urban evil

Chapter 879

Lin Qiang returned to his office angrily. He thought it would be a successful meeting, but he didn't expect that he showed his sincerity, but it ended in embarrassment.

Especially after announcing the adjournment of the meeting, the whispers of other stars made him feel that the three fires he had burned were not good at all, and his prestige was simply discredited.

"Let Sister Sun come to my office!" Lin Qiang said into the phone receiver.

In less than a minute, Sister Sun came over. She also knew the seriousness of this matter. The new art director was anxious to establish his personal prestige in the company. hand.

"Boss Lin, are you looking for me?" Sister Sun asked cautiously.

"I said, what's the matter with you? Why don't you know that Xiaoyu signed a contract with another company?" Lin Qiang took the anger out on her: "You really don't know or you don't know, no? Play a show in front of me with Xiao Yu?"

It is not surprising that Lin Qiang has such doubts.Xiao Yu is gone, and you are still her manager, so you can still earn money. If she really wanted to hide it, why did she take you away?

Does the broker have such weight?

The answer is no, because the managers of many artists are relatives of their own. People who have never done this job, and two knives can do the job, which shows that the technical level is not very strong.

Sister Sun hurriedly said: "I really don't know! Mr. Lin, I am also an old employee of Wenshang, how could I do such a thing."

"Which company signed the contract with Xiao Yu?" Only he himself knew whether Lin Qiang believed Sister Sun's words or not.

"I just asked, the name is Leiyu!" Sister Sun replied.

"How is the strength of those companies?" Lin Qiang continued to ask.

"I don't know!" Sister Sun shook her head. Seeing that Lin Qiang was going to have a fit, she hurriedly continued, "I just asked a question, and the secretary notified me to come to you. I haven't had time to ask you yet! But judging by Xiao Yu's meaning, I'm sure You will not break the contract, and you know that you will have to pay a high price for breaking the contract!"

How could it be possible that Lin Qiang didn't know this? Back then, a young man in Hong Kong fell in love with a starlet and spent nearly [-] million yuan to redeem her from the entertainment company.

"Find out this matter right away, and then report to me!" Lin Qiang said angrily, "We Wen Shang came to dig someone up, and don't even ask who I am!"

After Sister Sun left, he picked up the phone: "Ask me about a company called Thunderstorm! What type of company...you're stupid, of course it's from the entertainment industry! Tell the brothers to pay attention, this is Doing things for Mr. Lin, you must not make any mistakes, otherwise, you will die!"

Mr. Lin is the guy who was tortured in the Raptors special training camp.

He cursed Fang Yin thousands of times in his heart, and vowed to take revenge on this ignorant woman in the future.

Soon, Lin Qiang got the news that Leiyu Culture Media Company was registered a few days ago, and signed a contract with Xiao Yu on the day of registration.

The company's investor is the boss of a company in Central China, and he is considered to be strong, but his background is average, so he can be regarded as a foreign company.

"Hmph, a mere foreign company dares to be arrogant in the capital, wait for it to go bankrupt!" Lin Qiang said with a vicious expression.

He is a distant relative of Vice Chairman Lin. He came to the capital a few years ago and has been hanging around with Young Master Lin. To put it bluntly, he is a dog under Young Master Lin.

However, his ability is limited, and he has never been able to enter the inner circle of the Lin family. Most of the time, he just does some errand work, and he lives a chic life. If Director Ma hadn't committed suicide by jumping off a building, it would not be his turn in 100 years. Come and be the art director.

The only good thing about this kid is that he knows how to be grateful to Dade. He is lucky enough to get into such a position, and he has to do well even if he tries his best.

Mr. Ma's death didn't affect Mr. Lin. Who would let someone above him? Who dares to continue to investigate the matter of one sentence?As a result, the political commissar of the Raptors special training camp was blamed, but even so, these inside stories were not disclosed to the media.

After a long time, Director Ma's suicide became calm.


Luo Lei's Demon Cultivator clone killed the Witch King five times before finally killing him.

The avatar returned to the main body and continued to fight with Navajo.

Navajo gradually lost the wind, and retreated one after another under Luo Lei's pressure. Luo Lei was invincible, and came to the opponent with a surprise attack, and punched with all his strength!

The lich's body defense is much worse than that of the werewolf. If the punch is strong, Navajo will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Luo Lei was full of confidence, because he had already blocked Navajo's possible retreat.

Seeing that this punch was about to hit Navajo firmly in the face, not only did he not show any panic, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"The Lich Seal..."

Navajo spat out three words, and Luo Lei's fist was only ten centimeters away from his face.


After a series of strange noises, it was Luo Lei who flew upside down. He still kept punching, and countless electric currents swam back and forth on his body.

From his painful expression, one can tell that he has suffered a lot.

Just now, just when he thought that this lap could beat Navajo half to death, a strange force suddenly appeared from Navajo's hand and hit him heavily.

In an instant, his zhenqi shield was broken, and he himself couldn't make any reaction, and then he was knocked away by that strange force.

"Pfft..." Luo Lei spurted a mouthful of blood in the air, his whole body was in pain, his meridians were severely damaged, and it was very difficult to even take a breath.

It was precisely because of this that he couldn't stabilize his figure in the air, and fell heavily into the ruins.

"Hahaha, Huaxia boy, if you think that I, the Lich King, are easy to bully, you are very wrong!" Navajo was very confident in the move just now. He believed that Luo Lei had lost his fighting power, and his tone was arrogant. Said: "I was just luring the enemy to go deep, and you really fell for it! To tell you the truth, if you weren't careless, how could I succeed, I want to see what else I can use to resist!"

After the words were finished, Navajo flew towards Luo Lei, unhurriedly. In his opinion, Luo Lei was already a dead man.

There was blood on the corner of Luo Lei's mouth, and he supported his body with two arms, so he didn't fall completely to the ground.

Nima!I am careless!

The proud soldier must be defeated!Killing Hopkins and the Lich King was so smooth before that he didn't pay attention to the Lich King, thinking that he would win without a doubt, and his defense fell to the lowest level unconsciously.

However, if you want to kill Lao Tzu, you may not think highly of yourself.

Although Lao Tzu has lost his fighting power, he can still hide in the spiritual soil vessel.

Navajo didn't know that Luo Lei was carrying a rare treasure, so he subjectively thought that the boy lost his fighting power, so he naturally lost the ability to disappear.

He was about to land, and he raised his cane to hit Luo Lei on the head, but Luo Lei disappeared in a flash.

"What?" Navajo would rather believe that what he saw was a hallucination.

A round thing appeared out of nowhere, he felt a bit familiar!

Damn, it's the kind of bomb just now, run away!


The dazzling white light, the raging shock wave, the slowly rising mushroom cloud, and the Navajo who was thrown hundreds of meters away.

At the atomic energy monitoring station in country m, red dots appeared on the computer screen again, and the staff who were drinking coffee said to themselves: "What's wrong today, the second system error! It turned out to be a half-ton TNT-equivalent nuclear explosion, and the nuclear bombs are all Tens of thousands of tons of equivalent, okay! Tomorrow, the technical department will be notified to maintain the computer, it’s okay to make mistakes all the time!”

Only one third of Navajo's left arm was left, and the front part was blown into pieces. Even if it was found, it would not be possible to regenerate the severed limb.

He himself was bombed in a very miserable way. The miniature nuclear bomb was almost detonated close to him. During this process, he died once, and died again after being resurrected. Now he still has about [-]% of his strength left.

In other words, no matter how he recovers, it is impossible to achieve his previous ability.

The two explosions killed all the Liches and Wolf Knights. It was difficult to find the corpses on the ground, only stumps, broken arms and small corpses.

"Is the sky going to destroy my Lich clan?" Navajo looked up and shouted: "I am not convinced! Since I have no clan members, let the whole world be destroyed together! Huaxia people, you will be the first Destroyed nation, I swear!"

After speaking, he stood up with a lonely expression, and staggered towards the depths of the forest.

As for Luo Lei, sitting in the spiritual earth vessel to heal his wounds, he swallowed more than a dozen pills, guiding the true energy in his body to reopen the damaged meridians.

Generally speaking, it went well. The seemingly severely damaged meridians returned to normal one after another, but it would take at least a day to fully recover. As for the changes in the outside situation, he could no longer worry about it. out of scope.

I hope that Navajo will be killed, otherwise, the grass will be cut and the roots will not be removed, and the spring breeze will regenerate.


Lin Qiang's people didn't take Thunderstorm Company seriously, as long as they searched carefully, it would not be difficult to find a connection with Luo Lei.

Who is Luo Lei? Just his public identity is scary enough—the honorary director of the Ninth Division of the Secret Service of the Ministry of Homeland Security, with the rank of colonel!

After finding out these, it is not difficult to find out his relationship with the military and political circles.

Not to mention Mr. Lin, even Vice Chairman Lin, if he wants to deal with Luo Lei at this time, he has to weigh how much it will affect him. Luo Lei is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, can he do it?

However, the one who had to deal with Thunderstorm now was an unknown soldier—Lin Qiang.

It was precisely because Lin Qiang didn't know the details of Lei Yu, the so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, so he started to do it.

If he wasn't too superstitious about the rights of the Lin family, he should be able to tell from Lei Yu's name alone that Xiao Yu was definitely not just a signed artist.

He first contacted the cultural department and framed Lei Yu, saying that this company hides filth and is called an entertainment company, but in fact it is doing some shady business, specifically pimping leaders and rich people.

This move is ruthless enough.

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