urban evil

Chapter 461 Old Fox

Kazuo Kobayashi saw that Luo Lei had an extra straight knife in his hand, that is, the eight-foot Qiong curved sword, and he couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile on his face.In terms of sword skills, he is very confident in himself. At least in the past ten years, no one has been his opponent.

Luo Lei waved the eight-foot Qiong Qujian in a decent manner, and slashed at Kazuo Kobayashi.


Under Kazuo Kobayashi's incredible eyes, the Japanese sword in his hand was cut into two pieces, and the incision was very smooth. You must know that his Japanese sword is the work of a famous swordsmith in Kyoto, and it is priceless!

He who lost his weapon couldn't help being surprised.

Luo Lei took the opportunity and slashed at the opponent's neck with his sword. Yaya, you'd better not hide, I will cut off your head with one sword.

How could Mr. Xiaolin be so stupid, he quickly dodged and shouted: "Come on, come on!"

Two ghosts stumbled over, and one of them said, "Patriarch, it's not good!"

According to the habit of the Oni Ninja family, those who are called by the Patriarch must respectfully say "What are your orders", but this Oni Ninja said "The Patriarch is not good" when he opened his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Kazuo Kobayashi asked while responding to Luo Lei's attack.

"Patriarch, our treasury has been looted!"

"What?" Kazuo Kobayashi's expression changed immediately, and he said fiercely to Luo Lei, "Is this also done by your people?"

"Why don't you say you islanders are stupid, you didn't figure it out until now!" Luo Lei said with a smile.

"Damn it, hand me over my money!" Kazuo Kobayashi roared angrily.

Just kidding, my brother put it in my pocket, do you still want it?Brother not only steals your money, but also steals your life!

Chain Lightning!

The two guys called by Kazuo Kobayashi hadn't understood what was going on, and they were entangled by the thick lightning. Their expressions were distorted. The moment the lightning disappeared, the white air of the old guy completely wiped out their bodies. Wrap, absorb their energy.

Although the energy in the body of an ancient warrior cannot be compared with that of a cultivator, it is still considerable for the current old guy. As the saying goes, how can a river be formed without a trickle? What he needs now is this process.

The two ghost ninjas were already on the verge of being tortured by the chain lightning, and they had no ability to resist. In less than three seconds, the old guy sucked up all the energy and died.

Kazuo Kobayashi felt a tinge of fear in his heart. So many clan members had been killed, and all the money in the treasury had been looted, so what's the point of staying here!

There is no need to worry about no firewood to keep the green hills. Thinking of this, he took out a bamboo tube-shaped thing from his arms and threw it into the sky.

The bamboo tube shot up into the sky and burst open.

Luo Lei immediately realized that this was a signal for the oni ninjas to retreat, and without thinking, he cast a spell on Kazuo Kobayashi—the boulder falling.

Kazuo Kobayashi had a weird smile on his face, and his body turned into a phantom in a flash.

"Boy, it's not good, this guy wants to escape, it's the earth escape technique!" The old guy hastily reminded him.

It's broken, the ground spirit technique should be used instead of the boulder falling. The ground thorns will definitely trap Kazuo Kobayashi who wants to use the earth escape technique to escape.

Because of this mistake, Kazuo Kobayashi escaped successfully. Although the old guy could sense the escape route of the other party, he was helpless.

Kazuo Kobayashi managed to escape after several earth escapes. There are many escape tools hidden outside the headquarters.

Looking at the Oni Ninjas fleeing in all directions, Luo Lei had no other choice but to stare blankly. A few of them who were about to fly away in a helicopter were shot down by him with a rocket.

The three ghosts started chasing and killing the slow-running ghosts, and more than a dozen unlucky ones fell at their feet.

Two sneaky guys happened to pass by Yaxue's hiding place. The little girl waited for them to pass by, then used dark stealth to approach quietly from behind, and cut the throat of a ghost ninja with a knife.

The other was taken aback. He thought he had escaped, but he didn't expect there to be an ambush here.

Gui Ren slashed at Yaxue with a sword aura, turned around and ran away no matter how tall the leader was.

Fortunately, this guy has been scared out of his wits. In fact, with Yaxue's current strength, he is not his opponent at all. If he is not eager to escape, he may seriously injure her with one move of sword energy!

Yaxue was lucky enough to escape the sword qi, and the evil ghost quickly appeared here, threw the long knife in his hand violently, and stabbed the running ghost ninja.

Yaxue recalled the other three ghosts in time, and the total number of ghost ninja and blood ninja who died in the hands of these four guys was no less than 100.

In a fight, more than [-]% of the people who stayed at the headquarters of Oni Ninja were beheaded, and dozens of others were injured in varying severity. Few escaped unscathed.

Kazuo Kobayashi ran for tens of miles with two uninjured men, and after joining the third elder, he carefully boarded the helicopter hidden in the cave. The red-haired devil was killed.

When the First Elder was killed, the Third Elder was on the sidelines. He was terrified by the fighting power of the Red Ghost, and ran away with a few of his men.

Now thinking of the tragic scene at that time, the third elder is still trembling with fright!Glancing at Kazuo Kobayashi, whose face was as heavy as water, he asked cautiously: "Patriarch, why is the opponent's strength so bt, who exactly have we provoked?"

Kazuo Kobayashi said coldly: "The other party is a cultivator from Huaxia Kingdom! Didn't it mean that the Cultivation Inspection Department in the East does not allow cultivators to attack ordinary people? How could he kill our Oni Ninja people so recklessly?"

The third elder smiled wryly, and said, "Patriarch, we are an island country! How could Huaxia's Cultivation Supervision Department come here to meddle in his own business? The other party is actually a cultivator. No wonder we are no match!"

"You're taking the ambition of others and destroying your own prestige!" Xiao Lin Zhinan glared at him and said, "I don't care who the other party is. There is only one end for him, and that is death!"


The TV station of the island people is broadcasting a news that the Maritime Self-Defense Force warship Ishikari, which disappeared a week ago, has finally been found. It is in the sea area dozens of nautical miles away from the land of the island country. The bodies of dead sailors are found, along with the ship's belongings floating in the water.

Through sonar positioning, multiple detections by small submarines, and pictures taken by underwater cameras, they determined that the Ishikari was sunk and the hull was blown into two pieces.

The most important thing is that there are no surviving crew members, so it is impossible to understand what happened at that time.

Speculations abounded for a while. Some people said that this warship was sunk by the latest submarine of China, some said that it was sunk by a missile launched by a warship at the m army base not far away, and some even said that it was shameless. It was the warships of their Bangzi Kingdom who did it.

Huaxia Kingdom, Department of Defense Operations.

Several generals of the Republic with golden epaulets on their shoulders sat around the conference table, and General Tian Guanghua, Vice Chairman of the Military Commission, Minister of Defense and Honorary Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces presided over the meeting.

The big-screen TV on the wall is showing news images from the island country.

"Everyone, this incident is a bit strange!" Tian Guanghua said in a deep voice: "Some people say that our submarine did it!"

"Impossible!" The commander-in-chief of the Navy shook his head and said, "During this time, our submarines are all in the harbor, except for one in the South China Sea that is performing patrol and security missions! Besides, it is only a few dozen nautical miles away from the land of the island country, and it belongs to the island country. The exclusive economic zone, how could our submarine appear there!"

Tian Guanghua smiled and said, "I have a hunch that this matter should have something to do with our Huaxia Kingdom!"

"Commander-in-Chief, what do you mean?" a lieutenant general asked.

Tian Guanghua waved his hand and said, "I don't mean anything! By the way, Xiao Zheng from the Secret Service, who of you knows him well, ask him to call me!"


In the Secret Service, Zheng Nan was crying, and next to him was Murong Hanwei who was in contact with Luo Lei on his mobile phone.

After a few minutes, Murong Hanwei raised her head and said, "Director, Xiao Lei admits that he was the one who sank the Daoguo Ishikari!"

"Damn, it's really this kid!" Zheng Nan said with a wry smile, "This guy really dares to do anything. By the way, didn't he sneak across in a fishing boat? How could he have the ability to sink a thousand-ton warship?"

Murong Hanwei shook her phone and said, "He didn't say the details, he just said that he used a bazooka to blow up the anti-ship missiles on the opponent's ship, and that ship was blown in half by itself!"

Hearing Murong Hanwei's relaxed tone, Zheng Nan was in a cold sweat. Just now, the Ministry of National Defense called and asked him to call Admiral Tian back. The caller happened to be his old boss, so he got to know it from the side. It turned out to be something related to the Ishikari.

It was a place far away from the island country and the sea, and it happened a week ago. He immediately thought whether this incident had something to do with Luo Lei. After asking, it was really this kid who did it!

This guy Luo Lei really dared to do it. He was the only one who could think of such a trick by using a bazooka to hit the missile launcher of the enemy ship.

"Director, this is a good thing!" Murong Hanwei said with deep meaning in her smile, "Didn't you always want to promote Xiaolei, this is a good opportunity, and you can defeat him with your own strength. Island warship, he is a hero!"

Zheng Nan pursed his lips, and said angrily: "Come on, he has been promoted, and my brother's official is considered to be the leader! This matter is only known by God, you know me, you can't let a third person... ...Ahem, besides Xiaolei, no fourth person should know about it!"

"I'm very strict with my mouth!" Murong Hanwei said.

Of course, Zheng Nan knew that she had a strict mouth. When she was fighting wits with Ghost Ninja and Xu Jing in Jia County, she did not report to her superior until the end of the two actions.

The problem now is how to explain it to a bunch of old generals in the Ministry of Defense.

Zheng Nan slowly picked up the dedicated phone, dialed a number, and said in a very respectful tone: "Admiral Tian, ​​I am Xiao Zheng from the Ninth Division! ... You said that the shipwreck of the island country, I don't know! ... ...I guarantee that this matter has nothing to do with me, hehe, what I said is true, I swear!"

Murong Hanwei next to him looked at Zheng Nan with disdainful eyes, thinking that he is really an old fox.

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