urban evil

Chapter 460

The four ghosts rushed into the nest of the Oni Ninja family with the momentum of a tiger descending the mountain. They killed anyone they saw, and the screams rang out immediately.

After finally calming down, Kazuo Kobayashi suddenly stood up from the ground when he heard the cry, and asked, "What happened?"

"Ghost, it's a devil!" The ghost ran over in panic just now, his body trembling like sifting chaff, and said: "Master Patriarch, it's not good, there are four devils rushing towards this side, our people I can't stop it at all!"

Nao Kobayashi stared and shouted: "Bastard! What kind of devil, you are all samurai, all of you are ghost ninja, is the Japanese sword in your hand a vegetarian?"

The ghost ninja did not overcome his fear because of these two sentences, and said: "Patriarch, our people are not opponents at all, those are indeed devils, they are tall and powerful, and no one can stop their steps! "

"Order all the Oni Nin and Blood Nin here to take down the intruder!" Kazuo Kobayashi didn't believe in this evil, and the Oni Nin family was full of talents, but there were only four intruders, so there was nothing to be afraid of!

And Luo Lei, taking advantage of the chaos in front of him, easily sneaked in.

If he was lucky, the first thing this guy found was not Kazuo Kobayashi's yard, but their reserve warehouse.

In order to maintain the funds needed to manufacture blood ninja, the Oni Ninja family has been involved in the business field since 20 years ago. Over the years, they have accumulated a lot of wealth. There are tens of thousands of gold and diamonds hidden in the basement of the warehouse.

"Stop it, boy!" shouted the old man.

"Why, have you found their Patriarch?" Luo Lei stood still.

"No, I found their warehouse, and there's a lot of money in it!" The old guy smiled and said, "Do you want to kill their owner first, or empty their warehouse first?"

Without even thinking about it, Luo Lei said, "Of course it's evacuating their warehouse!"

Anyway, there are four ghosts, people here can't escape even if they put on wings, the money is different, if they come to a dead end and detonate the bombs buried around, they will lose everything.

"Well, follow my instructions and open the door to their treasure house!" The old guy's point of view was surprisingly consistent with Luo Lei's.

It's just that Luo Lei didn't follow the old guy's method to open the door. It's so troublesome to poke the keyhole. Why don't you just knock out the door lock with a few shots?

Remington No. 12 shotgun, a steel plate with a thickness of more than one centimeter is no better than tofu in front of this gun.

After several steel doors in succession, I finally saw the door of the treasure house.

"Boy, this time you have to open the door according to my way!" The old guy snorted, "The door in front of you has a steel plate thickness of more than [-] centimeters, and it is made of titanium alloy. It is an active main battle tank. Motionless!"

"Hey, then use your tricks!" Luo Lei summoned a complete set of lockpicking tools from the spiritual soil vessel, and he quickly got the first layer of locks. The small steel door opened automatically, revealing the combination lock inside.

With the help of the old guy, the combination lock was quickly completed.

Then came the third lock, which also didn't take much effort. The heavy titanium alloy door was slowly opened, and the inside was shining with gold, and the shelves on both sides were full of gold bars!

"Wow, Kaka, I'm going to get rich!" Luo Lei laughed and rushed in. The people outside were struggling to deal with the four ghosts, and no one thought that someone else was planning on their treasure house.

Stretching out his arms, Luo Lei started to walk in, and the gold bars on the shelves on both sides flew into the spiritual soil vessel one after another. According to the old guy's estimation, there are at least nine tons of gold here, worth more than 5 million US dollars.

Damn, a small Oni Ninja family has managed to collect 5 million US dollars in more than 30 years, which is equivalent to more than [-] billion RMB!

There is a black box at the end of the treasure house, open it, it is full of diamonds, take away the box, ya ya!

The diamonds in the wooden box weigh more than 15 kilograms, converted into carats, which is 50 carats. At the current market price of loose diamonds, the market value is estimated to be around [-] billion RMB.

Unexpectedly, this small box of diamonds is worth more than nine tons of gold!

How much is more than 30 billion plus more than 50 billion?

After listening to the data calculated by the old guy, Luo Lei's brain froze. The last time he cheated so much jade from Raja, he already felt that he had made a fortune. Compared with the current more than 80 billion, it is simply It's a drop in the bucket!

"Old guy, what do you mean, I, Roy, am already a billionaire?" Roy asked stupidly.

"Nonsense, it's not you, it's me!" The old guy laughed and scolded: "Look at your prospects, isn't it more than 80 billion, what's the big deal! In the future, you will rob a few big families, of course I mean If you are a big family in the island country, you will become a billionaire!"

Fuck me, a billionaire, think about it a few months ago, my brother was still worrying about the living expenses of a few hundred yuan, and he became a billionaire in a blink of an eye, God, I thank you and your family!

Swallowing a big mouthful of spittle, the guy waved his fist and said, "This time I really thank Zheng Nan, if he hadn't tricked me into coming to this poor place, how could I have gained so much! However, I I won’t let him know about it, hahaha!”

Brother is very clear about not revealing the money, just like last time, let's treat it as a task subsidy for him, anyway, the country will not let the country pay a penny, so I feel very relieved to get it!

The outside is already in one piece. Although the four ghosts are very powerful in fighting, they have all suffered injuries to varying degrees. There are too many ants and they killed elephants. What's more, their opponents, blood ninja and ghost ninja, are much more powerful than ants.

Furthermore, it was these four guys who adopted the method of fierce attack and fierce attack, focusing on offense but not defense, so they suffered a disadvantage.

To capture the thief, first capture the king, as long as the Patriarch of the Oni Nin clan is captured, the rest of the people will definitely be scattered like birds and beasts.

Having made up his mind, Luo Lei used the serpentine technique and swept towards the center.

Kazuo Kobayashi, who served as the commander, was the first to notice a figure running towards this side. Without thinking, he pulled out the Japanese sword and shouted: "Where is the sacred, you actually trespassed on my Oni Ninja headquarters, report your name!"

Now that someone found out, the idea of ​​sneak attack was declared bankrupt. Luo Lei jumped off the roof carelessly, and said to the frustrating old man Kazuo Kobayashi, "Why, don't you know my name? Old man, you But I didn’t send people to trouble me, I also dealt with a group of people in Jiuyou Valley at noon today, you sent them there, right?”

Kazuo Kobayashi was startled: "You are from Huaxia, your name is Luo Lei, isn't it?"

"Oh, it's really difficult for you to guess such a simple question! It's my fault, I forgot that you islanders are stupider than pigs, I'm sorry!" Luo Lei said with a smile: "Now that you know who I am , just surrender obediently! Take me to the place where you made blood ninja, I will generously help you install the bomb, and then bring you, the culprit, to Huaxia Kingdom for trial."

"Arrogant, you are a brat with a stinking ruth, and you say such arrogant words, you want to die!" Kazuo Kobayashi was enraged, and one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, holding Japanese swords in both hands, and his two short legs moved extremely quickly. The speed kills.

Luo Lei tickled his fingers at the little old man provocatively, showing his disdain.

"Mie Shen slash with one sword!" Kazuo Kobayashi suddenly stopped abruptly, and slashed down with the Japanese sword held high at an angle of 45 degrees, and a slash of sword energy rushed towards Luo Lei.

Damn, the pig-killing slash of the ninth-level ghost ninja is really extraordinary, dozens of times more powerful than Kobayashi Nao and others back then, and the speed is also faster!

I hide!

Luo Lei turned to one side, and his sword qi slashed at a rockery behind him. The rockery weighing several tons was split open with a single knife, and the cut was very smooth.

nnd, underestimate the enemy!Luo Lei pursed his lips and recited the spell silently.

Earth Spirit Art!

A ground thorn grew out of Kazuo Kobayashi's feet for no reason, and stabbed towards his crotch. If there was still that thing inside, I believe he would be very uncomfortable.

Kazuo Kobayashi quickly jumped back a step, and at the same time he slashed out, cutting the ungrown thorn in two.

Lightning and thunder, click!

Kazuo Kobayashi dodged again, and the lightning struck where he was standing, piercing a big hole in the stone floor.

I really underestimated this wretched-looking little old man, even dodging lightning and thunder, stone bombing!

Kazuo Kobayashi was overwhelmed by the successive magic attacks. He turned out to be a cultivator from Huaxia Kingdom. Didn't it mean that such people are not allowed to meddle in the affairs of ordinary people? Why would he join the Secret Service?

Not far away, the evil ghost yelled loudly, fighting and retreating, the distance between it and Yaxue was too long, the little girl is a good girl who obeys Luo Lei, everything he says will be true Carry out the buckle.

Since Luo Lei told the evil spirit not to go too far, she must listen.

In fact, the four ghosts have successfully attracted more than 90.00% of the attention here. Otherwise, how could Luo Lei have the opportunity to fight alone with Kazuo Kobayashi, and how could he have successfully entered the unguarded treasure house.

Countless people died at the hands of the four ghosts, Luo Lei and Ya Xue didn't pay attention, these four guys would swallow the souls of the dead every time they killed someone, and the wounds on their bodies healed quickly.

Looking at this side, Luo Lei and Kazuo Kobayashi matched more than a dozen moves, and they were evenly divided.

Kazuo Kobayashi gradually became familiar with Luo Lei's spell-playing style. He abruptly withdrew his body, taking advantage of the gap between Luo Lei's chanting spells, and slashed out a sword aura: "Mie Shen slash!"

Originally, this sword energy couldn't bother Luo Lei, but Kazuo Xiaolin didn't stop because of this, but swiped and slashed twice: "Double slash!"

There were three sword qi before and after, and Luo Lei had to suspend the incantation he hadn't finished chanting, and dodged to the side, but there was still a sword qi that swept over his zhenqi shield, smashing the zhenqi shield there.

Yaya, the ninth-level and third-class Ziying Guinin is tmd tough!

Luo Lei flipped his hand, and the eight-foot Qiong Qujian appeared in his right hand. You have a guy in your hand, and I have it too. Look at the sword!

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