urban evil

Chapter 878 Xiao Yu's Choice

When Navajo and the three witch kings rushed over, there was still Roy's shadow there.

The angry Navajo stomped his feet and punched the wall of the thatched cottage, causing a big hole to appear immediately.

"Lord Lich King, what should we do?" A Lich King asked, with a hint of panic in his tone, unless they stayed together all the time, otherwise, there would always be times when they would be left alone.

Moreover, wouldn't those clansmen who were not even considered as Lich and Face Lich at a lower level be more dangerous?

If Luo Lei chose these people to attack, they would have no power to fight back, no different from sitting and waiting to die.

Navajo's face sank like water, and said: "Notify the clansmen to gather at the sacrificial place, and everyone will stay together tonight, and see what that kid can do!"

Another Lich King really wanted to say that the lich tribe in the north was wiped out because the tribe was concentrated in one place, and most of them were killed in the bombing, and the rest did not escape.

However, Navajo was obviously angry, and he didn't dare to touch this bad luck.

In this way, the Lich Clan and several hundred Wolf Knight Clansmen squeezed into the small sacrificial field. Navajo and the three Witch Kings each took charge of one direction. Once Roy appeared, they rushed forward to surround him , and then annihilated.

Without the old guy's help, Luo Lei could only poke his head out from time to time to take a look at the situation outside. The fact that he was able to kill a Witch King so smoothly just now had nothing to do with luck.

When he saw a group of people gathered in a small place like herding sheep, he was immediately happy. Isn't this a dead end?

He used his mental power to empty the spiritual soil vessel in the invisible state, and calmly came to the sky above the sacrificial field.

He didn't need to show up at all, and just threw out a miniature nuclear bomb.

To deal with liches and wolf knights whose physical defense is far superior to that of ordinary people, only depleted uranium bombs and small nuclear bombs brought in from the headquarters of the supernatural beings have a little lethality.

A second after the miniature nuclear bomb flew out of the spiritual soil vessel, it exploded on its own.


With a loud bang, hundreds of meters around were covered by the bright light from the explosion, and those people at the center of the explosion were directly vaporized!

Then there was a powerful shock wave, and the stumps and arms flew around.

A cloud of mushrooms gradually rose, and the wolf knight and lich who were a little further away were also severely bombed, and their bodies flew uncontrollably far away, hitting trees and rocks.

Navajo was no exception. He was thrown dozens of meters away by the shock wave and fell into a small river in a very embarrassing situation.

The temperature of the river water was close to the boiling point, white gas came out, and all the fish turned their white bellies.

It was even worse for the three Witch Kings. One of them broke a big tree with a diameter of more than [-] centimeters, sprayed blood, and fell on a rocky beach.

After the shock wave passed, Luo Lei jumped out of the spiritual soil vessel, cut off the man's head with a sword, and then kicked the head away with one kick. I want to see how you can be resurrected in two parts of your body.

Then, he successfully dealt with another Witch King.

Navajo jumped out of the creek and came straight to Raleigh.

As long as Luo Lei is given another five seconds, he is confident to finish off the last Witch King, but Navajo, who is wide-eyed, has already killed him, and he cannot be distracted.

Although the last Witch King was seriously injured, he was also recovering quickly, and he believed that he would be back to normal in a few minutes.

In any case, Luo Lei's current opponent is only Navajo, and he is full of confidence.

Nine Nether Ghost Fires!

Dragon Binding!

Black cloud lightning!


Facing these spells, Navajo's indiscriminate tactics were completely suppressed.The Witch King didn't care that the injury was not fully healed, so he came to help.

From one-on-one to two-on-one, Luo Lei felt the pressure suddenly increased under the front and rear attack. He immediately released the demon cultivator clone to deal with the Witch King.

Dealing with a Witch King with one clone is a piece of cake.


Inspectorate, Sun Chunpin stretched himself. Today's class is finally over. Now he realizes that being a teacher is not an easy task.

This is because his students are all very smart. If it was replaced by a group of guys with low IQ, he would definitely go crazy.

However, there are also things that make him gratified, that is, these students have made rapid progress, compared with when they first came here, there are obvious changes.

There are also things that make him feel uncomfortable. These students are all Luo Lei's girlfriends.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Xia Qi's number: "Xiao Xia, how is that kid doing in country m?"

"Director, Luo Lei has already found out that it is the Lich and the Wolf Knight who are behind the tricks this time!" Xia Qi said to the phone with a respectful expression: "I called him just now, and he said that the wolf has been dealt with. The boss of the knights is ready to attack the Lich King!"

"Well, let him be more careful!" Sun Chunpin glanced at his female students, and said, "If he has something wrong, brother will definitely turn upside down! You tell him, if you are in doubt, just Bring the Lich King here, and I will do it myself!"

"Understood!" Xia Qi promised very well, but she never thought of telling Luo Lei what Sun Chunpin said, she wished that that annoying guy would suffer a little outside.

Indeed, it is not an easy task for Luo Lei to get rid of the Lich King.


Beijing, Wenshang Entertainment.

A new art director took office. It is said that this guy is a relative of one of the directors of the company, and the background is very hard.

His name is Lin Qiang, he looks like he is in his 30s, and he has a capable face.

Sitting in front of him were the company's top leaders, as well as several popular stars in the company, including Xiao Yu.

Lin Qiang first raised the company's reward system to win people's hearts, and then proposed something related to these heavyweight stars-contracts!

At the beginning, Xiao Yu's contract was only signed for two years, and it would end in a few months. This matter was not a secret in the circle at all. During this period of time, many companies came to poach people.

"Xiao Yu, on behalf of the company, I formally propose to you to renew the contract!" Lin Qiang said with a smile: "I know that many companies offer attractive conditions, but you are supported by our Wen Shang, Wen Shang Should have the right of first choice?"

Just as Xiao Yu was about to speak, Sister Sun said first, "That's natural! However, I hope the company can increase Xiao Yu's share. After all, the conditions offered by other companies are really generous, and these are objective facts!"

Xiao Yu originally wanted to say that she would leave Wen Shang when the contract expired, but she was disturbed by Sister Sun, so she didn't know what to say.

"No problem, I can promise you now that the share will be doubled!" Lin Qiang said generously.

This made several other celebrities jealous. In entertainment companies, artists generally only get one-tenth of their income from film remuneration, advertising endorsements, etc.Even if it is a famous person, it would be good to get a few more percentage points. As a rookie who debuted for only two years, Xiao Yu can actually get 20.00%!

It is precisely because the entertainment company took the big head, so those actors who are really capable will choose to set up their own studios without thinking about it after their contracts expire.Using the remaining [-]% of the income to support a studio, the addition of staffing costs, publicity expenses, etc., is simply inexhaustible, and you are your own boss, so you don't have to look at anyone's face, so why not do it?

"Boss Lin, thank you for your compliment!" Xiao Yu said.

Lin Qiang couldn't help but feel complacent. This is one of the more important links among his three fires. The replacement of high-level executives usually causes turmoil in the company. It is very common for artists to change jobs. Continue to dominate the entertainment industry in Beijing.

As for the other stars, the signing time was relatively long at the beginning, so there will be no problems for the time being.

However, Xiao Yu changed the topic: "Boss Lin, I don't intend to renew the contract!"

"Ah?" Lin Qiang's expression became ugly. You offered such favorable conditions in front of so many people, but you are not going to renew the contract. What do you mean?

Before today's meeting, Lin Qiang did his homework and inquired about the conditions offered by other companies to Xiao Yu. The highest one was nothing more than 20.00%. It was only four percentage points, and as a company that favored Xiao Yu, she probably wouldn't take this mere four percentage points seriously.

The other celebrities were either joking or blaming, but they felt much more at ease.

"Why?" Lin Qiang asked.

Xiao Yu replied: "I have already negotiated with a company and signed the contract! Thank you for taking care of me in the past two years. I will leave Wenshang in a few months!"

"You signed a contract with another company, why didn't I know?" Sister Sun's eyes widened, Xiao Yu really didn't tell her about it.

Xiao Yu said with some embarrassment: "I'm preparing to tell you! Sister Sun, don't worry, you are still my manager, and it is clearly written in the contract, I will not cross the river and tear down the bridge!"

Lin Qiang sneered and said, "Is that the company that offers you 20.00% quarter share?"

Xiao Yu shook her head and said: "No! The company I signed with is still [-]% of the share, because the company is opened by a friend of mine and it has just been established, so I can't refuse it! I also ask Mr. Lin not to Mind, don't worry, in the remaining months, I will work harder, and I will go all out for the national tour at the end of the year!"

Lin Qiang thought to himself, who are you fooling, can you sign a contract with a company that has just started?Just kidding, even if they only have you as an artist under their umbrella for the time being, they will give you all the support, but how many films can they help you with?

Now the streets are full of cultural media companies, but how many of them can really support artists?

How many companies are really capable of investing in movies, TV dramas and music?

Sister Sun tugged Xiao Yu's sleeve: "You are crazy! Why don't you discuss such a big matter with me, you must have been cheated! A new company, what strength does it have, you should immediately cancel it with them!" contract!"

Xiao Yu said in a stubborn tone: "I have already signed, how can I refuse?"

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