-in-chief is dead anyway, so we will Surrender!

Then, they walked out of the hiding place holding the white flag and surrendered to the nearest coalition forces. There was even a team of more than 40 people who voluntarily surrendered to Fatty and the three of them.

"What's going on here?" Li Dawei looked at the rebels who raised their weapons and walked towards him, and asked, "Gray pots, steel pots, these guys were fighting us 3 minutes ago, why did they surrender in the blink of an eye? Is it? Is it possible that we are deeply impressed by our domineering spirit, hehe, it must be like this!"

"It's your size!" Liu Chenggang pouted to one side, and said, "I guess it's the wolf's fault. A group of people have no leader. What can we do if we don't surrender?"

It made sense, Chen Yunfei picked up the intercom and started to contact Luo Lei, but he couldn't get in touch.

The news of the beheading of the coalition headquarters and the commander-in-chief of the rebel army has been confirmed. People spread the word and finally captured the entire city of Meng State.

There is only one person who is not happy, and that is Fang Yin. Because Luo Lei is missing, no one can contact him. Through the surprise interrogation of the surrendered personnel, they learned the location of the headquarters. She picked up the microphone: "Group C Members, please pay attention, immediately go to the No. 6 area in the south of the city, where the enemy's headquarters used to be!"

"c1 understands, let's go right away!" Liu Chenggang waved his hand and set off towards the Luhao area with the gray pot and the dead fat man.

Fang Yin was not idle either, and arranged for a transport helicopter to fly directly away.


Tian Xi, who was tidying up the room, felt chest tightness for no reason, and her heart beat faster. She put down the things in her hand, stood at the window and took a few deep breaths. The feeling of chest tightness was relieved, but her heart beat faster and faster.

She turned around and went downstairs, only to see Shen Anna sitting on the sofa with a heavy face.

"Xiao Xi, your complexion is not very good!" Shen Anna asked with concern: "What's the matter, are you feeling unwell?"

"Anna, your complexion is not good either!" Tian Xi sat beside her and said worriedly, "I've never felt this way before. I'm worried that something happened to Xiaolei!"

Shen Anna was slightly taken aback, and said, "I also feel the same way, could it be that something happened to Xiao Lei?"

In Huadu City, Gu Hanyan, who was on a mission, stopped her two long legs and said, "Go up, I won't go! It's so weird, my eyes keep jumping today!"

Several policemen nodded. They knew very well that the captain always ran at the forefront every time they performed a mission.


When Fang Yin rushed to the No. 6 area, the three bad friends had just found Luo Lei in the grass, and the six hands carefully lifted him out.

"Luo Lei, how is he?" Fang Yin jumped off the helicopter before it stopped, and asked while running, "Where did you find it?"

The fat man smiled wryly and said: "Instructor Fang, the wolf pot is seriously injured, and the situation is not optimistic! I have already done a preliminary examination on him, and there are many injuries on his body, several plugs have been broken, and he is also in a coma. Hurry to the hospital for treatment!"

"How did this happen?" Fang Yin touched Luo Lei's dark and purple face with her hands, tears rolled in her eyes, and her concern was palpable.

Liu Chenggang said: "It was bombed!"

"Get on the plane quickly and send him to the field hospital!" Fang Yin gritted her teeth and said, "He must be cured, no matter how much it costs!"

Ten minutes later, the helicopter landed at the field hospital. During the process, Fang Yin informed the top leaders of the hospital to prepare the best wards and doctors. After they were sent to the operating room, the four were blocked outside.

"Why don't you let me in!" The fat man said unconvinced, "I'm the heir to a family of military doctors!"

"Stop saying a few words!" Chen Yunfei stretched out his arms and hooked the dead fat man's neck, and said, "I don't understand what you say, and I don't bother the two masters with one thing. What will you do if you have a dispute with the attending doctor here?" Well, the one who suffers must be the fourth child! Since you have sent people here, you should trust their skills, and it’s not too late for you to do it when they can’t do it!"

After hearing this, Fatty felt much better.

Fang Yin looked solemn and asked, "Give me a detailed report on the situation!"

The three of them began to talk in eloquence, describing every detail in detail.

Time passed by, and the "operating" light finally went out, and the four stood up together. Fang Yin asked the doctor who came out: "How is the patient?"

The doctor took off his mask and said: "The operation was successful. The patient's broken bones and wounds have been treated, but the patient is still in a deep coma."

"Then when will he wake up?" Fang Yin asked hastily.

The doctor shook his head, and his heart began to become heavy, "But don't worry, the patient's life is not in danger!" The doctor smiled slightly and said, "It should be a faint caused by the explosion. I believe he will wake up soon!"

According to the general situation, people who are knocked out will wake up in a short time, but Luo Lei is an obvious exception. After 24 hours, he still has no intention of waking up.

Fang Yin became an ant on the hot pot, and invited several groups of military doctors for consultations one after another. The fat man also took his pulse for a long time, but no one could come up with a constructive conclusion.

In the words of the fat man, Langguo's pulse condition was even and steady, even more normal than that of a normal person!

In this regard, Liu Chenggang and Chen Yunfei raised their middle fingers at him more than once. Since he is more normal than normal people, why didn't he wake up?

Fang Yin has been by Luo Lei's side all the time, and has not closed her eyes for a day and a night.

There was a gentle breeze, and there was a faint scent of grass in the air. Luo Lei appeared in the spiritual soil vessel, and a piece of "radish" cherry seeds specially reserved swayed in the breeze.

"Boy, why did you appear here?" The translucent old guy appeared for no reason, completely destroying the beautiful delicacy.

"Grass, why can't I appear here? This is Lao Tzu's spiritual earth vessel! What do you mean?" Luo Lei said angrily. Lying on the hospital bed.

The old guy said while stroking his long beard: "No, you are only a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation establishment, how can you have the ability of distraction stage? You can actually let part of the consciousness appear in another space in an autonomous form, This is so strange! I can't see through what kind of ability you have, the old man!"

Luo Lei heard one head and two big ones, and said angrily: "What and what, can you explain it clearly?"

"Well, let me tell you clearly, you are lying on the bed outside at this time, so who is the you inside, that is, the you in front of me?"

Luo Lei was a bit deaf, but he still heard some clues, and said in surprise: "You mean my body is lying outside, but my consciousness is here, isn't it?"

The old guy nodded, pointed at his body and said, "You can see for yourself!"

Luo Lei looked down, my mother!Like the old guy, I am also translucent, but Qi is naked, and the little Luo Lei between his legs is drooping his head, as if bowing his head to the old guy.

"Fuck, why didn't you remind me!" Luo Lei quickly reached out and covered the key parts.

"What are you talking about, there's nothing to look at anyway!" The old guy whistled exaggeratedly, just like how a woman would behave when she saw a beautiful woman.

I despise you!With the other hand, Luo Lei raised his middle finger at the disrespectful old man, and said, "I remember being bombed by a missile. Those prodigal rebels actually used missiles to hit me! How fast the missiles are!" Ah, how could I avoid it, I only remember that I was knocked out, and what happened later, can you tell me?"

"Go back to your beautiful instructor and let her tell you!" The old guy said in a serious tone: "I'm not sure whether the current state is good or bad for you, be careful, you should go back! "

Luo Lei smiled wryly and said, "I don't know how I got here! How do you want me to go back?"

"Try the normal way of getting in and out...I'm so stupid, you run really fast!" Before the old guy finished speaking, Luo Lei disappeared. He cursed, then floated to the side of the pile of jade, and Yu said: "These things can come in handy in the future, find a chance to let that kid keep some more, you can't sell all the prodigals!"

In the ward, sunlight came in through the half-opened curtains. Luo Lei opened his eyes and saw a white world. Fang Yin lay on the side and fell asleep, holding his right hand tightly with two small hands.

Hey, not bad not bad!It seems that brother has already deceived the beautiful instructor's heart, and the signature smirk once again appeared on this guy's face.

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